I am trying to get information to locate my uncle John Tkachuk. He was the son of Nicholas Tkachuk, with two brothers, Alexander Tkachuk and Max Tkachuk. He lived in Brooklyn NY in the 1940's. My name is Nicholas Tkachuk, the son of Max. Any information to locate my Uncle John would be appreciated. hhmann52 @ Discovered your great site for research into my family's background. My grandfather was Georg Hartl(b. 1898)(mothers side) and Rudof Haffner/Hafner (b.1912)on fathers side. They were in the Gurahumora and Vatra-Dornei area in Bukovina. I was born in 1939 in Klausenburg (now Cluj).We were resettled to Austria in 1940. In 1952 my parents emigrated to the US. My name is Hermann Haffner and reside in Pennsylvania. bethlong3 @ For updated results and background on our Bukovina Hungarian database and Y-DNA project, please visit the project website: Beth Long ahstante @ Hi Everybody, My Husband & I will be travelling to the bukovina area beginning of september. My mother was born in Chernowitz. Can anyone put me in touch with a travel guide for the town. Or would somebody that has travelled to the area have any travel stories that they'd like to share. Thank-You Angela Stante. abrownnao 2 Pauluk: Looking for any info about George Pauluk, Michael (?), or Stef Pauluk -- Father & Mother were John & Gafeza. Their sister Mary married & stayed in Ukraine. Stef moved to Canada/US. George & Michael were in US; but returned to Ukraine. Stef was likely born in 1884 or so. Some info leads us to believe they may have come from Bokewena / Bukovina / Bukowina I welcome all info at: brownnao @ Thank you! ernac @ hallo, my name is Erna Cielecki, my Husband is Valentine Cielecki. I am so excited, because we have found his two sisters in Romania! we were sorry to hear,that the Younger sister passed away a long time ago, but we are in contact with Eugenia and her family. Thank you so much...Erna janice.shott @ Hello, My name is Janice Shott (Neimor) and I am searching for any information on my grandparents on my fathers side. My grandfathers name is KARL NEIMOR. I have been told that the last name was changed from NEUMOHR to NEIMOR when they immigrated to Canada. My grandmothers name is EMILY BRENNER. I know very little about where they are from however I do know that they lived in Austria somewhere and during the war moved into Bukovena then on to Vibank, Saskatchewan in Canada. If anyone knows anything at all please contact me at janice.shott @ veronicasim13 @ Hello, My name is Simona Krupacz, mz family live in Bukowina. If there are anz personas with familz name Krupacz I ask them to write to me... ChrisColibaba @ Hello, My name is Christine Colibaba. My grandfather's name was Michael Colibaba who was born in a place I think was called Mhailen Romania. He moved to Fife Lake Saskatchewan, where he married my grandmother, Pauline Fogel in April 1929 in Cornach Saskatchewan. My dad, Lenard Colibaba was born April 3, 1930. When my father was a baby, my grandmother Pauline left and we don't know what happened to her. If anyone out there could help me find my grandmother, I would very much appreciate it. My email address is Thanks molle1174 @ Suche Ahnen von: Maria Glaß, Zita Glaß , Otto Glaß u. Hilde Glass. Geburtsort: Alt-Fradautz (Alt-Fradauti) Wer kann Angaben machen Sehr schöne Seite übrigens! luvlymama98 @ My name is April Jurca (Zsurka). I am looking for any information on the Zsurka name. I would love to find family. From my understandings some of my family is from Bukovina. Thanks. violetblue20 then after that is the "at" symbol, then I'm researching the Fastner family that originally came from Bohemia, then went to Bukovina about 1860. On June 18, 1887, the Fastner family immigrated to America, settling in Wisconsin. They had a short stay in Yuma, Colorado, then went back to Wisconsin (Athens and Milwaukee area). Wenzel Fastner was married to Catherine Niga in Solka, Bukovina, in 1875 and had 12 children. The first 8 were born in the Solka/Glitt area of Bukovina. The next 2 children were born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The next child was born in Yuma, CO. The last child was born in Athens, Marathon County, Wisconsin. Wenzel's parents, Johann Fastner & Magdalena Hany, traveled with Wenzel. Johann and Magdalena's daughter, Rosalia Fastner, remained in Bukovina and was married to Andreas Sporniak in 1865. Details about the Fastner & Niga families are at my website: Debbie standspur @ Hallo! Mein Name ist Ulf Regling! Ich bin der Enkel des Johann Kauk und der Margarete Kauk geb.Gross! Meine Mutter ist Margarete Kauk (verheiratet Regling) Würde mich freuen über einige Info`s! cbergman @ My name is Carleen, I'm looking for the Becher family line in Germany My grandfather was Arnold Becher born june 27 1907 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin records show his parents as Ernest Robert Becher and Frieda Becher both born in Germany. I have old photos with a young girl named Ursela and a man named Kurt in a uniform dated 1948. All in German which I can not read. Also I'm looking for the Flegel family line from Kulm Russia, John Jacob Flegel born in 1884 Oct 24. He married Emma Marie Block. Christ Flegel may be his father. I would love to find Ursela who wrote the many letters in 1948. Letters were wrote to my grandparents Gertrude Becher (Flegel) and Arnold Becher. I know Arnold was not his given name but it what he went by. I was born in Appelton my mother was Carolyn Becher born in 1941 conradiandre @ Hier nun mein zweiter Versuch. Ich suche Info´s über meine Mutter. Ihr Name ist Theresia Jekal und sie wurde am 15.01.1924 in Krasna Ilski geboren. Ihr Mutter Justina (geboren am 29. September 1999) ist nach der Geburt gestorben. Der Vater meiner Mutter - Johann Jekal - hat dann die Zwillingsschwester Barbara Gruber geheiratet. Weitere Geschwister meiner Mutter sind Franz, Konrad, Silverius und Angelika. Wer kann mir weiterhelfen? Vielen herzlichen Dank! André Conradi / Deutschland irimescu_florin_stefan @ My grangrangran father was Schuster Andreas from Glitt. His wife was Schuster Ana, and one of they dother was Schuster Domnica. I dont know much about this topic but i know yhat a branch of the family (Schuster Andreas sons) have emigrate to America at the begining of the 20th century. dbostan @ My mother's ancestors are from the Polonic and Tipa family. My great-grandfather Tipa was the Orthodox priest in Tereblecea, and after the russians invaded, he moved to Arbore. Also they had many houses in Cernautzi, all lost... I am so glad to find this site! Actually, one uncle of my grandmother-Val Pol(onic) came to the USA during the 1920's, and we lost track of him. I came later and reside in California, and am very very proud of my Bucovinien roots. Dan Bostan scrisp2585 @ AOL.COM You have a wonderful website! I looked for information on Rudolph and his wife Nettie Schiminesky, lived in northern CA and southern Oregon til their death. Heard he had family in Washington. I have some pictures of them, plus of their grave stone at the cemetery in Ca. Any information on Schiminesky's would be appreciated. Thanks, Sharon Hi there, Recently I have discover that I am a descendent of Schuster family comming from Glitt, near Radautzi. So I will be glad to meet some relatives here. greetings b.mirwald @ I enjoyed viewing the site and commend the amount of work and effort that has gone into it. I am the son of a Bucovina immigrant who came to Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada in 1928 at the age of 18. His name was Robert John Mirwald. He spoke little of his background, family or upbring. He had two brothers, John and Leo who remained in Bucovina and later in the 1930's moved to Germany. My father's mother, Marie Guenter, came to Canada in 1948. She was estranged from my paternal grandfather, but none of the reasons or background was ever passed along to me. My paternal grandfather had come to Canada a few years in advance of my father. Father and son were similarly estranged and I did not know my grandfather even though he lived in the same city and died when I was 12 years of age. I would be interested in any information that might relate to my father and grandmother. Robo-rj @ So, many people as myself, looking back in time. So interesting. My Grandfather Jacov Males born in 1893, in Cherovtsy, Bukovyna. Came to Thorold, Canada, in early 1900,s. Familly name,now spelled Mallysh.Having not learned the language, thought this past history was lost, to me. I would welcome all that could help me trace my family name. Rob Mallysh. bren.frank @ Hello from Canada,Looking for families of Johann Jacob Schweitzer from Ugartsthal, Galica- Eckert,Bauer, Zorn,Dressler,Rehbein,Layh, Schienbein,Goerz etc Please contact me. luisleigh @ I'm a Brazilian student of Cinema and German Language from Southern Brazil. I was born in Mafra (the twinned-city of Rio Negro, in Paraná, the only Bukovian city in Brazil). I lived one year in Budapest studying Hungarian (I am descendent of Hungarians, Germans, Austrians, Angolans and Portuguese). Once I visited Romania, and I was very close to Bukovia. Unfortunally I didn't visit it. Rio Negro anda Mafra are the only Bukovian colony in Brazil and we have a very special party there, the Bukowinanfest. The sad thing is that a lot of people doesn't know so many things about the Bukovians and the Bukovina. Because of that, I loved this website. Here I can found a lot of things about the Bukovian's history, culture and Bukovians around the world. I hope in a future present I can make a documentary-movie about the Bukovian immigration to Southern Brazil... If someone wants to send something to me, my e-mail is valerieanne @ I should add to my previous comment that Johannah/Hannah Hartinger Murphy lived in Philadelphia, PA and in Rockledge, PA (Montgomery County, PA, around 2nd Street Pike and Oxford Road, near the Fox Chase section of Philadelphia). valerieanne @ I found your contact information at while looking for information about the Hartinger family in Germany. My great-grandmother was Johannah Hartinger, born about 1860 in Germany according to the census. She emigrated before or in 1883, when she married George Murphy. I have no definitive information about her origins other than that she probably had some relation to a Simon Hartinger, cabinetmaker, who lived with Johannah and her husband at the time of the 1890 Philadelphia City Directory. That this page mentions at least three different Johanna(h) Hartingers leads me to believe that her name was more common than I realized, but if you have seen any Johanna or Simon Hartingers in your research, please let me know. Also, if you have any suggestions for how to proceed further in research without knowing a town of origin, please let me know. Thanks so much and I look forward to hearing from some of you. tfole.o @ Any information on names below or towns etc where they were from, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks - Terry Fagrie, Yorkton Sask. Canada 1) William BONDAR Born: 26 Jan 1905 Came to Danbury Sask in 1929 Father: Pawel BONDAR Mother: Unknown Blvd to have been born in Tuchyn Had brother Karl and sisters Marion, Nelly, Christine Blvd to have stayed in Ukraine Tks for the use of this great website!! tfole.o @ Any information on names below or towns etc where they were from, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks - Terry Fagrie, Yorkton Sask. Canada 1)Iriana PARANIUK/PARENIUK/PARYNUK Came to Canada in 1926/1927 with 3 sons. Died 1940 Had 1 son, Fred PARANIUK in Ukraine Nee: Danyluk 2) Eugenia BONDAR Born 10 Mar 1906 Came to Canada in 1929 with 2 children Died 2002 Father: John Semeschuk Mother: Odarka snme:???? Maybe born and lived in Shupko Thanks a lot! tfole.o @ I am just sort of getting started researching my wife's family history, trying to find out whatever I can. Any information on names below or towns etc where they were from, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks - Terry Fagrie, Yorkton Sask. Canada I am looking for info on the flwg names 1) Mary MITRAN ( NEE: OLENICK ) Born 1880 - Maybe in Chernovetz, Ponka Ukraine Came to Canada in 1909 to join her husband. Had 2 children with her - Paeaska and Metro 2) John MITRAN Born: 1875 Chernovetz Ukraine Came to Canada before 1909 Was married to Mary Mitran Nee: Olenick 3) Nicholas/Nickolai/Nickalai KOZMENIUK...Drowned in the River Prut/Pruth in 1894. Was married to Iriana PARANIUK ( Nee: Danyluk ?? ) Had 3 sons - Michael, Wasyl, George Across the river Prut was Poland Blvd to have been born and from Welowchy/Willawcze Any info on above names would sure be appreciated Thanks for having such a Great Website to persue our interests in our familie's past!! Hallo, ich suche Angaben über die Familie Jaschusch aus Pojorita. Nach der Umsiedlung waren einige in Oberschlesien angesiedelt. Andere im Raum Salzgitter. Die Nachkommen die ich ausfindig machen konnte, wissen leider nichts. Isidor Jaschusch, von Beruf Schneider, mit Frau Margarete und Tochter Margarete, sind nach dem 2. Weltkrieg nach Los Angeles ausgewandert. Dort wurde in den 50-er Jahren