The BSA Genealogy Database is comprised of the genealogical data of 8 different BSA Members.
These members have uploaded their data via GEDCOM, where it is searchable online.
The BSA uses The Next Generation (TNG) software for the BSA Genealogy Database.
Private Data, and information about living people is not shared.
The downloading of GEDCOM files is not allowed, nor is the printing of PDF genealogy charts.
BSA Members may read and record information, and make screen shots.
In order to access the BSA Genealogy Database you MUST:
- Be an active Member of the Bukovina Society of the Americas (BSA).
- Log in as a BSA Member. (on the right)
- Click on BSA Genealogy Database Portal and navigate to the BSA Genealogy Database Home Page.
- Register to Create a BSA Genealogy Database User Account. (First time only.)
- Log in as a BSA Genealogy Database User at the BSA Genealogy Database Home Page.