Title/AreaAuthor, Editor, Translator Madonna - Nossa Senhora da Ajuda (ou do Socorro) Madonna - Our Lady of Help (or of Relief)Ayrton Gonçalves Celestino Ayrton Gonçalves Celestino Molodia, der einzigen katholischen Schwabenpfarrei in der Bukowina Molodia, the only Catholic Swabian Parish in BukovinaNorbert Gaschler, Pfarrer i. R. ed. Michael Augustin, Sophie A. Welisch PhD, trans. Oster- und Weihnachtsbräuche der Radautzer Deutschen Easter and Christmas Practices of the Germans of RadautzFranz Wisznowski Sophie A. Welisch PhD, trans. Von Knappmaul und Hanfhupse: Weihnachtssitten und -Bräuche der SchwabenErwin Massier, Joself Talsky & B. C. Grigorwicz Die Katholische Kirche in der BukowinaJosef Lehner, Dr. Franz Lang, Ed. Ferdinand Massier and the German Baptist Movement in Bukovina and GaliciaPaul F. Massier Ecumenical Christmas 1916Stefanie Riedl-Ruczkowski Bukowina PfarrerJosef Lehner Faith of our Fathers: Ethos and Popular Religious Practices among the German Catholics of Bukovina in the early Twentieth CenturySophie A. Welisch, PhD Bukowina Churches Bukowina Christmas TraditionsBukovina Society Newsleter Vol. 8, No. 4 - December 1998 The Swabian-Palatinate farm Settlement of Deutsch-Tereblestie from its establishment until the Resettlement, 1789-1940Wilhelm Messner Irmgard Hein Ellingson MA, trans. Das Osterfest in der Bukowina Easter Celebration in Bukovina Alfred Wanza, Ed. Douglas Reckmann, trans. Easter Eggs in Bukovina