noch die Tochter Mona Lisa (Monalisa?)geboren. Ich bin für jeden Hinweis dankbar. adelab @ Please I am looking for news from the Tarnawiecki and from the Riegler families from Czernovitz. We have no news from them since the war. Thank you Adela Barrio TARNAWIECKI Guten Tag, meine Vorfahren kommen aus Glitt, meine Ur- Ur- Ur Großeltern sin Josef Turner *1809 - 1892, Glitt 110 verheiratet mit der Rosalia Turner geborene Fischer *1812 - 1899. Ich bin auf der Suche nach weiteren kontakten zu Nachfahren meiner Familie aus der Gegend. Ich hoffe auf Antwort auch im Namen meiner Oma. Andre Kalbitz/ Deutschland vonczernowitz @ I need some help, where could I find a map of Storojinetz from the Romanian period. Last spring I visited the city and went to the town hall but they would not help. This would help me find the home where we lived before the war. The name of the street was Slashanschi nbr 11. (sh instead of the Romanian S with a tail) Thanks Arthur Rindner helmut.jaschusch @ Hallo, ich suche Jaschusch. Isidor Jaschusch mit Frau Margarete und Tochter Margarete sind nach dem 2. Weltkrieg nach Los Angeles ausgewandert. Dort wurde in den 50-er Jahren noch die Tochter Mona Lisa (Monalisa?)geboren. Bitte melden. Happy Eastern to all bukovinian in whole over the world. God may bless You ! Frohes Osternfest an alle Buchenlaender in ganzem Welt. Gott behuete uns ! Chrystos Woskres Woistynnu Woskres - bażania wsem kotry majut zwjazki z Bukowynu Chrystus zmartwychwstał, niech będzie nadzieją nas wszystkich z Bukowiny please, write the greetings in other languages d3hahn @ In May I am heading to Satu Mare, Granicesti and Sucevita with my uncle to check out our family roots. Hopefully we will bring back many stories from Romania to share with the rest of our relatives. My great-grandparents moved to southern Saskatchewan between 1913 and 1920. If your last name is Colibaba or Ballan (various spellings), I would love to hear from you. Dagmarnasadiuk @ hallo,my name is Dagmar Nasadiuk,my husband is Theodor. We are searching for ancastors from Bukowina. Names Nasadiuk, Nasadiuc,Nassadiuk,from Czernowitz,Gura Humora,Zaleszyki,Succeava.Other names in our documents:Katharina Schmegner,Babka,Seligg,Straszewski,Szajer,Werstler. I am the first time here.Very interesting Greetings from Germany ernac @ my name is Erna Cielecki I am married to Valentine Cielecki Valentine was born in Illischesti,Romania to Josef and Johanna Maria Cielecki nee Werb.We are searching for his 2 sisters Eugenia and Aurelia.If they are married, we do not have their married names. As children, they were together in "Hoegelwoerth" and in Bad Aibling, homes for displaced children, in the 1940's If anyone has information as to the whereabouts of the sisters, please contact us! thank you, Erna C. odin7 @ can. Hello from CANADA. My Rumanian linage is ALL on my mother's side. FAMILY'S NAME SARAFINCEAU. GRANDFATHER MEATRO ( deceased ) GRANDMOTHER ELIZABETHIA ( deceased ) MOTHER DOMENIKA ( 80 yrs old deceaed ) Her Brother's and sister's LUCAS ( just died 99 yrs of age ) oldest. NICKOLUS became NICK ( 79 yrs old ) TWINED MICALAV became MIKE ( 79 yrs old ) FLORENTINA became FLORENCE( 82 yrs old ) VILLINOVA became WILLIAM ( 77 yrs old ) just deceaed 2 weeks ago ANNA became ANNE ( 80 yrs old ). Father's Name. Drahcir Korbut became RICHARD (deceased ). Will be visiting RUMANIA in 2007. Captain Richard L. Corbett R.C.N. ( ret'd ) Hallo, ich suche sämtliche Ahnen bzw. Verwandte des Familiennamens "Romankiewicz". Meine Vorfahren stammen aus Karlsberg (damals Österreich), Rumänien (Bukowina), Suceava, Radautz, Putna usw. Ich habe auch folgende Familiennamen im Stammbaum: Gräf, Schuster, Kuppetz, Scheinost, Reitmeier, Badaluta, usw. Ich würde mich freuen wenn sich jemand melden würde. Please write back! Auf Anfrage kann ich auch gerne einen Stammbaum zukommen lassen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniela Romankiewicz (aus Bayern in Deutschland / from Bavaria in Germany) bethlong3 @ Please visit the website of our Bukovina Hungarian DNA project: Beth Long andrea_wolfe66 @ Looking for information on the name Wolfenhaut. alexander_of_sanctuary @ Greetings! My first visit here. Like many others I am searching for my biological identity. I was adopted by Russian-Canadian Jews in 1954 in the city of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. However by birth I am descended from Greek Orthodox Ukrainians who emmigrated from Bukovina in 1924. As is tradition I was named after my maternal grandfather whose name is Alexander Stacheruk. My grandfater and those who emmigrated with him from Bukovina eventually immigrated to Saskatchewan, Canada and settled on wheat farming land between the towns of Foam Lake and Wynyard. It is just outside of Foam Lake that I found a tiny orthodox Catholic church graveyard with a monument stone bearing my full name (Alexander Stacheruk) presumably my grandfather. Anyone who can provide any information or general guidance can reach me at the following email address; Thank you for providing this guest book Alexander Stacheruk john @ <a href="">Traffic school</a> oliver_heine AT Ich suche Nachkommen der Augustendorfer Alois Hoffmann und Pauline geb. Hartinger. Oder evtl. auch über Seitenlinien mit ihnen verwandte, die mir sagen können, wann die zwei verstorben sind. Vielleicht findet sich die Information in einem Ahnenpaß. Pauline Hartinger soll 1928 gestorben sein, Alois vermutlich früher. Geboren wurden die zwei am 03.06.1851 in Mold. Banilla und am 30.12.1856 in Lunka Frumosa. Sämtliche Vorfahren habe ich bis in die einwandernde Generation, jedoch machen die verlorenen Kirchenbücher von Augustendorf das Auffinden der Sterbedaten der zwei unmöglich, es sei denn, ein Nachkomme hätte noch irgendwelche Dokumente. Freundliche Grüße Oliver Heine helena.spliess @ Wer kannte die Familie von Josef Fefczak geb. 1912 in Tereblecia. War mein Vater. brenfrank @ Jacob Schweitzer born in Ugartsthal-married first wife Margaretha Bauer-one son John.Second wife Margaret Dressler had 11 children in Golden Spike,Alberta Canada.Jacob's parents in Ugartsthal were Johann Jacob Schweitzer and wife, Auguste Zorn. Margaret Dressler's mother's name Katherine Eckert and Dad,Frank Dressler.I have info. on family in Canada. Would like to hear from Galicien,American and German families related to me. mower @ In Nov of 2007 my sons and I are traveling to Solca Romania to see if we can find any information on Thomas Hodel and Eva Wesolowski. Other Family names are Kolermann, Rutkowski, Hones, Lang Flachs Sipkovince, Hololka, If anyone knows any information about these names contact me at my email address. Also I need to know where my grandmother Mary Hones or Honas was born. It was in the Bukovina Province somewhere. Part of the old Bukovina is in the Ukraine. Any information would be appreciated. My mother is Molly Hoedel,Hodel Wilson. He father was Joseph Frank Hoedel. keiko @ For such a small place, the names of towns in Bukovina is very impressive. info @ Hello, my name is Uta Schulze and I am very much interested in finding out the history of my parents. Johann and Friederike Klein geb. Duzcek, born in November 1906/1913 in Czernowitz. As they are already dead as well as most of my family I would be very glad in case there is someone giving me some information.I am very glad that this site map does exist.Thank you very much in forward Thanks Very much! Soy desendiente de Miguel Melnik y Rose Batel que vivieron en Bukovina hasta 1914 cuando estallo la primera guerra mundial emigraron a Argentina. Mi tio abuelo Solomon Melnik nacio el 17/01/1910 en Bukovina. Ahora estoy buscando mis raices y vuestro Website ha sido de gran ayuda. Agradeceria mucho cualquier informacion. Reciban un cordial saludo de mi parte. David Melnik Hallo Mein Name ist Michael Sturdza. Mein Vater (Karl Sturdza geb. 02.06.1925) stammt aus der Bukowina. Ich habe leider nur noch ein paar Städtenamen wie Czernowitz, Gura Humora. Kurz vor Ende des 2.-ten WK floh die Familie und siedelte sich die Familie in Unterfranken (Nähe Bad Königshofen/i. Grabfeld) an. Ich möchte einen Stammbaum erstellen und suche daher Informationen zu meiner Familie. Ich kann leider kein Rumänisch. Kontaktaufname in Englisch ist möglich. Meine Adresse: Michael Sturdza Körbelstrasse 6 78250 Tengen / Büsslingen crowe130 @ Hello all this is a great site and I have become a member. I am trying to look up a few people and any help would be great. Firstly my Great-grandmothers name was EMELIA HALEGEWACHS( first name may be spelled wrong) born July 13,1889 in Bukovina. Her parentas were JOSEPH HALBGEWACHS and JULIANNA ? She died Dec 4,1971. She married KARL SR. RIESS(REISS) Jan 30, 1906 in Kronsberg, Saskatchewan, Canada. KARL SR RIESS was born in Molodia, Austria on Feb 10, 1883 his fathers name was (FRANZ)FRANL JOSEPH RIESS and that is all I know any help would be awesome.. thank you Tammy Crowe(nee Riess) Cool Site. Zoltan Nähr from Hungary. 24/02/07 isidore.fuhrmann @ Quelqu'un a connu Eduard Fuhrmann de Czernowitz, né en 1906, frèree d'Adolf, Gizella, Rose et Bertha Fuhrmann? chn @ Family KOWALCHUK & ANDRUSIAK.Not sure of the spellings. Grandfather Nickolas K. was Bukovina, Czernowitz ? June 6,1896-1900 -2 brothers Steve & Michael. He was a shoemaker in Regina Sask. Wed Caroline Andruiski, b. Grodek Poland 1906.When she immigrated, their ship had an accident & they were brought to Rotterdam. c.1912. I would love to know the name of that ship! Her mother’s name was Anna Andrusiak or Andruski. Nick’s brother Mike lived in Winnipeg a chef & had 2 children, John &Olga. Nick may have had a sister in Sudbury. Caroline’s brother Alex (wife Nora ) half brother Mickey Chermcara Nick and Caroline had 4 children, William Vivian, June & Donald. June, now Eggleton was a opera singer. Seems Bukovina, and Czernowitz can be spelled various ways. Seems maps have changed many times over. I’m new to genealogy & would appreciate any information. Please note I have left a space before and after the “@” suggested by this web master – if you write be sure not o have any spaces Joseph.Turanski @ WE ARE THE TURANSKI FAMILY FROM MIDDLETOWN NEW JERSEY...AND WOULD LIKE TO SAY HELLO bajUn @ If anybody interesting in Karst Christian and his familly living in Bucovina at about 1900-1930,answer me -( I have his bank-papers,fotopictures,famillypictures,letters,banc criditpapers....I am waiting for answer! @ Hallo, meine Eltern stammen aus der Bukovina. Ich suche nach Informationen, Verwandten etc. Meine Vater ist in Illischesti geboren und dort in einer Mühle aufgewachsen. Sein Name ist Speck Eduard, seine Mutter war eine geborene Neumann aus Fürstenthal. meine Mutter ist eine geborene Thomasi (geb. 1920) und in Luisental geboren. Ihr Vater war Zimmermann, der Geburtsname ihrer Mutter lautet Stephani, dann gibt es eine Großmutter Elisabeth Wenzel. Zur Linie meiner Mutter habe ich einen Ahnenpass. Zu meinem Vater habe ich keine weiteren Informationen, außer dass er in Czernowitz das Gymnasium besucht hat (er war Geburtsjahrgang 1913). Falls jemand etwas weiß oder wissen möchte, würde ich mich freuen. Dagmar Pohl, @ @ Hello, I'am a german woman. My parents were born in bukuwina. I found the name of my fathers ancestors in this page. It ist Neumann house Nr. 56 in Fürstenthal. Besides i found a artikle of luisenthal, the birth-place of my mouther. Unfortunately died my father in the year 1995, my mother is 86 years old. So i can not talk about the past. But I am very glad about this page. Best wishes Dagmar Pohl werneredie @ I was browsing the web for the name Kattler and when I saw Bukovina I recalled my father mentioning the name and was thrilled with the information on your site. Friedrich Kattler & Veronika Danelcu or Tanelko not sure of the spelling are my parents who are both deceased. Wonderful site jozefwilczak @ Witam Pozdrawiam serdecznie wszystkich z Bukowiny rozproszonych po całym świecie, szczególnie Polaków, Niemców, Rumunów, Ukraińców, Slovaków i Żydów pochodzących z rejonu Czerniowiec, Głębokiej, Storożyńca, Starej Huty, Pietrowiec i Tereblacza po stronie ukraińskiej oraz Radowiec, Nowego Solońca (Soloneta Nou), Solki , Suczawy i Kaczyk (Cacica) po rumuńskiej stronie. Czekam na wiadomości w każdym bukowińskim języku jozefwilczak @ Hi Ich habe schon geschrieben uber deutsche Friedhof in Terebleche - it is Lutheran Friedhof,, er notig schnelle Rettung ! There are still Graben mit Inschriften und Namen - wer noch mehr wissen will, bitte schreiben mir an e-mail oder rufen Sie mir direkt +48 609446257. Anfang Marz fahre ich nach Tschernowitz und Terebleche (Terebliesti)ich kann Fotos und mogliche Kontakte ubergeben Grusse alle Bukoviner herzlieg Ihr Josef Wilczak janlm_2004 @ February 6, 2007 Looking for information on my family history, if anyone is familiar with the family name Franz Mueller Born: 1936 or Muller with a name change to Miller when they came to Canada. Is anyone familiar with the name of a place called Seldulmisu, Austria(may be a small town. Wife name Carrie, this is where she would of been born. Other names include Sauer, Wolfe, Manz, Mirwald, settling in