Board of Directors:
Raymond Haneke, Vice President
Joe Erbert, Secretary
Bernie Zerfas, Treasurer
Shirley Kroeger
Ralph Honas
Ray Schoenthaler
Dennis Massier
Ralph Burns
Darrell Seibel
Martha Louise McClelland
Betty Younger
International Board:
Aura Lee Furgason
Dr. Ortfried Kotzian
Edward Al Lang
Paul Massier
Van Massirer
Prof. Dr. Kurt Rein
Wilfred Uhren
P.O. Box 81, Ellis, KS
67637 USA
Editorial response to
P. O. Box 1083
Hays, KS 67601-1083
On Thursday, July 25, 2002 the Society
convened its annual meeting at the Ellis, Kansas headquarters. Minutes of
the prior annual meeting and the annual financial report were approved as
submitted. The terms of Ralph Burns, Martha McClelland, Dennis
Massier and Frank Augustine had expired. Frank chose to retire from the
board. Elected for new terms were Ralph Burns, Martha McClelland, Dennis
Massier and Betty Younger. Elected to the International Board was Laura
Hanowski. Reports of the Regina Convention and of the International
Board were distributed. The new Board of Directors met following the
annual meeting and proceeded to reelect the current officers for the ensuing
year. The board will study the feasibility of conducting the 2003
Bukovinafest in Ellis/Hays, Kansas.
By: Laura Hanowski, Regina,
Saskatchewan, Canada
( Dieser
Bericht auf Deutsch)
The International Genealogical Conference,
“Discover Your Roots to Europe," was held in Regina, Saskatchewan 18 - 21 July
2002. The conference was co-sponsored by the Saskatchewan Genealogical Society,
the Bukovina Society of the Americas, the East European Genealogical Society,
the Federation of East European Family History Societies and the Society for
German Genealogy in Eastern Europe. This was the first time that these
societies, from both sides of the border, worked together to sponsor a major
genealogical conference. By their collaboration the societies were able to
develop a program that featured forty-four expert speakers and panelists from
throughout Canada, the United States, Germany, Hungary and Brazil to cover a
multitude of topics. Many of these topics could
not be offered at a one-host conference. The three hundred and fifty people from
five provinces and fourteen states in attendance had a choice of sixty-three
sessions to attend. Summaries for all but four presentations are found in the
230-page syllabus.
The programs presented by the Bukovina
Society of the Americas featured sessions on settlements of Bukovina people in
the Roman Catholic community at Mariahilf, Saskatchewan by Gordon Domm, the
Bukovina Germans in Lewis County, Washington by Mary Lee Rose was presented by
Irmgard Hein Ellingson and Bukovina Settlements in Paraná and Santa Catarina,
Brazil by Dr. Ayrton Celestino. Michael Augustin, Dr. Celestino and Steve
Parke used slide presentations to trace the migration patterns from Bavaria to
Bohemia to Bukovina, then to North and South America while explaining how they
had conducted their research. There were four presentations about research
sources and techniques for tracing Bukovina ancestors from North America, in
Germany, Ukraine, Romania and Hungary. These were given by Irmgard Hein
Ellingson, Laura Hanowski, Elizabeth Long and László Rudolph. A session
given by Van Massirer explored the influence of the Baptist faith on settlers in
the United States and Canada and how the translation of early records of Canaan
Church of Crawford, Texas is helping current generations to recognize the effect
of religious thinking on their ancestors.
The Society for German Genealogy in Eastern
Europe "A Poland and Volhynia Genealogy Group" (SGGEE) started off with a
session about the SGGEE database, followed later with a session on making the
best use of the SGGEE web site by Gary Warner.
Jerry Frank presented two sessions about the German Migration East to Hungary,
Galicia, Bessarabia, the Black Sea and Volga areas, Poland and Volhynia. There
was a session about the history and use of the Einwandererzenralstelle
(EWZ) records by Richard Benert. This was followed by a two- part presentation
showing how to obtain the EWZ documents and how the presenters Irmgard Hein
Ellingson and Dave Obee used them to further their genealogical research.
