THE FOURTH ANNUAL BUKOVINA FESTset a new record for attendance Lima I with 340 at the dinner and dance, and more people who attended other programs and activities. Guests from Germany, Canada and from coast to coast in the states came to celebrate their Bukovina heritage. Five people born in Bukovina were with us, Dr. Rudolph Geimer, Gisela Staab, Erna (Aust) Krueger, Johann Marko, and Hilda Marko. Planning has begun on the fifth convention set for July 16, 17, and 18, 1993. A questionnaire is being sent to all members of the society to evaluate the programs and facilities. The new board members,, structure, and officers for next Year are:
INTERNATIONAL SINGING FESTIVAL"Dola" of Czernowitz, capital of the former Bukovina, is conducting a festival in September to which the editor received a formal invitation. Any persons descended from Bukovina citizens are welcome to perform. We are pleased to be a part of their list, and regret; being unable to send a group. Anyone interested in contacting them for a future invitation can let us know. We have sent our regards and material from the society. The ASSOCIATION FOR. BUKOVINA GERMAN CULTURE.(ABC) in Brazil wrote to the editor just days before our convention notifying us of their new organization and first annual meeting. A special invitation was issued for us to attend. Irma Bornemann had written a few weeks earlier to inform me that Karl Flacks of Waldkraiburg, Germany had notified the Bukovina Germans in Brazil of our society. The ABC met the 11th through the 19th of July, virtually the same time as our Bukovinafest. The first group of Bukovina Germans to migrate to Brazil in 1887 were from Poiana Micului. The board of directors sent greetings, books, and memorabilia to the ABC and we will provide more extensive information in a later publication. OKTOBERFEST 1992 will be fully represented again this year by the Bukovina Society. Opening ceremonies at Ellis on Saturday, October 3rd will be conducted by the society at 11:30 a.m. We will also have a booth for information and sale of society materials. Our glass mug has been selected as the official mug for the second annual event in Ellis. A sure collectors item when all sold, be sure to let us know if you need one. Full color logo for only $5.00.The society will also have a booth at the Hays Oktoberfest scheduled for Friday the 16th. In addition to selling society materials, the board and spouses again will make Hemetschwangers as a fund raiser. Last year we sold out over 500 of them by noon. We hope to see many of then. Lifetime Members since the Last BULLetin:
All charter lifetime members were honored at the German dinner banquet at the fourth Bukovina fest. Lifetime membership is $150.00. Annual dues are $15.00 family, or $10.00 single. Only members receive the ' BULLetin and other privileges of the society. This mail out will contain an application form of if you are not currently paid. Please complete and return so you do not miss future mailings. Bukovina PeopleDr. Kurt Rein of the Bukowina Institut in Augsburg, and professor at the University of Munich visited our headquarters before the convention and did linguistic research among Bukovina Germans in the Ellis area. He considered the time here a great success, having made a similar tour through Regina, Canada, and parts of Washington. His trip was concluded at the University of Kansas where he spoke on his research to the Society for German-American Studies. The editor was there for a brief time and met a number of the principals in that organization. They are all most interested in our programs and progress. Dr. Rein wants members and friends to know the bonds between. the Bukovina Society and the Bukovina organizations in Germany grow stronger with each contact, and invites everyone to their annual convention. A report on his tour here was made at the Fourth Bukovina Fest. Ernie Honas, known for his ability to meet people, struck up a conversation with a minister and his wife in Missouri. When he learned they were from Romania, he quickly briefed them on the society, and it turns out the Mrs. Richard Wurmbrand was born in Bukovina, and knows some of our ancestral villages. They were promptly invited to visit us.Craig Breit whose Bukovinian Great Grandfathers, Karl Deutscher, Jacob Schoenthaler and Jacob Wendling, immigrated to Ellis, was one of the first out of state descendants to write the Bukovina Society for information. He read of us in the Ellis Review and has kept in touch hoping to get to one of our conventions, and Craig with his family made it this year. He has been at work, promoting our society out in Long Beach, California. Craig work as an instructor in communications at Cerritos Community College put him in a position to create Public Service Announcements on the society. This has already generated a response, and should continue to help. We appreciate his efforts and look forward to seeing them here this year.
Surname ExchangeDr. Ferdinand Eisenhauer, COD:5883 Solca, Str. Cuza-Voda Nr. 3, Jud. Suceava, Romania would like to correspond (in the German language) with anyone named Eisenhauer or related to such and anyone with roots in Solca. Sigmund Mirwald, Briefzeile 7,4300 Essen 14, Germany would like information on the Mirwald families in the U.S. and would like to correspond with any of them. Larry Jensen and Sophie Welisch are doing a genealogical study of the thirty families from Bohemia who in 1835 founded the village, of Bori. This Bukovina village was located on the west bank of the Humor river, opposite the village, of Gurahumora into which it was incorporated after World War II. Anyone who is a descendant of the pioneers named Brandl, Gerhardt, Gunthner, Haas, Hellinger, Hilgarth, Hollaczek, Hoffmann, Joachimsthaler, Klostermann, Koller, Kraus, Lang, Meidl, Pilsner, Reichhardt, Rippel, Schafaczek, Schaffhauser, Seidl, Stauber, and or Wel(l)isch and who wishes to, add his/her family's vital statistics to the study is asked l to contact either Larry at 24 Penny Lane, Ithaca, NY 14850 or Sophie at 2 Hughes I Street, Congers, NY 10920. Those attending the convention got a look at Larry's initial work in this research. Paul Massier has donated a bound copy of Deutsch-Tereblestie to the Bukovina archives at Ft. Hays University, and the society board purchased and donated a copy of Buchenhain die Heimat unserer Deutschböhmen (Poiana Micului). Fratautz and the Fratautzers, translated by Sophie A. Welisch, 1992, 224 pages will be published by the Saskatchewan Genealogical Society. Orders were taken at the convention which bolstered the printing effort, and can be made by mail to P.O. Box 1894, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, 54P 3EI. The cost will be $25.00 plus postage. The Bukovina Society archives at the Center for Ethnic Studies at Ft. Hays State University has received a number of additions thanks to the society and the Bukowina Institut through Dr. Kurt Rein. Anyone having family histories, memoirs, or items of historical interest to make available, please let us know. The society is considering the publication of a new book containing papers by historians and family researchers. If anyone would like to provide an article for the book, please send the topic and length to the editor or a copy of the manuscript if available. KANSAS COUNTRY LIVING MagazineYours truly is always searching for ways to spread the word. As a customer of a Rural Electric Cooperative at our place in Trego County, our family has received the Kansas Country Living magazine for nearly 20 years. A letter to the editor brought a native of our area, Bill Ohlemeier out to see me and visit the museum headquarters. Bill wrote an out standing article in the July issue which resulted in more response than we imagined. Many people called and dropped off their extra copies, and it resulted in some new friends learning of the society and coming to our convention. The area TV, radio, and newspapers have likewise been helpful. GENEALOGY SERVICESIrmgard Ellingson, P 0 Box 97, Ossian, IA 52161-0097, sent an extensive list of archives and Bukovina church books printed in Der Südostdeutsche, April 15, 1992. She wrote, that anyone having a question, about the list can contact her as she is doing a translation, The Texas Seaport Museum in Galveston has an interactive computer database, for those wanting to locate a passenger ship list for their ancestors who immigrated through there. The address is 2016 Strand, Galveston, TX 77550, phone 409-763-1877. (Glues, AHSGR, 1992 edition, p.104.)
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