Balgonie Saskatchewan, and possible Frankslake, Saskatchewan. Any information is welcome. Thank you. Jan Folk(Volk) angierankel @ My name is Angela Rankel (Atlanta, Georgia) my fathers name was Robert Rankel he was from Long Island, NY where most of my family from his side still lives. Ilse77C @ My name is Ilse Moroczkanicz, My father: Maximilian Moroczkanicz(Moroschkanitz)My mother : Cäcilie (bornname:Orlowski) They live in Chernowitz. Father born in Radautz. I am really interested in this site. Poplar Bluff, Missouri thank you, Mary E Paukner Barlow Hallo... Ich heiße Mathias Baumgärtner und bin aus Deutschland... Ich bin hier auf der Suche meiner Vorfahren. Mein Großvater Josef Baumgärtner ist in Molodia geboren. Wer bitte kann mir Informationen zu allen Dingen machen, welche im Zusammenhang mit meinem Großvater stehen. Vielen Dank! Rumpel.Genealogy @ Hello fellow descendants of Bukovina families. Just a quick note about the families I am researching and trying to find out more. The surnames I am researching are; RUMPEL (originally from Bergfelden, Germany),SAUER, KÖNIG(KOENIG, KONIG), HEHN, ZACHMANN, TIEFENBACH, LEIB, MANG, MANZ, WAGNER, ARMBRÜSTER (ARMBRUSTER, ARMBRISTER), FLAMAN(N), SILZER. These are just a few of the names that appear in my data (my information can be viewed at the following site Thanks Rick Rumpel. Greetings! I am searching for my grandfather's roots> Martin Sauer, Czernowitz, Bukovina -- family came to Canada in 1911. Can anyone help? Ken Sauer martinanthony @ Hi, looking for relatives in Bukowyna, Ukraine. Surname Hladuk or Steep, anglicized to Haladuick and Stepanovitch. Any and all information welcome, thank you. Martin Haladuick in Montreal Canada. I am researching Ukrainian Family roots.My grandfather Nicolay Hupchuk was born in the province of Romania in 1882 and came to Gardington Manitoba.He married my grandmother Mary Sandul who was from Brodov Austria. My grandfather may have left a brother named Bill in sothern Ontario. The name may have been altered to Hoopchuk.I read many of the addresses and found perhaps a connection to the Sandul family.The history and culture of the people from Bukovina still is very strong here in Fort Frances is great to see such an interest in the culture and the struggles of the past Ukrainians. gmarieboice @ My interest is the Bukovina families who came into Yuma Colorado - the Andreas Turner family members circa 1888-1895. Other family names Schneller, Schaetz, Winkelbauer. Great site, very informational. I will visit and "surf" often. Thank you schatznick @ my name is nick schatz, ,im tracing nicholas schatz from bavaria germany married barbara neiheisel they had 11 kids, please contact me if you have info, thank you phone number 606-784-3619 Hallo , my name is Józef Wilczak, I,m looking for my family - I know from my Grandfather Michal Wilczak - his brothers were emmigrated to Canada -Sask Melk Fort but the opportunity to have a contact was rather hopeless, so we know us complettly no. I,m one of the family Wilczak, Fefczak , Knapik, Woś who need take contact with my ancestors and others who were out from Bucovina, from Terebliesti - Terebleche. If someone who knows people from this village - the nationality plays no rule who will visit or know someting about the present day and memories - we still can meet them in Terebleche - I can help to contact people or send messages or requires. Each year I organise a big "Bucovina Trip" througr Romanian and Ukrainian land. Beside I,m looking for one,s who can have ienterest to rescue a german cementary in Terebleche i it is still to save, but I don,t know how much longer. Best Greetings conradiandre @ Ich habe heute - dem Geburtstag meiner Mutter - diese Seite entdeckt und bin beeindruckt. Meine Mutter Teresia(geb. 15.01.1924 / geborene Jekal) stammt aus Krasna Ilski. Ich möchte gern mehr erfahren, auch über meine Großeltern: Johann Jekal und Barbara Jekal ( geb. 29.09.1899 /geborene Gruber). Ich würde mich riesig freuen, wenn mir jemand Infos geben kann. Herzliche Grüße aus Hamburg-Hummelsbüttel André Conradi stevejohn.wilson @ Hi, Great site. I am trying to track down any relatives to the names of Ivan Feodosiev,modern name Voloshyn or Elisaveta Georgieva}Petriuk,both born in Bukovina,Austria,village of Revakovets.Both moved to Canada in the late 1800's or early 1900.Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. herbertu @ Auf der Suche nach dem Taubenbuch des Baal Schem Tow und andere Geschichten aus dem Karpatenhochland von Huzulen, Chassidim und Rachmanen Stanislaw Vincenz wurde 1888 in einem kleinen Ort in den heute ukrainischen Ostkarpaten geboren. Er interessierte sich für die Mythologie der Huzulen, mit ihrer fast schamanistischen Naturverbundenheit wohl die letzten Indianer Europas. In der Leuchtspur des Begründers des Chassidismus Baal Schem Tow bewegten sich die mystisch veranlagten Waldjuden, die unter dem geradezu überwältigenden Einfluß eher pantheistisch veranlagter huzulischer Weiser und Naturphilosophen die Enge der kleinstädtischen Ghettos überwanden. Jekely der Einfältige zum Beispiel ist eine leuchtende Gestalt, die sonst wohl nur mit Franz von Assisi zu vergleichen wäre. Herbert Ulrich Prezados Senhores, Me interessei pelo tema depois da leitura do texto de Gunther Teubner - "Global Bukowina: Legal Pluralism in the World Society". Parabéns pelo interesse no resgate da história da Bukovina. Abraços Leonardo Arquimimo de Carvalho (São Paulo - Brazil ) ahstante @ Surnames of EBERLE , GRIGORASZCZUK , PORTACH Very interesting site! I have just found out that my mother was born in Chernowitz,pre WW2, 1930. Her parents were Franz Eberle & Kristina Grigoraszczuk. His parents were Heinrich Eberle & Maria Portach.I have her birth certificate.Where do I go from here? Is there anybody that can help me please? Angela Stante(Australia) natreal @ Hi, my name is Nat Geller. I was born in Radautz. My Mothers maiden name is Koch\Rotensctreich. also from radautz. I'll be happy to hear if anyone has any info re: these names. I'm about to visit Bukovina. any advise/info will help. thanks for this very informative site. Nat Geller. NJ. USA john_doetom2006 @ thomas samborski robin_mcphee @ My name ius Robin McPhee. I live in Ontario, but originate from Saskatchewan. Born in Swift Current, Sask. I am looking for relatives or friends of anyone in the McPhee family. I believe they are all from Saskatchewan. My grandfather's name is Ronald McPhee. He lived in Hodgeville, Sask. He was married to Sylvia McPhee (aka basendowski). Please anyone who knows anyone, especially my grandpa or is part of the McPhee family. Please e-mail me. ddschrbr @ Hi, I am searching for Kaschauer relatives. Most if not all emigrated before 1910 unless there are a few cousins still there. I have been led to believe that a Wenzel Kaschauer lived in Bukovina in the 1800's and he may possibly be my great grandfather. This is not a common name and as far as I can tell, all Kaschauers are related to each other. At least here in the States we are. I appreciate any help. denise Hallo, mein Name ist Kornelius Zachmann. Ich suche Informationen über Marie Sauer, geb. Zachmann, 1901 in Hliboka. Die Eltern waren: Jakob (Illischestie) und Susanna Zachmann, geb. Tritthard (Triethardt) aus Brigidau / Galizien. Marie wohnte evtl. in Ellis und hatte 2 Söhne Arnold, ? und 1 Tochter ??? Habe von Ihr und den Kindern alte Fotos! Wer kann mir helfen? Mehr über Zachmann siehe: (Zabuko). Ich wünsche allen Frohe Weihnachten und viel Glück im Neuen Jahr! Greetings from Edmonton, Alberta Canada... Very recently we discovered your website and look forward to further tracing our SCHREYER family roots with the help of your website. To date, our family roots have been traced back to 1856 with the births of my great grandfather Josef in Sereth Bukovina, Oct, 1856, and great grandmother Klemintine Klementowski born March, 1863, Alsace-Lorraine,Austria-Hungary respectively. I have a son who plans to travel to Romania next year and wishes to visit the family's ancestral home. Respectfully, John Shires Greetings from Edmonton, Alberta Canada... Very recently we discovered your website and look forward to further tracing our SCHREYER family roots with the help of your website. To date, our family roots have been traced back to 1856 with the births of my great grandfather Josef in Sereth Bukovina, Oct, 1856, and great grandmother Klemintine Klementowski born March, 1863, Alsace-Lorraine,Austria-Hungary respectively. I have a son who plans to travel to Romania next year and wishes to visit the family's ancestral home. Respectfully, John Shires I was reading about the poet Paul Celan (born Paul Antschel, in Czernowitz) and I needed to know more about his homeland. You page was a great help. Thank you so much. I was born in Peru, you may add the peruvian flag to the others. Sicerely, Eduardo Urdanivia. From: Amsterdam, upstate New York. USA. bethlong3 @ Hello All, To see the beginnings of our Bukovina Hungarian DNA Project, please click on the link and then "Y-DNA Results" To see the list of surnames that we are researching; Please Contact Me at Suggestion: If you can’t paricipate yourself, but see a surname you are interested in, we can find you a subject in Tolna County with the same common ancestor. The Y-DNA should be the same. You will get the results and a descendant tree which shows your relationship to the person. Every $100 U.S. contributed enables testing of one surname. If we can complete this or even get a good percentage done, we can start putting together a „genetic map”of our Bukovina ancestors. Thanks, and Happy Holidays to All! Beth Long elhod @ I was born in Czernowitz Bukowina. I am looking for family Kinsbruner. oederj @ aol,com Hallo everybody, our grandfather was from Illischestie. He died this week. We are looking for history. His name is Knieling Friedrich *22.07.1922 Thanks Jürgen Oeder Thann Germany Hallo CHRISTIAN GUNDEL, ich habe schon paar mal versucht, Ihnen eine Mail zu senden, bekam aber keine Antwort..entweder komme ich nicht zu Ihnen ,oder Sie nicht zu mir durch.. Habe Zippenfennig´s, Zaharanski´s und Sawetzki´s in meiner Linie!!! Würde mich über eine Antwort sehr freuen. Bis dahin aaronjleach @ Hi Folks I have just found this site my name is Aaron Leach I am looking for information on a JULIANE SCHUSTER she married a ERNEST KARL MASKUS ABT 1892 had at least one son FREDERICK WILLHELM MASKUS born in MARKRANSTADT. if these name are familiar to you I would like to hear from you. Thanking You Aaron Leach Cheers from Australia lillianmc1 @ Hello there I am Lillian McPhee - from the John Armbrister family being my great, great grand father - I feel your site may be very useful to me- I look forward to sharing info with you - my mother Miriam Armbrister - Dorsett, her father Henry Armbrister, his father & mother Thomas & Julia Armbrister then there is a gap to john armbrister sr. doug.armstrong @ November 22, 2006 My maternal grandfather, Patapiy Kazemirchuk, was born in Scherbautz near Sereth in Bukovina in 1885, and came to Montreal, Canada, in about 1910. His father was Ivan, his mother's name is unknown. His siblings were thought to be Helen, Mary, George, and possibly Peter. Patapiy married my grandmother, Rosalia Gettel (b. 1890), also of Scherbautz, here in Canada. Her father was Ferdinand, her mother Theresia Hollerbaum. Her siblings were Franz, Philip, Suzanna, and unknown. At least some of her family were relocated to Nuremburg, Germany. My name is Elizabeth (MacTavish) Armstrong, and I would appreciate any relevant information. It seems a common theme that our ancestors from Bukovina didn't speak much of their origins. I was too young (or not yet born) when they died to have had the opportunity to ask them questions. Thanks for any help. dragontalon @ Your site has been very helpful (so far). What i am looking for is my ancestry. Any and all info on the origins of the Monach/Monych family would be even more helpful,but i need more information. Could you help? Jive.Bunny @ Hallo Freunde der Bukowina ! Meine Name ist Christian Gundel . Meine Familie Väterlicher seits stammt aus der buckowina.Ich suche auch Leute aus Sadova die den Namen Wiese kennen . Ich suche eigentlich alles was mir weiterhelfen könnte.Das wären die Namen Sawecki,Keilring . Meine Ur - Ur - Großeltern Martin Gundel + Maria Keilring Karl Sawecki + Maria Reiss Johann Wiese + Josefina Poberesniki Francise Zippenfennig + Susanna Soweit reicht erst bei Mir bis zum Jahre ca. 1840 . Vielleicht kann jemand da weiter helfen . Danke sagt Chr.Gundel jogoodes @ John Goodes, Winnipeg, MB I am a descendent of Bucovinian immigrants who came to Canada in the early 1900s and created a unique ethnic Romanian community in Manitoba called Lennard. They were later joined by Ukrainian immigrants who called themselves Ruthenians. In 2003 I wrote a 212-page history of this community, entitled WHERE MONEY GREW ON TREES, to mark the 100th anniversary of the parish. It includes a chapter on Voloca. At the end of the book I included some 400 names of these early settlers, some of which match the surnames mentioned on this