Two highlights of the conference were the
Friday and Saturday night banquets. The Friday night banquet was hosted by the
Bukovina Society of the Americas. Following a short musical presentation by
Steve Parke of Pueblo, Colorado Dr. Ayrton Celestino spoke about the German
Bohemian Bukovina Families of Rio Negro and Mafra, Brazil. Ayrton illustrated
his talk with slides of these Brazilian communities. The Saturday night banquet
was hosted by FEEFHS. Thom Edlund gave an interesting description about FEEFHS.
Kahlile Mehr used slides to illustrate how records are selected for
microfilming, the procedure for doing so and the challenges of cataloguing the
European records. Attendees said they learned much from the presentations on
both evenings.
John Movius, web master for FEEFHS, Werner
Zoglauer, web master for the BSA, and Gary Warner of SGGEE were present
throughout the conference to help people with their research problems and to
assist them in making the most effective use of their web sites. The SGGEE also
brought books and maps to help people trace their Volhynian German roots. The
East European Genealogical Society also helped attendees with research problems.
One hundred and ninety five people
submitted evaluation forms. The general consensus was that the conference was
well organized and had an excellent selection of topics and speakers. It was
felt that a conference sponsored by a number of organizations should be held
every five or six years, alternating between Canada and the United States.
Professor Ayrton Concalves Celestino of the Bukovina
German Cultural Association, a speaker at this year’s convention in Regina,
Saskatchewan, has extended an invitation to all who may be interested
in attending to the 13th annual Bucovinafest scheduled for July 4-6, 2003
in Rio Negro/Mafra, Brazil. Bukovina Society members who attended
last year had a very interesting and enjoyable time.
After the Regina conference Professor Ayrton Goncalves
Celestino spent some time with Werner Zoglauer in the United
States. They visited Yellowstone National Park, where they
joined Werner’s daughter Katherine and family for an evening. It was
only the third time Ayrton had seen snow and had his first snowball fight.
They then took in a Germanfest in Milwaukee, where they discovered a
band drummer with the same surname (Schödelbauer) as Ayrton’s
grandfather. In that both families originated in the Bohemian Forest (Böhmerwald),
they may well have been distantly related. According to Werner, “another
unbelievable coincidence occurred when my next door neighbor visited. His
grandmother, Johanna Auguste Henning was born in 1878. According to
Ayrton's book, another Johanna Auguste Henning was born in Rio-Negro in
1881. Both women are from the same area near Kiel in Germany. The
family information of the ladies has other names in common, so we believe that
my neighbor’s grandmother may be the sister or close cousin of the Rio Negro
The Bukovina Society has received copies of the new book
by Professor Ayrton Goncalves Celestino, Os Bucovinos do Brasil.
Consisting of about 650 pages and more than 500 photographs, it stands as the
most authoritative source on the history, achievements and acculturation of
the descendants of the immigrant generation who in 1887-88 left their
ancestral villages of Pojana Mikuli, Gurahumora and Bori to take up a new
life in Brazil. Detailing not only the history of Rio Negro, the book
also traces the lives of individual Bukovinian families and their expansion to
other localities in Parana and Santa Catarina. It is written in
Portuguese and available for sale for $28.00 US, which includes shipping.
On August 3-4, 2002 about 350 members of the Augustine
family, including five from Germany and around thirty from Canada held a
reunion in WaKeeney, Kansas. The occasion also marked the centennial of
the initial Augustine immigration to the New World. Members of the
International Board including Becky Hageman, Werner Zoglauer, Steve Parke
and Michael Augustin were also in attendance as well as Society president
Oren Windholz. Family with Michael from their home in
Leonberg, Germany were his wife, Bärbel, and children Anja, Eva, and
Fabian. Following the reunion, Oren and his wife Pat hosted the
Augustin family and Werner at Cedar Bluffs Lake.
John A. Christoffel, a grandson of Josef Augustin and
Katharina Schick, a couple from Oberwikow in Bukovina who in 1912
immigrated to Canada, has donated an essay on his family’s experience to the
Society’s archives. Members interested in receiving it should write or
e-mail a request to the Society.
