Fourth Annual Bukovina FestJuly 16 through 19, 1992. Although it is hard to believe we are coming upon the fourth, we are thankful for the support and growth of our organization. In this mail out, a program and registration form is enclosed for your return. For those needing lodging, a special flyer has been added for motel rooms. A detailed program with names of speakers, times, and locations will be available at the convention. The response from researchers and genealogists for program participation has been good. Thanks. LEON STAAB, a professional photographer and German teacher, will display his collection of pictures of Germany throughout the convention at the headquarters. Leon and his wife Ann have traveled extensively in Europe and the display has received acclaim from several arts groups.COPY MACHINES, how could anyone do without one? Well, the board solved the problem by purchasing a good used machine on a special deal from a Hays merchant. In the past we rented one for the convention, and now will be able to do minor printing and keep up with the need for mailings to our members.THE DALLAS FROHSINN SINGING SOCIETY will celebrate their 115th anniversary on Saturday, May 28, 1992, for anyone interested in that region. Our good friends from there, the Schuhplattlers have made our last two conventions memorable with their singing and dancing. We hope to see them again soon. THE BUKOVINA BOARD OF DIRECTORS acquired a four drawer file cabinet to create better access to pictures, documents, and correspondence. A rearrangement of exhibits has been made so meetings and research work can be facilitated in the headquarters. TWO KANSAS MAGAZINES have responded to our invitation to write a story on the Bukovina Society. Both have made site visits and we will report on the publications in the future.THE BUKOVINA LIFERS CLUB is growing well in the short time since the board created the special membership category. The money is put into a restricted fund at a bank from whichh only the interest is used for expenses of the society. This will create a secure future for preservation of the Bukovina Society. A complete report and recognition will be given at the convention, and here are the latest charter members:
Our major projects for the FOURTH BUKOVINA FEST will be the sale of commemorative mugs, a sure collectors item, and colored lapel pins. The 13 oz. glass mug has a color imprint of the Bukovina coat of arms and inscriptions, priced at $5.00. The lapel pins, according to Ray Schoenthaler, have been ordered and will be a good addition to collections of European and other travel pins. We will also have our books, t-shirts, and hats available, and several new books are expected by the convention. PAUL MASSIER, board member, and his wife come to the convention each year from Arcadia, CA. This year he will also be a program participant, speaking on Deutsch-Alt-Fratautz, based on a work by his cousin Erwin Massier of Germany. He is also working to secure a work on Tereblestie for the Bukovina Archives. Now that Paul is retired from the Jet Propulsion Lab at the California Institute of Technology, he spends considerable time on his heritage and ancestry. Paul also serves on the committee for Canadian Liaison with Ray Schoenthaler and Wilf Uhren.BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS In addition to interesting historical displays, the society headquarters has received many books, newspapers, and research tools. These are all available to members and guests. * Members Harold and Mavis Galenzoski of Regina, Sask, Canada donated two books. Hugo Weczerka donated his book published in Munich in 1950. Lucille Dater donated the book Fuerstenthal. Research Guide to German-American Genealogy was donated by Edward Brandt. There are others, and we regret if we missed donor names, but will make it up in future newsletters. * Ed Brandt also sent a note for the BULLetIn that the above book and two others are available from him at 13-27th Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414-3101. The other publications are Contents, ällsi ilk dresses,Qf Hungarian Archives, and Where, is hslc fsr hard-to-find German-speaking Ancestors jn FaStern Furone, an Index to 16,372 Surnames. * The Center forEthnic Studies at Ft. Hays University has a collection for Bukovina history. Their computer listing has recently been updated by volunteers to track all of their books and articles of interest to the society under the Library of Congress approved headings, but locally one can merely call up BUKOVINA. Access can be made at the University computer terminals or at the Hays Public Library. * Thanks to member Aura Lee Furgason from Lincoln, NE for pointing out the value of a new publication by Eileen Langley. 33M IB&A Qf Obituaries, 1891-1990 available at the Ellis Public Library.
THE BUKOVINA SOCIETY will be listed in two directories after completing informational forms, The KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY and the FORUM FOR GENEALOGICAL STUDIES.
RICHARD CA RRUTHERS-ZUROWSKI of Ontario has written to us several times and suggested the BULLetin have a regular feature for surname exchange. The board policy is to never release the names of members or mailing lists to anyone without their permission. In order to list a request for surname information exchange, or to let members know of information you may have available, just write the editor, and we will be glad to publish your request with your name, address, etc. Our first entry follows: SURNAME EXCHANGE: Paul Massier is working on a genealogy of the Massier family. He would welcome contact from anyone who has information on individuals surnamed Massier at 1000 North First Avenue, Arcadia, California 91006. BUKOWINA INSTITUT of Munich, Germany will have their Prof. Dr. Kurt Rein appearing in Lawrence at the University of Kansas on May 2. He will speak at the Society for German-American Studies Sixteenth Annual Symposium, scheduled for April 30 - May 3,1992. The SGAS sent us several copies of the program. Anyone wishing more information can write care of the University Division of Continuing Education, Lawrence, Ks 66045-2607. We became acquainted with Dr. Rein at the 40th Bundestreffen of the Landsmannshaft der Buchenlanddeutschen in Augsburg. He wrote us that after the Symposium he plans to visit Ellis and do research. We plan to have a reception and program at the headquarters at that time, and will give notice as soon as possible. KAINDL SOCIETY diplomat, and charter board member of our society, IRMA BORNEMANN wrote to President Ernie Honas with a membership renewal and, thanks for all the information sent to her. She regrets we are so far from her home in Stuttgart, but remembers attendance at our first meetings. Frau Bornemann will be sending a copy of her new lecture, Home and Family Research, the bridge for the young generation and their ancestors in the Bukowina for distribution at the convention. She sent a wish for Mr. Honas to travel to Germany, and cordial greetings to all society members. THE ROMANIAN-AMERICAN HERITAGE CENTER issues, an Information Bulletin for $10.00 six times per year. A very interesting publication, it usually numbers 20 or more pages. The address is 2540 Grey Tower Road, Jackson, Michigan 49201. Tell them you heard of it from the Bukovina Society BULLetin. LETTERS from ROMANIA were received by the editor just as this issue of the BULLetin was being set up. The first was another in the series of exchanges with a resident of Poiana. Micului, the ancestral village of many of the Bukovina German Catholics. See the Journal of the. AHSGR, Vol 14, No. 2, Summer 1991, or write the editor for the story of these letters. The second letter was from Friedolin Fuchs who was mentioned in the last BULLetin as being one of the few German surnamed people listed in the Suceava phone book in our library.
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