page. These immigrants came from Voloca, Corovia, Chahor, Stircha, Hlinista, Zuchca, Mologia, Tsurani, Aspacia, Cuicur, and Suceava (all in the Cernautz region). I may be able to match some of the names you may be searching for, but they must be from the above-noted villages only. I, too, am looking for my ancestors (Gudz) prior to 1750 who went to Bucovina from somewhere. (Germany?) pamckibben @ I am searching for relatives of the Morhart and Tress My grandparents were Jacob and Annie(Gross) Morhart they farmed in Spring Valley, Saskatchewan Canada The Tress family raised my grandma and her sister (Mary), they were also from Spring Valley area. eh @ Hallo, meine Mutter Eva-Maria Schmidt, geb. Melcher ist in Radautz geboren, ihre Eltern kommen aus Satul Mare. Schon deshalb interessiert mich die Bukowina sehr. Ich forsche nach den Spuren meiner Vorfahren in dieser schönen Landschaft. Dr. Egon Hohenberger ricstrobel @ My name is Richard Strobel. I am doing research on the Strobel and Kislinger or Kisslinger family names. My grandfather, Josef Strobl was from Moravia. His mother was a Kislinger also from Moravia. We can track both families to the early 1800's to Moravia and Bohemia. I noticed these names were also in Bukovina, but do not know the connections if any. mail @ ra-mü 29.10.2006 wer kann weitere Informationen vermitteln zu den Familien Mühlbauer (Lorenz, Wenzel, Hildegard, Franz, Susanne, Marie; Hyronimus,Josef,Anton,Angela) und Kuczinski (Regina, Zita, Gisela, Hilde aus der Bukowina? Hans-Ulrich Mühlbauer a.adamczyk @ hallo ich habe auch vorfahren mit dem namen pachonik gruß goraluk @ Hi Voloca My grandparents both came from Voloca and made the big move to Manitoba Canada ,Rick, Karen,Teresa and Mike Goraluk went back to visit the Village of Voloca Sept 2005 and loved ou vacation there.We met many relatives we didn't even know we had, Plan to return and met more great people and family .We stayed with Ted and Rodica Golovach had a great time. schaned_und_tzwaen @ Hallo, mein Name ist Jeannette Riedl. Die Familie meines Vaters stammt aus der Bukowina und ich suche Verwandte. Meine Großeltern hießen Leo Riedl und Agathe geb. Stöberl. mihalikbela @ Im the grandson of Gizella Slapsi (also written as Schlapschi, Schlapschy, Schlapsi). I found in the Name Database the Schlapschi name. How can I found more details? Who were they? Where they lived? Where from they settled to Bukovina? Thanks: Bela Mihalik cheriellis @ I think I may have found grandpa's home. Super Site!!!G-grandma, Joseph 9, and Vincent 3, came in 1899. The name on the manifest was Agata Walaschinova, from Russia.Grandpa, Vincent said they were German, but never really talked about family, or history. Looking forward in finding more information and history about our kin. They were Catholic and settled in St. Louis, MO, where subsequent brothers became priests, and sister a nun. paulbessant @ My father was an alied prisoner of war from 1940 to 1945 in Stalag 8b, Saubsdorf. He worked in the lime quarry. Can anyone give me the location, please? helenakm @ Nice website! I am researching BAUMANN, BRUNN, BRUCKBAUER, DITTRICH, EBERL, CHRISTOPH, CHRISTOF, PECH, KRAUS, LANG, MUELLER, LANDKAMMER, HABERL, EBERL, FLEISHMANN, PIEMEISL, RUBEY, WEIXELMANN, WURZBERGER, WITTMAN, from Kreis Bischofteinitz,Bohemia. My website: thebakerman3 @ What a very interesting site. I would like to hear if someone has any information on my great-grandparents, Leonard Mayer, born December 15, 1872 or his wife Victoria Holka. They were both born in Molodia, Czernowitz, Bukowina, Austria. They came over to Canada in 1900 and settled in the Grayson, Saskatchewan area. I have been doing our family tree for the last 5 years and would greatly appreciate any information on their family. C. Mayer, Regina, Sask. I liked your site xenawg1 @ I found this site to be a good "first step" in finding information about the place from which my ancestors came to Saskatchewan Canada. I am looking for information on Nikolas Sienkiewicz, his wife, Francesca Hirschmuller and their sons Jacob and Joseph, both of whom were born in Korowia, Czernowitz Bukovina in 1888 and 1896 respectively. Nikolas was likely born in Poland and his wife, I believe was born in Austria. (Stephanie Sinkewicz Kansascity @ hi i am daniel josef imsel.----- my grangmother was born in gluce romania.1800- her name was katharina SCHEINOST.- her husband franz IMSEL.- if you now more about them please contact me rzigelli @ Monday, 18. September 2006 08:22:50 -0700 Ihre Anfrag vom 08. August 2006: hallo,mein Name ist Zigelli. meine Schwiegereltern kommen aus Rumänien aus Gura Humora.Es würde uns sehr interressieren ob wir noch irgendwo auf derWelt Verwandte haben. Es geht um einen Emanuel Zigelli der nach dem Krieg nach Österreich geflohen ist.Seine Eltern hiessen Johann und Josefa Zigelli und hatten ein Bauunternehmen. Wäre schön, wenn sich jemand melden würde. Antwort: Wenn sie sich bei folgender emailadresse melden, werden ihre Fragen beantwortet <> Gruß Richard Zigelli rzigelli @ Ihre Anfrag vom 08. August 2006: hallo,mein Name ist Zigelli. meine Schwiegereltern kommen aus Rumänien aus Gura Humora.Es würde uns sehr interressieren ob wir noch irgendwo auf derWelt Verwandte haben. Es geht um einen Emanuel Zigelli der nach dem Krieg nach Österreich geflohen ist.Seine Eltern hiessen Johann und Josefa Zigelli und hatten ein Bauunternehmen. Wäre schön, wenn sich jemand melden würde. Antwort: Wenn sie sich bei folgender emailadresse melden, werden ihre Fragen beantwortet <> Gruß Richard Zigard electmosq @ Hello, My wife Alma Sbihli O'Rourke was born in Czudin, Romania and left in October, 1940 when she was 10 years old. She has many pleasant memories of life in Czuden and does not wish to return in fear of the destruction she might find Her family (one sister, one brother)was relocated to Stadl Poura (near Gmunden), Austria. She would like any information concerning the family names of Adlesburger, Sbihli or Straub from the area. Thank you, Ken O'Rourke South Carolina doug.galenzoski @ Hello, I am from Calgary Alberta Canada but was born and raised near Edenwold, Saskatchewan. I am a Galenzoski and was very pleased to find this site and read about my family history. I would be very interested in any future Bukovina Society events. Doug Galenzoski stefanie_hackel @ Hello, I'm from Germany and Im searching informations about HACKEL. Have someone information about WENZEL HACKEL, born ca. 1790 or his wife THERESIA DEGENHART. Or about their son WENZEL HACKEL born 1817 in Böhmen, or his wife ANNA-MARIA HABLE born 1816. Or about VALENTIN HACKEL born 1850 in Pojana-Mikuli, his wife PHILOMENA HABLE or their children VALENTIN HACKEL, HERMANN HACKEL, JOSEF HACKEL, IGNATZ HACKEL or his wife LUDWIKA BAUMGARTEN. I hope you can help me. bettydraper @ Dear Sir, I enjoyed your Bukovina stories and web site. I am of Hungarian parentage, my grandparents came from Istensegits, which is now Tibeni. I would like to know more about the villages that formed the Sekely hungarians, they were all around the same area near Radautz. If you want to contact me I do have information as to where many Hungarians came and settled in Saskatchewan, Canada. About six years ago there was contingent of teachers who were historians came and did many interviews with the families of the settlers. I speak and read and write hungarian although I never attended hungarian school. I have information about these settlers, feel free to contact me at my email address. My maiden name is Buzas, it was changed by the government officials when my grandparents immigrated, they could no speak enlish so they now spell it Buzash. contact @ Romanian Monasteries is a site about the unique and rich cultural heritage of Bucovina and Maramures ? monasteries, churches, architecture, frescoes, wall paintings, icons that are a testimony to the faith of former times. Würde gerne mit Frau Gertrud SIEWI in Kontakt treten. Habe in Ihrem Stammbaum gemeinsame Vorfahren entdeckt. Liebe Grüße aus Wien Peter Resch donsden @ Hello to all...My name is Donald DeKold and I am one of two sons of Sebastian DeKold who came from a region of Europe approximate to or within Bukovina. My impression from previous Internet searches is that he was a Danube Swabian, and I do not know if his people are a subset of those with this same surname given at this website. We spell our name as "DeKold," not "Dekold," but the change in spelling could be a corruption of the name at Ellis Island in 1906. My grandfather's origins in Europe are believed to be Alsace-Lorraine or possibly Luxemborg. My grandmother, Marie Meyer, is believed to be German derived from the Black Forest region of Germany. Do I have distant relatives of Bukovinian extraction as well? Any new information would be appreciated. TIA. Don Sehr geehrte Frau Zigelli, gerne wuerde ich auf Ihre Frage antworten, kann Sie aber unter der angegebenen Adresse nicht erreichen. rod123 @ I was looking for some information on a community in Romania (possibly now Ukraine) called Bukovina. My mother was born there in 1892. Her family name was Catrina Hotapila. My dad was born in Sturdjinets (hope the spelling is correct) He was born there in 1895. His name was Constantina Rodenchuk (Rodinchuk) I believe there is still some of the Ronenchuk family still living there. Thanks. My e-mail address at home: rod123 @ stevecla @ My name is Steve Claggett. My great grandfather was John Nepomuk Hensler born in May 1867 in Schwyz, Switzerland. He emigrated to the US in May 1887 arriving in NYC, then moving to Ohio and finally settling in St Louis in late 1895. I am assuming that his family orginally came from Bohemia given his middle name. I would appreciate anyone's thoughts. bethlong3 @ Looking for any male Gaschler descendants to participate in our Gaschler/Kasler y-dna project. The idea is to see if the Bukovina German Gaschlers and the Bukovina Hungarian Kaslers had a common male ancestor (there is strong circumstantial evidence that they do). I have a "Kasler", but still need a "Gaschler". Link to the project: Beth Long Hello. This is a very interesting site. Hopefully i could come accross some information on the SCHATZ family in PIATRA NEAMT. If there is someone else interested, write to Thank you. Take care! DdShornys @ I was thrilled to come across this site... My Grandfather didn't say much about his background before he came to Canada...Other then, he was Ukrainian and his place of birth was Czernowitz, Bukovina,Roumamia...1899 He came to Canada aprox..Time frame of 1916-1918..Surname on naturalization paper "Shornys" ... DD Shornys yarinik @ I search and search and I do not find any one with my father's name Czerskyj lory.richard @ Mein Name ist Lore Roth. Ich komme aus Bukowina aber, ich lebe in Deutschland. Ich möchte mit Menschen die Bukowina lieben kommuniezieren. Ich kenne sehr gut Bukowinische Traditionen, Folklore, Kultur und Mentalität. Ich kann auf English, Deutsch, Spanisch oder Rumänisch kommuniezieren. Ich danke allen Menschen die sich um dieses Site kümmern. Bukowina ist wirklich was besonders. Außnahmeweiße die Koruption. Danke schön! Meine E-Mail Adresse: hallo,mein Name ist Zigelli. meine Schwiegereltern kommen aus Rumänien aus Gura Humora.Es würde uns sehr interressieren ob wir noch irgendwo auf derWelt Verwandte haben. Es geht um einen Emanuel Zigelli der nach dem Krieg nach Österreich geflohen ist.Seine Eltern hiessen Johann und Josefa Zigelli und hatten ein Bauunternehmen. Wäre schön, wenn sich jemand melden würde. Hello: My name is Violet Robertson. My mother was Barbara Novak (nee Rosalia Exner). Rosalia was the daughter of Anton H. Exner (born May 18, 1881 in Molodia, Austria). He is the oldest child of Heinrich and Emilia Exner (nee Flegel (born December 25, 1886) also in Molodia, Austria. This website has helped me to find information about ancestors that I didn't know were members of my family until just recently. I have a lot of information regarding the Exner family once they emmigrated to Saskatchewan, Canada. If you have any questions please e-mail me at 127 If you have any information regarding John Novak, from the same area, I would greatly appreciate it. He married Rosalia Exner on Oct. 10, 1909 in Saskatchewan, Canada. Thank you in advance. John Novak's father was also John Novak and his wife was Elizabeth Wadrikowska or Elizabeth Waslykowska. sjkmfeneley @ I found the village/town of Paraul Negru in Linda Steffen's comment from Edmonton, Alberta, but her e-mail bounced back. My grandfather, Stefan Myssyniuk came from there and would have known the Samborski family. He settled in Coleman, Alberta in c. 1904. I too wonder why they would leave such a beautiful place as this was mentioned in another comment on your site. Maybe we can piece together all those villagers, townsfolk who left Paraul Negru. Does anyone have photos of it? lstrom @ Hi, I have typed a book for my mom that she put together for my dad. Grandparents on both sides (Tress & Morhart) came from (Rosch) Czernowitz to Saskatchewan. I think your site is wonderful. I have only read a couple of newsletters, and plan