There are numerous spouses without Bukovina heritage who
have been very active in the Society. One such person was Vernon
“Curly” Goetz, who died on May 7th of this year. With his
wife Eileen, he attended every activity in the Hays/Ellis area since the
founding of the Society. One of his German dialect stories found its way
into the Newsletter a few years ago. Curly was a lifelong resident of
Hays, a combat veteran of the Korean War, a dedicated family man and the best
friend of Oren Windholz.
By: Rebecca Hageman, Wichita, KS
"Ich schicke
dich nach Buxtehude!"
Werner Zoglauer reports that his grandmother’s impatient warning to
misbehaving boys rang out through the house. But what was she saying to Werner
and his brothers? She will send them...where? Buxte Who?
A nearly forgotten
term to many Bukovina descendants, the term "Buxtehude" seemed to have been
quite useful for various situations. Buxtehude held several meanings in
different families, according to subscribers of the internet
Bukovina Gen-List, where this
was the topic of a recent lively discussion.
Halkiu’s grandmother probably didn’t use the term to reprimand the
grandchildren. In their household, it was almost a curse word, and the children
were not allowed to say it (not within their parents’ earshot, anyway).
Buxtehude has
evolved to be a derogatory term for a place far from anywhere, adds
Fritz Neubauer, from northern Germany. The phrase "All the way out in
Buxtehude" was apparently not a good place to be. Michael Augustin, also
from Germany, adds that it means "at/from/to the back of beyond" as in "Gehe
doch nach Buxtehude," which roughly translates to, "Get out of here, I don’t
care (where you go)."
Fairy tales,
handed down from generation to generation, took on a significant role to our
ancestors, who had very little contact with the world outside of their villages.
These stories shaped their morals and values. The ancient fairy tale of the race
between the hedgehog (who cheated and won) and the hare (who collapsed and died)
is said to have taken place in the Buxtehude moor. The Brothers Grimm, who
published this tale in the 1840s, weren’t necessarily noted for sugary fairy
tales with happily-ever-after endings. Perhaps the selection of Buxtehude as the
setting for this tale added an almost sinister atmosphere to enhance the story
The meaning of
Buxtehude interpreted by the Zurowski branch of Richard Carruthers’
family was a rude term, roughly the equivalent of "a cat’s hind end."
Do you have a
mental image of this awful (dare I say it out loud?)..."Buxtehude?" Surely this
place doesn’t really exist; it’s a fairy tale. It’s a threat to unruly children.
It’s so bad, it’s a curse word. Right?
Well, not
necessarily. It’s on the map. Doug Reckman found it in northern Germany,
a few kilometers from Hamburg, in the floodplain of the Elbe, just 5 kilometers
from his ancestral village of Jork. Sylvia Hasenkopf has been there. She
reports that Buxtehude is a "quaint place with many buildings and thatched roofs
dating back a number of centuries" - and not the least bit scary.
Hmmm.... a trip to
northern Germany, centuries-old buildings with thatched roofs, and quaint
ancestral villages. The real Buxtehude sounds like a delightful place to visit.
Well, Grandmother Zoglauer, I have my passport. Send us to Buxtehude!
If you are
interested in subscribing to the Bukovina Gen-List to read or participate in
discussions such as this, go to our new website and find the instructions at:
Letter from the Refugee Priest, Reverend
to Stefanie (Kraus) Schafhauser in Congers, NY (1947)
Translated with introduction by Dr. Sophie A. Welisch ,
Congers, NY
In this poignant letter, the author describes the material
and spiritual needs of the refugees in post-war Russian-occupied Germany. Many
Bukovinians, who had resettled in German-occupied Poland in 1941-42, found their
situation untenable, if not downright precarious, and by the winter of 1944 had
fled westward to escape the advancing Russian armies. Members of the Kraus
family of Paltinossa in southern Bukovina were among the several thousand
Bukovinians evacuated by horse and wagon during the last months of the war. Some
more fortunate refugees were able to depart by rail, although even here they may
have encountered certain difficulties, such as air raids and boarding of the
trains by partisans. At war’s end the refugees were destitute, without adequate
food, clothing and shelter.