to read more. In the book I typed (for my mom/dad) dad tells a story about his cousin Petrus Tress, and that Petrus was Mayor of Czernowitz during Romanian and during German rule of the city (sometime in the 1940's. He died - was killed - in 1945 I think.) I am very new to the computer, the internet, and family history. I thought it would be nice to see if I could find anything on this Tress (his dad came from England, thus the English name) or anything like the list of mayors of the city of Czernowitz. So I will continue to read your newsletter, looking for that or any mention of either family name. If anyone can help: lstrom @ Thanx Hallo, my name is Angela Boettcher (Schuster). I am from Germany. My grandmother and my grandfather were from Karlsberg – Gura Putnei. I am searching for the surnames Schuster, Zaremba, Romankiewicz, Wild and Paukner. The brother of my great-grandmother was about 1900 the mayor in Karlsberg (Bukovina). Any information of these surnames would be appreciated greatly. If anybody knows anything about my family, please write! gustav @ My name is Gustav Anthony Pilsel and I was born in Crewe, Cheshire, England in September 1951. My father was also named Gustav, as was his father before him. My father, who was born in Prnjavor, Bosnia-Herzogovina, came to England in 1946 as a prisoner of war, having served in the Wehrmacht since he was conscripted at age 21 in 1943. My grandfather, Gustav, and his brother, Jakob, were contract builders and construction engineers and spent most of their working lives in all the Balkan countries. Family records indicate that there are connections within the family to other names which figure significantly on this web-site: Lausmann, Welisch, Pilsel and Wend(e)lin(g). I will foreward these data to the site as soon as I have consolidated the information from much of the documentation in my possession. In the meantime, it is good to know that there is a site actively in pursuit of the history and location of these central European families. maxxoo @ I'm Greg Sawka. My grandfather , Konstantin Sawka came to America from Bukovina around 1907. His village was Kobesti or Kobestic. Any info would be appreciated. Attn: Anyone whose ancestors lived in the five Hungarian villages of Bukovina (Andrásfalva, Hadikfalva, Istensegíts, Fogadjisten and Józseffalva) We've just launched a DNA project to try to find out more about the origins and migration patterns of the people who settled these five villages. Here's a link to the project: If you have questions about DNA research, the Family Tree DNA website has a good tutorial. Beth Long Trudie.robertson @ Hello, I,ve just discovered literally, an hour ago that my Great Great Uncle, Frederick Kirtland was from Bukovina. I,m doing family research and would be very grateful if anyone has any information regarding my relative. He was born in 1854, married a lady called Ellen who was from Brighton, so obviously at some point he travelled to England and stayed! Presumably sometime between 1854 and 1875 approx. Can anyone help?, Yours hopefully, Trudie. rclarock @ Hello, I am seeking any information regarding my parents Jakob Johann BROSCH born in Botosani Romania and Stepani HADBAWNIK born in Dorna Watra, Romania All records destroyed during WW1 hbnlion2006 @ My name is Kara-Lee Reifel. My last name is of German origin, but when my family came to the US it is believed they changed it. My grandfather was told little of his family background. The Reifel family has been in the US now for about 4 or 5 generations, we think. Any information on an Arthur William Reifel or his family would be muchly appreciated. I have no idea on what the original spelling of my last name was in Germany, but I have some ideas as follows: Reufel, Reufil, Reuffel, Reuffil, Rueffel, Rueffil, Ruefil, Ruefel, Reiffel, Rieffel, etc....I also have some ancestors with the germanic surname of Rapp. Any information with either of these surnames would be appreciated greatly.....once again, if anybody knows anything about my family, please write me! benric @ looking for persons knowing the name: wasyl odowichuk born july 30,1878 death november 30,1955.marafta baschauk born april 11,1883 death november 5,1961, they were married in 1905, moved to canada 1914. they were born in the province buccovina near the village luzan, in the south-westernpart of ukraine,a fertille area known as the bread basket of europe. they also fished in the prutt river,i beleive they were cossacks. it was under the austrian rule of franz joseph1.anyone who might know were this area may be please help. i am just a young person starting to find were there from i am going on the information from our family tree which starts with this information. iam not sure how to find this i think it may now be a part of moldova? mike39andronik @ Michael Andronik in England, i found really interesting items on your web site and lots of things to help me, if anyone knows anyone Andronik in or near old Czernewitz please get in touch, i am trying to find relatives as father is very ill. I find your site very informative. marymcd @ My name is Mary Tauscher McDonald. My Grandfather was Leo Tauscher and Grandmother Mary came to Lewis county washington in the late 1800s. I was very excited to see the military pictures. I have one with my granfather on a horse. I believe it was in memory of his service to Franz Josef. tsilzer21 @ My family name is Silzer and I am trying to find any links of my family to Europe. As soon as I saw the crest, I knew I had seen it before. My grandfather had shown me it once and told me that both sides of my family (Hildebrand/Silzer) can be traced to a place called Bukovina. I was wondering if anyone had any info on the Silzer family going as far back as the last 150 years. My relatives came to Canada in the early 1900's. Herzlichen Glückwunsch an die Betreiber dieser informativen Internetseite !!! Auch ich gehöre zu den Menschen die gerne in der Familiengeschichte stöbern. Erzählungen innerhalb der Familie verwischen sich im Laufe der Jahrzehnte und von daher ist es sehr gut, manches mit Hilfe von Daten und Fakten, richtig darstellen zu können. Meine Familie mütterlichseits kam aus der Bukowina.Wer kann mir etwas zu folgenden Personen schreiben : 1. Fridolin Erl aus Althütte, ca 1875 geboren und ausgewandert nach Nordamerika. Johanna Hartinger, ca 1931/1932 gestorben in Althütte oder Davideni. (Urgroßeltern) 3. Josef Wawrik oder auch Wawryk geschrieben aus Althütte und Maria Adelsberger aus Althütte. (Urgroßeltern) Somit wünsche ich allen noch viel Spaß beim stöbern ! Gruß von Anne-Cathrin bcrossette @ Can anyone recommend a good, multilingual genealogisat in Hargita County, Bukovina? I am looking for more information about my father Marian Albert Hasenkopf, born in Augustendorf 14/08/1908 and one of his uncles (owner of a textile shop in Czernowitz)who went to Buenos Aires,Argentina. Norbert-Julius Hasenkopf, Alicante,Spain
curiousjj2001 @ very nice site and I appreciate all the work you have put into it..I am always searching for information on the name: WLASCHIN,,,,,and info about Glit Romania Thanks, Jack Wlaschin We are The Family Danilov living in Honduras since 1939 my father Mayer Danilov and his brothers Felipe, Pablo & Trosky Danilov, immigrated in the same date. I am looking for family in Bukovina. My name is Stanley Danilov, i need somebody wich knew to Patapi Danilov or Natasha MetroPetranova or some decendents. We are interested in discovering family members living in the Bukovina. Please, write to bevdennis @ Looking for family of Oleksa Chobotar (born 1865) and Dominika(born 1870) (Oleksiuk) Chobotar immigrated from Mamornitza(Mamornita) in 1903 and settled in Canada. Many decendents are interested in discovering family members living in the Ukraine. Alexander Chobotar Iam looking for any relatives of Alfred Plauschinat (my father) or Grandfather Adolph Plauschinat, my email is Danke für diese Seite, so kann ich wenigstens ein paar informationen für meinen Vater zusammen holen, der sich jetzt nachdem meine großmutter 4 jahre tot, über seine herkunft interessiert. Ich ließ mir zwar viel erzählen von meiner Oma Cilli aber kann ihm nicht alles auf einmal erzählen und weiß auch nicht alles. Meine Großeltern stammen aus Luisental. (Oma geb. Moroschan) Grüße aus Deutschland Michael Alznauer Hi seeking info about a bukowina family named AFALTER lived close to the city of DOROHOI in a timeframe of 1900- till?? thanx for any info !!!!! dave onufrechuk calgary, alberta canada. my father nistor onufreiciuc was born in voloca. in 1899. my mothers family name was paulenceau Her fathers name was john. my fathers name was john, his mothers family name was cazac. my father immigrated to canada, in 1914. he farmed in the inglis, lennard ,maintoba area. if any one recognizes this family tree please call me. I will be visiting the cerauti, voloca area in september/2006 farmboyfarrell @ Just stumbled onto this extremely interesting site. I have just recently completed a number of works on my wife's German families: Engels, Engles, Eichelberger and Rotz. These folks came mainly from Basal Canton, Switzerland----but did migrate from time to to time over into Germany during the 1700's--then onto Pennsylvania----and from there into Dickson Co, Brown Co, & Nemeha Co, Kansas. The Bucovina Germans is new to me----but again, very interesting. shailaghwhitethorn @ Greetings! Just found your informative website and just in time.soon headed for Bukovina. Looking for my grandmothers name, Elizabeth GLASS. who left approx.1912. A german speaker- later to marry Bertold PLATO from vollynia(then russia now ukraine) in LEADER, SASKACHEWAN< CANADA. Grateful to anyone who may may have any possible leads to start my search when i arrive in Bukovina. shailagh*** shailaghwhitethorn @ Greetings! Just found your informative website and just in time.soon headed for Bukovina. Looking for my grandmothers name, Elizabeth GLASS. who left approx.1912. A german speaker- later to marry Bertold PLATO from vollynia(then russia now ukraine) in LEADER, SASKACHEWAN< CANADA. Grateful to anyone who may may have any possible leads to start my search when i arrive in Bukovina. shailagh*** pcperrey @ Peter Perrey, Neustadt am Ruebenberge, Niedersachsen, Deutschland/Germany Hi, came about your site through the family name 'Bogatz', my mother's maiden name. Her grandparents, Grandfather Bogatz (born 11/25/1857, died 7/4/1932) and Grandmother Elisabeth Bogatz (b. 2/12/1860, d. 4/4/1943) and their son Franz B. (b. 1/17/1883, d. 7/7/1943) were from Masuria (Masuren) in East Prussia. I wonder whether there might be any connections to the Bukovina Bogatz family? Thank you in advance for any hints; multumesc; vielen Dank! Peter Perrey me @ Hello, my fathers family came from Bukowina (Area of Kimpoloung and Eisenau). My Grandfather was Franz Timinger, my Grandma was Christine Koller. Any more infos abouts background would be appreciated. BR Michael Timinger, Germany I LIVE IN BUKOVINA, IN SUCEAVA,ROMANIA.MY NAME IS OVIDIU GHIUTA AND I AM STYDENT . I WANT TO TALK WITH PEOPLE ABOUT BUKOVINA. I AM INTERESTED TO CHANGE INFORMATIONS, NEWS AND HISTORY ABOUT THIS REGION. I AM STUDENT AND MY GRANDPARENTS LIVE IN ILLISCHESTIE,BUKOVINA. IF YOU WANT TO TALK WITH A MAN FROM BUKOVIA PLEASE SEND ME AN GREETINGS FOM BUKOVINA Hi! Meine Oma kam aus Großbocken(Velka Bukovina). Brauche dringen Informationen über diesen Ort und ehemalige Einwohner. hello, my name is Susan, I am looking for some of my roots one name is Nemecek, I'm not sure if it is spelled this way. He would have been a imagrant to america around 1905, and he married a stolba in america.If anyone knows of any of these I would appriciate any emails, Thank You Susan ipeanut_architect2007 @ My name is Kara-Lee Reifel. My last name is of German origin, but when my family came to the US it is believed they changed it. My grandfather was told little of his family background. The Reifel family has been in the US now for about 4 or 5 generations, we think. Any information on an Arthur William Reifel or his family would be muchly appreciated. I have no idea on what the original spelling of my last name was in Germany, but I have some ideas as follows: Reufel, Reufil, Reuffel, Reuffil, Rueffel, Rueffil, Ruefil, Ruefel, Reiffel, Rieffel, etc....once again, if anybody knows anything about my family, please write me! pachonik @ bkw-bw-de HAllo, mein Name ist Thorsten Pachonik und ich bin auf der Suche nach Verwanten auf der ganzen Welt. Es interessiert mich wo meine Wurzeln liegen. Ich weiss nur, das mein Opa Herr Franz Pachonik im Kreis Freiwaldau, im Sudetenland geb. ist. Mfg Thorsten Pachonik don.mcarthur @ Looking for infomation on Stefan, his wife Angela Zelgiur born in Storozhinets, Bukovina. Daughters Caroline born 1890 and Anna born 1895 immigrated to Canada in 1911. Other family members stayed behind and parished rior to and during the war. Don McArthur (grandson) Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Christophbeutel @ Hallo, ich suche Nachfahren oder Leute die die Familie Beutel kannten. Wohnort war Cernowitz. Mein Großvater hieß Michael Beutel und war verheiratet mit Frederike Sapara (*1900 + 1971). Sie hatten 5 Kinder: Alois, Franz, Regina, gertrud und Wenzel. Wer etwas sagen kann- bitte per email an: Danke... vacation @ Ernest and Norma (Koch) Lindenbach visited 30 years ago, but could find out little. For a Lindenbach book Valentine Lindenbach was the youngest of 12 children. There were 3 boys and nine girls. His mother was 50 years old when he was born... She died at the age of 80 ... Valentine lost all contact with the family when he came to Edenwold, Saskatchewan, Canada.... he was sent to the old country and brought over Karl,Adam Sheaffer.... the children from the first wife Caroline Wendling (died of TB) were born in Hiboka, Bukovina .. in 1895 two weeks after having met Margaret Hertz, they were married. Adam and Lena were born in Fradautz, Bukovina. Frank Yolanda (Klootwijk) Lindenbach Ottawa, Ontario. If any one can add some addtional info we would appreciate it. My cousin who put the book together is Larilee Hotson, Thunder Bay, Ontario . My grandfather worked as a baker , and grandmother sold milk proclucts in the city of chernovich . During the war they were sent to Breshed Transiteria and there they were forced to do hard labor in a Concentration Camp . After the war they came back to Strozinich and from there they went to Bucharest there they had met again following immigration in an illegal immigrantship called: "Pen York and pen Kresent", they had been arrested in the island of Cyprus by the British army , and finally they had reached their final destination Haifa , Israel in 1948 . Meier continued his work as a baker in " Ahdoot Bakery " in Haifa . Meier Kurz died at 1975 at the age of 69 , Klara (Klinger) kurz diseased in 1992 at the age of 85 . My grandfather Kurz Meier (Leib) was born in wiznith 1906, His mother's name was feige , and his father's name was moishe(mo'zes). Meier had twelve brothers and sisters . As far as I know one sister named Papy survived the holocaust and came to Israel . ( During the 70's we lost touch). My grandfather had marrid klara haia to the house of Klinger of storojint born in 1907 , her mother was called Shprina to the house of zomer , her father moishe owned a little farm on the river bank .She had tow more brothers , Jacob and Zvi Hersh who was murdered in the Holocaust ,even though he had the permit to stay in strozinich and maintain his job as a blacksmith he chose to be together with his family , he was shot to death along the side way . My father Moishe (Mo'zes) was born in the year 1940 , they used to live in Noywalld st. in Strozinich . rbububu-Anne @ Hello to all...I´m searching for PAUL and DORTHY MASSIER and here I found this names. They are aunt and oncle of my mom and we don´t know them because we live in Germany. Maybe somebody can give me more information about them. Thank you. XHexeX67 @ Hallo ,vielleicht ist hier ja jemand der mir etwas zu meinen Ur-Großeltern Karl und Juliane Decksheimer schreiben kann.Sie haben wohl in Bessarabien gelebt aber wo genau weiß ich leider nicht.Leider war meine Tante zu klein/jung um mir genaueres darüber sagen zu können.Ich würde mich freuen wenn mir jemand etwas schicken würde. Gruß Bianca shalom.i live in israel. my mother is from gaster family from lucavat pe siret. i want to now about the location and about the gaster email : thank for information. Great website for those related to family from the old country and they have since passed-on. My grandparents are Leon Turanski and Caroline Jendrzeiovsky, imigrated to Canada late 1890's - early 1900's. Would appreciate any/all info. on these families. mohoric @ What a wonderful site. I had no idea how much interesting information is available. I am a descent of Jacob Sturza. If anyone has any info on my family please let me know. Contact me Lisa e-mail Hello, I am Corina Derla and live in southern Bukovina, in Suceava. I studied history at the University and tried to find as much as possible about my family (my great great grandmother's name was Carolina Krieger and her parents had the name Gartner; I already have 7 generations in my genealogical tree, my german roots are from my father). I am still searching. Can you offer me any information? Are you related with these names? They all lived in Jakobeny. This site is a great idea. It gives me the opportunity to study more for my master work. My graduation work was about Bukovina (The Chamber of Commerce and Industry during the Habsburgs: 1848-1918). I am glad that I found out a possibility to research. Have a nice day. phhartinger @ Paul Hartinger, Oromocto, New Brunswick,Canada This is a graeat Web Site. I've been trying to sort out my roots for a few years now, and have remained in a holding pattern. Only because of of my GGrandfather being an illegitimate son of a Johanna Hartinger, Edward being born sometime around 1860 or so, maybe in Austria??. Needless to say, this web site is very informative. The Hartinger name is Rare, especially in Canada and every time I see it, I investigate. Keep up the great work. Paul Henry Hartinger. wilfried_mueller @ Liebe Mitglieder der Bukowina – Familie! Wir sind Wilfried und Monika MÜLLER geb ZACHMANN und wohnen in Voerde in Deutschland. Unsere Vorfahren aus der Bukowina sind: Wilhelm ZACHMANN, * 1887 Illischestie, später Schneider in Gurahumora Sohn des Friedrich ZACHMANN, * 1858 in Illischestie und Katharina MAI, * 1862 in Illischestie und Emma BRAUN, * 1894 Illischestie Tochter des Andreas BRAUN, * 1854 in Illischestie und Katharina KERTH, * 1859 in Illischestie Wir suchen Informationen über die Familien MAI (MAY, MEY) und BRAUN und Johann ZACHMANN, * 1893 in Katharinendorf, 1910 ausgewandert in die USA, verheiratet mit Josephine ? Viele Grüsse vom Niederrhein Wilfried und Monika kirchnercrottendorf @ Hallo ! Ich suche nach Nachkommen der Einwohner von Alexanderdorf (Alecsandreni) und Katherinendorf (Catranieni) in der Nähe von Wisnitz (Vijniţa)! Mein Urgroßvater war Jacob Andres, meine Urgroßmutter Katharine Schweitzer, wohnhaft in Alexanderdorf bis zum 8.11.1940 ( Umsiedlung) Obwohl ich über recht gute Informationen verfüge, bin ich bis heute noch nicht dort gewesen. Es wäre schön, im Vorfeld mehr zu erfahren oder gar weitere interessierte Nachkommen der beiden Orte zu finden. I am looking for children of citizens from the vilagges Alexanderdorf and Katherinendorf near Wisnitz. I wish me more Informations and ather interessted people for a trip to this villages. My Greantgreantpa (?)was Jacob Andres and my Grandma was Theresie Andres from Alexanderdorf (Alecsandreni). mail: or jstamborsk @ jstamborsk @ Hi, I'm looking for any information on the STAMBORSKI or ROSAGER families, in the area of FRASSIN,GURA HUMORA,FUNDA MOLDOWA,or CUMPOLUNG from the 1860 to 1913. I have old family photographs I would be willing to scan, send and share. Also, looking for information on HILDE BRODNER who emigrated to MELBOURNE,AUSTRALIA and whose last known address was on Warner St., in 1959. Jim Stamborski Hallo, unsere Familie - Bohateretz - kommt aus der Bukowina. Kennt jemand diese Familie ? sastraida @ hallo, ich bin aus deutschland und suche menschen mit dem namen TOMASCHEFSKI email : hoffe auf mail :-) anja tomaschefski gaerisch @ Interesting site. I came acrossed it while looking into my family name which happens to be Gaerisch. This surname is listed on your site along with some history as to my heritage. My father was born in Germany but was broought to the U.S. when he was about 2 years old. I was named after his father. Paul M. Gaerisch. As far as I know m grandfather came from Bremen, Germany. larshunkert @ Auf der Suche nach Mitgliedern der Familie Hunkert bin ich auf diese Seite gestoßen. Ich finde es großartig, daß sich Buchenländer in den USA zu einer Gesellschaft zusammengefunden haben - in Deutschland käme niemand auf diese Idee! Ich selber heiße Lars Hunkert, Sohn vor Roderich Ottmar Hunkert (*11.11.1934 in Watra-Moldowica, +28.09.1998 in Querfurt), Enkel von Albin Hunkert und Wilma Hunkert (geb. Eisterlehner). Ausführliche Informationen zu meinen Ahnen kann Richard Baraniak geben. Lars Hunkert, Bonn, Deutschland aastar7 @ Family Names: RUSU, REPCIUC, DUDICZ, MACIOPA, BIDA, LUPESCU, MIREUTA, VLASCHIN, SHULSKI, TIMINGER, DANILETZ, FILEMON, HALBHUBER Hi, Great site!Thanks!I'm Shirley Starkel. Researching family from the SOLCA area. Grandparents:Trifan RUSU (RUSSU) born 1886 & Alexandria REPCIUC (REPCIUK) born 1895. Trifan's father:Joan Rusu, & brothers Valerian, Petru, & Alexandru, Alexandru's wife: Katarina. Joan Rusu was mayor in or around Solca around 1910. Alexandria's father: Alexe Repciuc, mother Maria LUPESCU. Georghe Repciuc & Trifan Rusu served in the Austrian army in the early 1900's. Alexandria's sister, Anna, brothers - Georghe & Joan(JOHN) & more.Family names:DUDICI (DUDITZ), MACIOPA, BIDA, VLASHIN (VLAZIUM), SHULSKI, TIMINGER, DANILETZ, MIREUTA (MERANTZA), & FILEMON - friends HALBHUBER. If anyone has info ABOUT people or Solca during the late 1800's, early 1900's please let me know,will gladly share what I have. Thank you, Shirley anthonylchamberlain @ Tony Chamberlain anthonylchamberlain @ I was in the Peace Corps from 2003-2005. I was not in Bucovina but rather in Transylvania which is in Romania and borders Bucovina. I was in Bistrita which is very near the Bucovina and Moldova borders. On Sep 12, 2004, The Saxon church in Bistrita which I attend (it is a German-speaking Evangelical church) had a special service to remember all the Saxons in WWII who were ordered to evacuate Transylvania in the wake of the coming of the Russians. alienalutz @ Liebe Freunde, mein Name ist Raphaela Hoelzer. Ich lebe in Deutschland. Meine Großeltern Joseph Triffo und Paulina (geb. Baumgaertner) lebten in Terescheny. Ich habe beide nicht kennen gelernt. Mein Grossvater fiel am 16.2.1944, einen Tag vor der Geburt meiner Mutter. Meine Großmutter starb 6 Jahre später an Tuberkolose. Meine Mutter hat noch Fotos von einer Gemeindeversammlung und von meinen Grosseltern. Meine Mutter ist als Waisenkind aufgewachsen und hat sich immer gewünscht, die Familie ihres Vaters kennenzulernen. Leider kann ich auf Ihrer Seite auch keine Fortschritte bei meiner Suche machen, aber vielleicht weiß jemand, wer mir weiterhelfen kann? Meine Postadresse: Raphaela Hoelzer Neustaedter Straße 21/22 99947 Bad Langensalza Germany Telefon:0049/3603/848348 e-mail: Vielen Dank und viele Grueße Raphaela Hoelzer carpac @ Hi ! My name is Carl Pachonik from South Africa. I noticed with intrest tht there are two Pachoniks reflected inyour data base of names and wondered whether there were still pachoniks living in the uSA. My ancestors left Saubsdorf in Bohemia in 1878 and settled in South Africa as part of a German emigration scheme to South aFrica. I read tht many of the Bukovina people who settled in Austria were also from Bohemia, and because I know that Pachonik is not a very common name, I wondered whether there was a connection between my name and that of the people who settled in your country. If any of your readers can shed light on any information, I would love to hear from them. Good Wishes Carl Pachonik vicovdejos @ Hi, I am looking for deatils regarding Gramada family from Zaharesti, Suceava and the relatives from Canada. casey_000 3@ Hi, great site.. I´m here again, ´cause I´m still looking for zaharanski, sawetzki / sawecki, brodacz, knebel, zippenfennig, kucharek and the marriagepartners..