The "Mrs. Kraus," referred to in the first line of Father
Stasch’s letter, is Katharina née Aschenbrenner, the wife of Lorenz Kraus, who
had taken refuge in the town of Goldberg in Soviet-occupied Germany. Her
sister-in-law, the recipient of the letter in the USA, made a successful appeal
to the Landsleute as well as to local Catholic church authorities in her
parish for contributions of food and clothing to assuage the immediate needs of
Father Stasch and his assistants.
Three members of the Kraus family Natalia [1895-1971],
Stefanie [1897-1957], and Josephine [1905-1987], had immigrated to the United
States between 1912-1923 and established families in the New York area. Their
siblings, Karl ([1900-1970], Wenzel [1903-1975], Albertina [1907-1938], and
Lorenz (1909-1968] had remained in their homeland until 1940 when the three
brothers with their families and their mother, Theresia née Häring [1874-1944],
relocated to Germany. The father of the family, Wenzel Kraus (1868-1937), did
not live to witness the exodus of his family from their ancestral homeland.
In Paltinossa, Mrs. Theresia Kraus lived adjacent to the
Catholic Church, and its priests were often invited guests in her home. In
addition, she and her family made themselves readily available for service to
the parish and the community. Her daughter, Josephine, who for more than ten
years sponsored a weekly prayer meeting in her home, actively carried on this
tradition. In turning to the Kraus family for material assistance, Father Stasch
had found true benefactors.
The original letter is on file in the archives of the
Bukovina Society.
Reverend Stasch Bad Sulza
Office of Pastoral Duties Apoldaerstrasse 5
Journal No. 263/V/47
August 16, 1947
Very honored benefactor!
Mrs. Kraus suggested
that you might be able seek aid through ecclesiastical authorities for us
in our need. I would sincerely implore you to put in a good word for us
with the appropriate authorities.
In Bad Sulza, a
community of about 3000 inhabitants wherein many refugees live without bag
or baggage, there were previously no Catholics. Now there are 800. In this
region, which lies in a valley between small mountain ridges, there are
twenty villages, all of which include those who have fled their homeland.
Because of the shortage of priests, all are served from here. Another 1700
Catholics live in these communities. One priest and three female
assistants stand ready to serve them. In all weather, snow and cold, heat
and rain, we must visit these communities. There are 425 children to be
educated; masses, baptisms and funerals, confirmations, spiritual
counseling, etc. must be provided for 2500 people. We are all refugees,
i.e., we arrived here without material goods, driven from hearth and home;
inadequately dressed, we pursue our duty. No one can even envision our
distress. We lack shoes and clothing, coats and stockings, in short,
everything with which to counter the inclemency of the weather. However,
the pastoral work is most essential. Above all, the refugees desire it.
Then again, it involves the Kingdom of God. Here the local population is
absolutely neo-pagan and knows nothing more about Christianity. We cannot
let our stalwart people succumb to this spirit of worldliness.
Our entreaty is as
follows: send us one pair of shoes size 40, and two pairs size 38, 3
dresses size 46, and three coats size 46. Female clothing is greatly
desired. Stockings are needed.
Our nutritional need is
also great. With the few calories, allotted to us through rationing cards,
the trips through the countryside are barely possible. At the same time we
have to reckon with the winter when our entire pastoral work may collapse
from lack of clothing and nourishment.
Understand our distress,
which is born of necessity. We receive nothing from general contributions
through the community. We live in the Russian zone. If you can help us,
then we beg you to do so for the love of God.
Respectfully yours,
Spiritual Adviser for
By: Eilleen
Lupastin, Regina, Saskachewan, Canada
Chapter 4, "Sweet Bucovina, My Bucovina,"
of Eilleen Lupastin’s monograph, Lupăşean Family from Bukovina: A Monograph of
One of Canada’s People—The Romanians (Regina, SK, by the author, 1983), pp. 42,
45-7, discusses the history, customs and traditions of the ethnic Romanians.
Here the author describes the production of cloth as well as and the cultural
and historical influences on fashion and design. These methods of processing
cloth persist in some regions of Bukovina to this day. In pp. 49-50, 52 the
author focuses on Romanian homes considering style, building materials,
decorations, and utility. (Footnotes have been omitted.)
[In Bucovina] important crops of
flax and hemp were used for spinning and weaving. Hemp fiber was a main source
for textile material to make bed linen, towels, and tablecloths. Hemp was
plucked out of the fertile ground, then bound in bundles and dried in the sun.
About the middle of August when the hemp was dry it was immersed in the river
and tied to two wooden poles driven into the river bottom. For two weeks the
hemp was submerged in the water, then washed in the river and placed in the open
sun to dry by spreading the washed bundles out to bleach. The hemp bundles were
hauled home in a wagon, then lined up against the walls of the house for
additional drying. The hemp-breaker was used to break the dried hemp stalk to
separate the fiber from the stalk.
After the hemp was "broken," the
hemp bundle was struck against a wooden pole to further separate the fiber from
the stalks so that the fiber could be peeled from the bleached and dried stalk.
The final step in refining the hemp fiber before it could be spun into fine
thread was combing the hemp with a comb. The hemp was ready for processing into
a fine fiber, which could be spun into hemp thread by hand. The refined hemp was
spun into yarn either by a spinning wheel or a spindle during the slow winter
season. The yarn was then wound from the spool.
During the winter months
materials were woven. From the homegrown hemp, bed linen, tablecloths, towels
and underwear were woven. In the spring all the linen, all made out of hemp, was
placed into a large open vat the day before washday. A coarse linen cloth was
spread over the washing on which a layer of ashes was spread. From a nearby
kettle a boiling solution of alkaline and water was poured over the ashes in the
vat. The hot mixture would seep through the ashes and laundry and drain into a
container under the vat. Then the mixture was re-boiled and the same procedure
continued for a whole day. (*This was the pre-soak cycle!) The next day the
coarse, heavy linen had to be thoroughly beaten on a bench with a wooden beater
while soaking wet, to beat the remaining dirt out of it. The procedure of the
day before was repeated once more. This process would further bleach the linens.
Hand-pulled homegrown flax
straw, after the seeds and heads were removed, was soaked for two weeks in the
river, where it was anchored with rocks, in order to rot the fibers. The flax
was then dried and beaten to leave the fiber, which was then carded and racked.
This fiber was spun into thread, then woven into fabric, which was bleached with
boiling ash water and shrunk by soaking and drying. Bolts of flax linen were
unwound on clean pebbles of clear brooks and left for the sun’s rays to dry and
bleach. This process went on for weeks. All seams of the garments were made from
this linen and were hand-sewn and hemstitched through the garments including the
Romanian men wear the white tunics and
leather sandals which the sculptured reliefs of the Column of Trajan in Rome
faithfully depict captive Dacians wearing in the second century A.D. The
Romanian men’s costume, made of wool, linen, hemp or cotton, uses white as the
basic color. The plain coarse linen shirt, which hangs down over the trousers
like a workman’s blouse, is worn long like a tunic over a pair of long, tight
straight trousers made of homespun sloth. Men’s clothing was designed to be form
fitting, and comfort was not regarded as essential. The trousers, which fit
rather tightly to the leg, are in summer of linen and in winter of a coarse
white cloth. The man’s embroidered side-slit shirt is confined at the waist by a
wide woolen belt, or a broad red or black leather belt, which contains various
receptacles for holding money, pistols, knives or forks.
The shirt is covered with a sheepskin
jacket with the skin side elaborately embroidered and hemmed with the fur of
wild animals. The fur is worn inside except during a rain. This is the buniţā.
An embroidered coat of woolen cloth, or a large overcoat from coarse white
cloth, or a sheepskin pelisse are worn in winter. Leather moccasins with a
turned-up toe, sandals made from an oval-shaped piece of leather drawn together
by leather thongs, cover the feet and are fastened by the leather thongs wound
around the ankles and lower legs. Those shoes are excellent for climbing. In
summer a black felt hat with a round crown and medium-to-wide brim is worn. In
winter a fur cap, a lambskin hat, high and pointed, covers the head. There is
simple elegance in the men’s outfits.