(schmidt, reichel, gundel, hennel,etc )from jacobeny. Please feel free, to send me a mail.. Thanks for now colleenposton @ my mom had a dream about kelly flamen. we do not know him but she said i would marry him. this was on new years day. just thought i would google the name and it brought me here. colleen poston calgary, ab stevekitzul @ Stephen John Kitzul, North Bay, Ontario, Canada. My grandfather John Kitzul emigrated from Bukovina in 1906, was granted a section of land in Theodore, Saskatchewan, Canada in that year. He gave up his holding, returned to Bukovina to fetch his wife, maiden name Maria Kitzul, and they returned to Canada, (William was born on the boat back to Canada) 1907) and settled again in Theodore, with a section of land near sisters' relatives, (Essars, Raddish, Polowich). Later, they brought Maria's mother.She remained there while in 1926 John & Maria, (with children William, Harry, Stephen, Doris, Katherine, Elena, Verna, Emma, Alex) moved to Capreol, Ontario (John Kitzul had secured a job with the Canadian National Railway) moving to Sudbury in early '30's. Of the several Kitzul families emigrating from Bukovina and settling in Theodore, non were related to each other!When I search the name KITZUL in Ukraine, I find nothing. Does anyone out there in internet land have any relevant information? ellenroos1712 @ Hi my name is Brucker my grandfather came from the bukovina he left there around 1906 his name was mozes Brucker his fathers name Izaac Brucker and his mothersname Lea Siegel. Would like to now more about them? nAnna-LenaPilsel @ Hallo! Bin auf diese Seite gekommen,da ich bei einer Suchmaschine einfach mal so meinen Nachnamen "Pilsel" eingab.Da ich nur wenig über meine Vorfahren weiß,erstaunt es mich so viel über Pilsel-Familien zu finden.Bei mir zu Hause gibt es niemanden außer meiner Familie mit diesem Namen!!!Schon ne echt interessante Seite. Liebe Grüße.Anna-Lena ewa.dobrzyk @ Family of my grandmother- Anna Ottenbreit(pos. 1900)- came from Germany, possibly from Nothern Westfalien, my grandpa- Stanislaw Czuczewicz(1889) Czerniowitz. They lived in Stanislavov- now Ukraine.They have one child- Maria Czuczewicz (1932) Could you help me to find my family. lillianginglo @ Back again! Find this a very interesting site. Would like to make a clarification -- EMERENCIA KATALIN LASZLO, born 27 June, 1911, is not directly related to Margit Kaitar. Still trying to figure out how related, but definitely not her mother. This Emerencia Katalin, known as ELSIE POPE VARADY, Iis the mother of Andrew, June & Lillian. I am Lillian Ginglo, residing in Australia. Love the stories!!! clark_hartley @ Hi I am just starting to research my grandmothers family. Their last name was "Zeeb". There is very few websites that list where Zeeb's lived outside of the USA. I did find the name Zeeb in the Bukovina lists and Neusatz records. If anyone can help I would appreciate it. Keller-K @ Hallo, ich suche nach Informationen über Herrn Arnold Hudak, der in Luisental in Bukovina geboren wurde. Er hat 1941 in Graz geheiratet,und wird seit Kriegsende vermisst.Ich würde mich sehr über Antwort freuen. cmuntain @ Charles Muntain Regina, Sask. cmuntain @ I am trying to get more infromation regarding the muntain(muntean) and huber families that originated in bukovina,melodia chernowitz. My uncle huber was born in 1866. He married Mary Muntean before coming to Canada in 1908?. He was a member of a military unit for many years. When he finished his enlistment, he came to Canada He settled in Melville Sask. My Grandfather George Muntean settled in Melville Sask. as well. He also married before he came to Canada.My Grand fathers' brother Nicolaus came in 1906? and settled in Grayson Saskatchewan. He recieved his land grant in 1906. We are lacking information about the munteans and hubers prior to coming to Canda. Any help would be appreciated. Charles Muntain cindy_freitas I typed a wrong email: cindy_freitat My maiden name is Cynthia Anne Hodel. My father was born in Canton, Ohio (Paul Edward) and mother was born in Bowling Green, Ohio (Grace). We lived in Perry Township from 1952 to 1960. My brother, Paul F. now lives in Bryan, Ohio. My sisters: Diane lives in Granite Bay,CA Patricia in Sacramento, CA. My grandfather was William Hodel and his first wife was Stella Whitacre. She died as well as the baby giving birth to a 4th child for that family. The children's name were Paul, Peg (Margaret) and William. He then married a lady name Hazel??? . I never met her. He worked for US Steel (abroad for may years -- India, England, S. America. My mother Grace Irene Cook (came from a famil of 9 children, parents Margaret and Harry Cook) married my father Aug. 19, 1939. My father passed in Nov. 1987 in Sacramento, CA followed by Mom in Aug. 2004. My email is if you have info about my family's past I'd appreciate it. I can give you our present family tree. jwcnorsk @ I found your website as I was doing some family research for a neighbor who grew up in the Ellis area. Her grandfather was Alexander J. Romey who migrated from Russia to Kansas in 1892 with his parents John J. and Mara Anna Romey who were listed as being born in Russia, but speaking German. I noticed the surname "Romey" in your surname database, so I have been perusing your site and have read the newsletters. I'm sure this site would be a jewel for anyone whose heritage is from Bukovina. James W. Christopherson researching for Lenora Jean (Wideman) Carmichael in Windsor Locks, Connecticut. p.b @ hallo mein name ist peter bernhauser. die eltern meines vaters stammen aus gurahumora. adele bernhauser war der name der mutter meines vaters. durch einen sucheintrag bin ich auf ihre webseite gestoßen. mein vater hieß horst bernhauser. ich hätte gerne nähere informationen über die familie bernhauser. danke peter bernhauser! thorstengeitz @ Hallo mein Name ist Thorsten Geitz und ich bin auf der suche nach Leuten,die etwas über den Namen GEITZ(aus Eisenau)wissen oder mir weiterhelfen können.Meine Vohrfahren lebten in Eisenau von ca.1800-1900 Meldet euch. Ich würde mich über jede Info freuen. baer @ Guten Tag! My family, led by Anton Beer and young son Jacob Beer, emigrated from Bukowina in 1887 with a variety of other families, including the Fastners. Some in the group settled in central Wisconsin, but my family and others travelled to Yuma Colorado. They tried farming on 160 acres, but after crop failures for 6 out of 7 years, travelled back across the great plains in nearly destitute conditions to resettle in West Bend, Wisconsin. Anton and family settled into the old St. Agnes convent. Anton passed away around 1933. His son, Jacob, changed the name to Baer to avoid jokes about beer. Howie Baer riess.herbert @ Hallo mein Name ist Herbert Riess ! Ich suche nach Menschen, die meine Familie in Molodia/Czernowitz kannten. In der Zeit von 1800 bis 1941 lebten sie in Molodia-Bukowina. Meine Adresse : Herbert Riess Oberndorf 8 A-4816 Gschwandt e-mail : cristinaresende @ Dear Sr. I need informatios about people that lived in Knittilfeld in 1912 - 1914. Your inicial name was R. J. My family own a metal piece that inscrition: memory the war prisoner fiel of Knittelfeld.1912 - 1914. R. J. writing in germany. Thak you for help me. Cristina. rcputz @ Richard Putz Schererville IN Jive.Bunny @ Hallo Leute aus der Bucovina ! wer kennt Leute mit namens Gundel, Weißhaupt,Zaharanski,limberger und Kasiemierski . Ich heiße Christian Gundel . meldet euch bitte unter Ich wirde mich ueber eine antwort freuen.vielleich koennt ihr zur geschichte meiner familie weiterhelfen. onlineforschung @ Dear Sirs, may I draw your attention to my new sites on the Bukovina and on Czernowitz: With best regards PeterDiem rares_hopinca @ Hello everyone! My name is Rares Hopinca and I am from Campulung(kimpolung) Bukowina - in the Romanian side. I'm very glad to see your site and, most of all to see that you love Bukowina so much. You have all the admiration for your work and your dedication. I'm surprised thow to see that nowone mentiones nothing about a great fest hold every year in Kimpolumg - "BUKOWINIAN MEETINGS" - that shows the beauy of our traditions. Every year take part at this fest 7-8 ethnic groups from several countries promoting and showing our ancestral traditions. If you really want to get to know the bukowinian spirit I invite you every year in Kimpolung(Campulung Moldovenesc)- Romania. The fest is hold every july, and I asure you that the german ethic group is one of the important parts of the fest. I would be very glad to give you more information if you wiil ask me. joejastrzab1 @ trying to find where my family came from my last name is "Jastrzab" can you help me? comittif @ hi my name is carlos cesar comitti filho from brazil..i discover the web page today and liked a email is comittif @, if anybody wnts to talk with me..bye opeters @ My brother's name is Bernd Steinbrecher. His father, Georg Kurt Steinbrecher and my mother, Elsa Martha were married in Germany. After Georg passed away, my mother married my father, Patrick Lambert Zaetsch, after WWII. bro5 @ hi my nam,e is joe brodner and i am looking for any info on the brodners they came from bukovina drelui near moldovia . i would like info on martin brodner who married margaretta wild thanks. balba67 @ Dear All, If you wish to research about families including surnames, please do not hesitate to write to me. My grandparents also came from Bukowina and I know a lot of people having ancestors from there. Best wishes. garry @ Does anyone know where the book "St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 1890-1900, edited by Dr. Richard Hordern" can be purchased, used or new? lscripka @ Hi to all..........My Dad was born in Czernowitz Bukovina in 1911, they came to the US about 1914, he first went to Canada. His name is Dan Scripka(maybe spelled Skripka)I never knew much about his parents, I think his father was Russian and his mother was born in Corovia Romania.They settled in Michigan and we lived here ever since. Any information well be apriciated. Daniel Scripka victor.feigin @ Dear Mr. Honas, As per request at your site, this is to let you know that you're missing Polish flag and language at the Society's site. The word "WELCOME" is spelled "WITAMY" in Polish. I myself was born in Czernowitz in 1945 after the war and although my spoken language was Russian I learned German, Polish, Ukranian and some Romanian simultaneously and was communicating freely in these languages at the age of 15 years. At my times there were still traces of great cultural heritage left everywhere and looking back I can indeed state that it was a unique civilization in a unique part of the world where people of all races and nationalities were able to coexist friendly and develop freely and I am realy proud that I was born in "Paris of Eastern Europe" Wishing you and members of your Society a lot of success in pursuing your great cause and best of health. Victor Feigin hg.weishaupt @ Hello! My name is Helmut Weishaupt. My father and grandfather was born in Jakobeny. I was born 1958 in Aalen,Germany. I`m interested in the history and comments of the following internet sites. If someone is interessted to contact me, you can mail me under my following e-mail adress. chuckaugus @ I aqm the grandson of Antone & Appolonia Spies and would like to exchange infroamtion with any other family member. ALso the great granson of Franciscus Peter Braun & Katherine Schoenberger. Thanks. cklezok @ Hi Interesting Site Here. I am searching for relatives, Anyone relevant to my cause please e-mail me with information. Chris Klezok age 33 Hamilton Ontario Canada. I am looking forward to hearing from anyone related to me. jwknebel @ My Name is John Willam Knebel III. My grandfather si from Wuppertal, Germany, he left the fatherland in 1923 and migrated to Milwaukee, WI. If I may be of any help to you, feel free to contact me. Most Knebel's from Germany are from the Ruhr Valley. (Dusseldorf area) John gabriele.zehr @ Hallo, ich suche Nachkommen der Familie Joachimsthaler, besonders die Nachkommen der Geschwister von Johann Joachimsthaler, geb. 1882 in Bori, sein Bruder hieß Mathias, seine Schwestern Anna und Theresia, es gab wohl noch zwei Brüder, die aber im Krieg gefallen sind. Die Familie stammt aus der Bukowina. Meine Email: verna2k5 @ I'm searching for ancestors from Bukovina Great Grandmother Katherina Dietrich was born Abt.1850 in Katherinedorf-she married Grgrandfather Daniel Rabliuk born 1847 Grandmother; Maria Rabliuk married Grandfather; Johan Laudinsky born abt.1884 the son of Johan Laudinsky and Anna Staats also searching paternal side- I have information on the Kuhl family who later went to Lutzk from Hohenbach-I'm looking for Janke family(grandmother Emma's family Both sets of grandparents came to Winnipeg,Mb.Canada(Kuhls 1907,Laudinskys 1913) andrzej19572001 @ Information on Bukovina, including Austrian maps: jellofoley @ I am researching the Held surname. Although I am not descended from this family, my grandchildren are, through their mother. I am trying to leave them this legacy of a complete and thorough family history, in hopes that they, or their following generations will be interested. Their g-g-grandfather, Julius Held immigrated to New York City, possibly through Castle Garden, and settled in Kings Co., about 1900, . He had two children (Lawrence and Anna) by his first wife (name unknown) and by his second wife, Rosie, he had two children (Samuel and Mildred). In the 1920 US Federal Census, it states that his birth place was Bokavania, Austria. That was a puzzler to me until, after much surfing on the internet I came across "Bukovina". If there is anyone out there doing research on this family, please contact me at You have a wonderful website. Love the maps especially. Jill Hazelbaker Foley harjie @ Fascinating site. Happened to stumble across it by looking up my own name, Harty (Hartmuth)Schmaehl/Schmahl, a last name which must be in your genealogy. We are Volksdeutsch from Yugoslavia,Nova Pazova,Belgrade,Mramorak. My father, Johann/John, 93, is still alive, having come to the US in 1953 with our family. His whole family and friends are mostly gone now, but he treasures the photos of them from the 1930's, before the war and the subsequent concentration camps we were in at the end of WW2. Originally from Wuerttemberg area, also, probably in the mid-1700's, we think. Would be interested to hear from any Schmaehls or Schmahls, or anyone else. murray.w @ My Father, Michael Popiuk came from around Bukovina area. Wondered if there are any Popiuk's still living anywhere in the world as I haven't heard of any other than my two brothers in Saskatchewan and two sisters. Anyone with that name can email me. Be glad to hear from you. Sharon Popiuk ryszardk55 @ HALLO! Die Dokumente aus deutsche Kolonie Burgthal Kreis Lemberg sind in KRAKAU-KRAKÓW. Bitte die Adresse: ARCHIWUM ABPA E.BAZIAKA,KRAKÓW ,UL.KANONICZA 13 Archivist Sisters Danuta Szymańska-Kontakt bitte. andrzej19572001 @ I am looking for Philipps, Kitsch, Baumungs and other families that came to Buchenwald from Galizien, mainly from Ugartsthal: Galizien German Descendants GALIZIEN GERMAN DESCENDANTS This E-group is to share information between the Galizien German Descendants searching for their family history. Galicia (Galizien, Galicja), a former Austrian province, was a part of South - East Poland, today Western Ukraine. andrzej19572001 @ Interesting link on Buchenwald (Bucovine: bremanmari @ Hallo, mein Name ist Manfred Breckel. Meine Großeltern Anton Zahn und Elisabeth Zahn, geb. Baierl haben bis 1940 in Althütte in der Bukowina gelebt und sind danach nach Polen umgesiedelt und 1945 nach Rußland verbracht worden. Da beide Großeltern schon verstorben sind und meine Mutter Juliane, die 1935 in Althütte geboren wurde, keine genauen Erinnerungen mehr an ihre Kindheit hat, wäre ich dankbar, Informationen, Hinweise, Ansprechpartner etc. über Althütte und die nähere Umgebung zu erhalten.