The women’s costumes are of refined
richness. Undoubtedly, the most valuable piece is the white blouse with richly
embroidered sleeves and front, blue and black, more often including lively
colors and fanciful motifs, namely flowers. The thread pleating around the neck
goes back to early Thracian, Illyro-Thracian sources. Romanian women considered
tightly fitting dresses unseemly and ugly, and dresses that showed the bosom
uncomely. There was always ampleness in the clothes. Women’s clothing was to be
pretty, not comfortable. A skirt and a cover for the skirt – a single piece of
material wrapped around the lower body – had pleats that were always vertical
and extra big on the upper part of the dress. The straight-falling one-piece
folding skirt, gathered at the waist, is austere with vertical stripes, green,
golden and yellow upon a black foundation, hemmed with a broad red or blue band.
Particularly elegant are the sleeveless
jackets, short fleece-lined coats, or fur vests with loose lower parts and rich
embroidery, adorned with the fur of wild animals. The head is generally covered
with a scarf, a brightly colored kerchief that varies with the different
districts. The way a scarf is worn and its color often indicates the age, social
position and marital status of the wearer. These peasant costumes, worn nineteen
centuries ago, are still worn by Romanian peasants today. This indicates an
ancient and stable community that is dignified and elegant. Authentic pride and
consciousness of one’s worth is sometimes proven by the costume pieces that are
so noble.
The costume varies with
different localities. Each village has its own set of colors and patterns using
the blue, scarlet and white in Oriental designs. Each village has its
traditional motif in embroideries, as does each family. The long Turkish
domination left an imprint of ornate orientalism. Designs tended to be
geometric; a style handed down from the Thracians. The preponderance of
geometrical patterns in Romanian folk art places it in contrast with that of
Western Europe. The ability to use color effectively is perhaps the one major
distinguishing feature in all types of Romanian art. Bukovinian art is
characterized by its abstract geometrism. Each region has Romanianized the
techniques and decorative models of the East.
[In considering
the architecture of Bukovina-Romanian homes, we note that] they are usually
painted white. Some are built of wood, others have walls of clay or bricks while
roofs may be made of thatch, shingles or tiles. The house is surrounded by a
yard, which is enclosed by a fence, often elaborately woven from wattle. The
yard is entered through a gate, often in the form of an archway of which the
posts are sometimes elaborately carved. The provincial forms of the Bukovinian
houses are in Secession, neo-classical, and baroque styles, an extremely
eloquent example of assimilation. Houses shine cheerfully, with white walls
under the gray cap of the shingled roofs among the green trees of the landscape
with its gently arching lines along the apple tree orchards. The whitewashed
walls, overhanging thatched roofs, and terraces surrounded by suburban
horticulture are typical in neighboring Moldavia. The roof projects over the
house and is supported by wooden pillars at the corners. At the entrance of the
yard there is usually a beautiful gate with two pillars carved with all kinds of
motifs in geometric design. The attractive cottages have wooden fences and
hand-carved doors, bright decorations in Byzantine designs, flame-colored
hangings on their walls, homespun carpets and down pillows piled to the ceiling.
There is no chimney and the smoke must find
its way out among the rafters. Meat is hung in the attic from the rafters to
cure as the smoke finds its way out through the breathers. In Moldavia one often
finds a symmetrical house plan with the entrance door in the center of the house
front. The house is single-storied and surrounded by a narrow raised terrace.
The interior consists of two or three rooms. The walls of the rooms are lined
with wooden benches covered with long woolen rugs. Wall rugs made from hemp and
wool are part of every cottage’s decoration. A beam runs above the bed and is
used for hanging clothes. There are well-ordered houses. The house is clothed in
colors: upon the shining white of the walls, the warm colors of the woolen rugs
and chest covers, the lively colors of the ornamental towels, the cheerful
rainbow of the enameled pottery and of the golden-haloed saints of the icons.
There is one thing that all Romanian homes have in common. They are full of
hand-painted plates, jugs, pots, bright woven rugs and tablecloths. Agrarian and
pastoral life has generated a rich culture with varied functions blended with
artistic valences. Wall carpets, covers for chests, towels to be hung on walls,
embroidery, carved wooden furniture, iron and wooden utensils for the kitchen
are a synthesis of the folk art. Near the peasant house there are usually some
farm buildings, such as a barn, a shed for livestock, a pigsty, a chicken coup,
and a corncrib [which supplement the traditional Romanian homestead].
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