(Z.B soll es eine Liste von Aussiedlern aus Althütte von 1940 geben) Vielen Dank vorab. MfG Manfred Breckel tcdiek @ my name is Jana Diekrager. i am looking for for my distant relatives in germany. staszkowian2 @ Hello, I just found this page-it's awesome-my grandparents came from Bukovina to West Poland after II World War. I'm looking for my grandpa's family-his surname is Staszkowian, my grandma's maiden surname -Balak. Now I live in small village, the same my grandparents lived. greetz Anna Staszkowian glhonas @ Hello, My name is Gary Honas Born in Toledo, Ohio. I know from hearing family history over the years my family roots are from Bukovina. I find this website very intersting. Gary Honas North Fort Myers, FL joanne.fry @ Hi My name is Joanne Fry My maiden name is Reitmeier. My fathers family came to Canada in April of 1929. I am interested in finding out where other family members are. My grandfathers family came from Arbora. If anyone out there knows anything, I would appreciate it. quakerwillie @ shaw. ca I would love to find my grandfather's family in Bukavina. His last name was Snegur, Wasyl (Wesley) Bill, born March 7, 1904. All I know is that he had a wife and daughter there. I don't even know where he was born. Has anyone ever heard of his last name? josef.brodacz @ pardon, once again, correct email address see above brodacz @ great site, full of information, found this site today but will come back for further studies, many greetings from Josef Brodacz, Son of Josef Brodacz, born in Jakobeny in 1929 as Son of Rudolf Brodacz and Maria Gärtner Hello, I'm searching for the family Kohller Johann(this is the grate - gratefather) who emigrate from the Germany in Bukovina in the village Illischertie! And my gratefather it was Kohller Frederich and gratemother Melania ! I looking for the relatives alives in Germany! I'm Coler Otilia from Roumania! casey_0003 @ Hello again.. The weddingpartners, that I meant are: Schmidt, Kowar, Stark, Reicher(Reichel), Kainz, Limberger, Reiss, Weiss, Hendel, etc.. If anyone can tell me something about the names, please write me. THANK YOU casey_0003 @ Hi, great site.. I´m here again, ´cause I´m still looking for zaharanski, sawetzki / sawecki, brodacz, knebel, zippenfennig, kucharek and the marriagepartners..from jacobeny Please feel free, to send me a mail.. Thanks for now loranmutual @ Looking for background on a Stephan Ratsay and Catrina who came to Canada around 1890's. Settled in Pekan Alberta then close by Smokey Lake. Had a large family. Name changed to Ratsoy as it was Westernized. There were children Nick, Wasalya (Violet), Elizabeth (Betty), and a host of others. Most are likely now passed however historically it is unclear where exactly Stephan Ratsay came from. There were two families of Ratsay's. Another arrived a few years later and one of those is or was Jim Ratsoy a prominant Vancouver Businessman. Beyond that there were Ponich's, etc. all related somehow. Bottom line is WHO was Stephan Ratsay and where was he from? Wife was from Pruet area it seems and Stephan was involved with Horse Trading or raising for the army of the time. Not sure. ANYBODY please forward data to crr103 @ hi my name is candice rieberger from canton,michigan usa i just came across this site while looking up my last name my e-mail is if anyone knows of any rieberger's out there please let me know thank you whg1100 @ durch zufall bin ich auf diese seite gestossen. die lebensgeschichte des jakob welisch hat mich tief berührt. zufällig war ich auch vor kurzem in rumänien. ich hoffe, dass einige buchenländer wieder in ihr buchenland zurückgefunden haben. bernd k. vienna, 05.11.2005 papabear @ MY GRANDFATHER john Mock came to chehalis in the early 1800's. It was so nice to read about him on your site. The aust are family too. verna verna2k5 @ I've just begun to research my grgrandparents history & on the Odessa site I found out that grgrandmother Katherine Dietrich came from Katherinedorf,Bucovinia in the mid-1800's & would like to find out earlier history of her family &where in Germany her early family originated. Our grandmother Maria Rabliuk was her Daughter & came to Canada in abt.1914 with her young family of which my mother caroline Laudinsky abt.6 yrs. was one of her children. I'm happy to have found your site & will revisit for sure. flutterby1212 @ Hi! My name is Ashlee, i'm researching the Gessner family for a history project. Wow, your site has been so helpful! It is full of excellent, simple information, and it is easy to navigate around your site! Thank you so much! princess_emma116 @ hi, my name is Emma Lourey. I am looking for other Lourey's to find heritage for this name if you are a Lourey can you please write me an email with some information about yourself and your family like grandparents, parents, etc. thank you catalinhrisca @ Hello, I found today this site and I am dazzled by information which I found. I make a study on the evolution of tourism in Bucovine at the University of Bordeaux (France) but I am of Rumanian origin and I sillone much the villages of Bucovine. If you have information on the subject I you would be grateful to contact me by mall: f26ruth @ 24 October 2005 I just found your site and from the map and descrition it looks like Bukovina took in Bessarabia. I have spent all morning and afternoon looking and am amazed that I didn't look at it before. My Mix family helped found Arzis, Bess. I think. From Stumpp's book it appears Anton and Andreas Mix both came from Pozon. When I used your search program it showed you have information on 4 Mix people. Is it possible for you to help me pull this together. Great site and whether my people are from Bokovina or not I might consider joining your group. I am interested in anything about our Germans from Russia. I already belong to GRHS, AHSGR, VOLYNIA GROUP (SGGEE) Ruth Morasch Williams Key words: MIX TSCHRITTER maida @ I am searching the for the Steinbrecher family, of Bukovina. My great grandfather was Jakob Steinbrecher, I have a photo of him taken in Bukovina, probably 1860-70. I am hoping that some of the family survived the holocaust; and would like to make connections. I live in lewis County Washington, where apparently Romanians emigrated to from Bukovina. An amazing detail!! This is a stimulating and wondrous website. Thank you for your efforts, alexander.busek @ re.: surnames LOY, PEKAR / PAKAR, JOCKEL, NOWECKI, MAYER, BURKOWSKI, BUSEK / BUZEK, KOSTICK, KOHLRUSS, STAMBORSKI, RUMPEL, STURDZA / STURZA, WENZEL, KOLASH, etc. Dear Descendents of Inhabitants of Paltinossa / Paltinoasa, District of Gurahumora, Bukovina: I have been conducting intensive genealogical research on the aforementioned names for several years, and have collected and compiled extensive data, which I am willing to exchange with interested stakeholders. Please contact me! Best regards, Alexander F. BUSEK e-mail: alexander.busek "at" postal address: In der Reute 11 D-72135 Dettenhausen GERMANY Elizabeth.Camilleri @ Marta Szots was my father Istvan Szots's sister. I, my brother Stephen Szots, sister Irene Tan and mother Irene Szots live in Canberra and or Queanbeyan, Australia. Would love to make contact with our American cousins. or harrietavolio @ Heard so much about my family's immigration from Bukovina/Sereth; unfortunately I know so little other than their name was Zwillich; my grandfather was a forester and immigrated to the USA in 1919 or 1920. Even learning about the region is fascinating. pelson @ Hi My name is Pearl Elson I have been recently to Hungary and have been trying to locate the ancestors of James Fazekas and Veronica Becze9my grande parents) who were originally from Dornesti, they were married there and came to Cupar sask in 1912 this is a great website ivan.zwidrak @ Hello!!! I search other families with fa´miliesnames "Zwidrak" in other countries!!! please mail me :) shaunhopkins @ Hello, my grandparents emigrate from the Ukrainian province of Bukovina. They were born in 1913 in what was then the Austro-Hungarian empire. When they left in 1933, Bukovinia was part of Romania. Can anyone please tell me if Romania would have their official birth records or would Austria? Please email me. Thank you. gdodell @ my name is Gary Donald O'Dell, reside in Washington State city of Bremerton my interest are in the names O'Dell + Pfersich?? I Need to know more about them both. Thanks casey_0003 @ hello my name is Lindner from Germany I´m looking for my mothers family at jakobeny who are: zaharanski, brodacz, kucharek, sawetzki, reiss, knebel, ... who can help me exchance our minds about the names and dates??? sandmax2002 @ Hello, I had great grandparents emigrate from the Ukrainian province of Bukovina, the area around Cnernowitz, on the Pruth river, about 500 kilometers northwest of the Black Sea. It was apparently part of the Austro Hungarian Empire under the rule of Emperor Franz Joseph 1st. Any information appreciated. Am I even at the right site? Thank you Sandra kathiefriesen @ This is a wonderful site: Found it very interesting. I am trying to find information on my mothers family who emmigrated from Rohizna, Bukovina and Sadgura, Bukovina. My mothers maiden was Fevronia YAZLOVETSKIY (YAZLOVESTSKA) Her father was Dmitre YAZLOVETSKIY and mother Olena ANDRICHUK. They moved to Lethbridge, Alberta, Metro (Dmitre) 1914 and Olena (Helena) 1926 Her sister was Catrina WOTOSRCRUK from Zadobriwka, Bukovina. If anyone has any information on this area/persons it would be so greatly appreciated. ryszardk55 @ Ich suche die Familie WAGNER aus WEISSENBERG und BURGTHAL /Galizien djdress @ What a great site. Just surfing. Deborah Wagner Dressler andrea.duerner @ Endlich einmal habe ich etwas mehr an Informationen über die Herkunft meiner Großeltern erhalten.Sie stammen aus Eisenau und heißen Wilhelmine und Rudolf Dürner. Meine Großmutter war vorher mit einem Herrn Oberländer verheiratet, mit dem sie auch 4 Kinder hatte. Sie ist bereits 1983 verstorben, mein Großvater Rudolf Dürner lebt noch und ich würde gerne wissen, wann er geboren ist, da die entsprechenden Papiere nicht mehr existieren. Außerdem wäre ich daran interessiert, zu erfahren, ob man heute bedenkenlos nach Eisenau reisen kann und noch etwas aus der alten Zeit wiederfindet rsweber54 @ It has been several years since I visited the site and I cannot believe how GREAT it is. My name is Ray Weber, my father was Leo Weber, I still have relatives in the Ellis and Hays areas. It was great to read about the history of Furstenthal where the Weber's, Beers, Fluchs, Schusters all ccame from. If there are any of you out there that might be related please e-mail me. A HELLO to Oren and my uncle Jim. Hope to see you both next year a the annual reunion. looking4mr1969 @ hello i am doing research on the lang family my grandmother was rosalie stella lang her father was ignatz lang sr born in the 1860's not sure of the exact date i was wondering if you can help me get alot of information on this lang family so i have all of the right information i know ignatz's dad was named johann but i am looking for any and all informaton i can get on this lang family if possible i would like to go way back and all the way forward with as much information as i can get you can email me and or call me at 785-432-2369 thanks for any help i can get SheriffLobo @ Hello. Anyone here,having information about my ancetries WENZEL HACKEL,born 6.9.1852 and his wife ANNA SCHUSTER born 3.6.1857. They married at 12.2.1877. Wenzel's Parents were WENZEL HACKEL and ANNA BAUMGARTNER and Anna's parents GEORG SCHUSTER and KATHARINA HARTINGER. Or does anyone have an information about AMBROS FLACHS,born 7.11.1853 and his wife MAGDALENE HOFFMANN born 30.4.1864.Ambros' parents were JOSEF FLACHS and MARIA MARKIEWICZ and Magdalene's parents were GEORG HOFFMANN and ELISABETH SEIDEL. Hope I'll get some information.R. Hackel scancoll @ I was trying to get information about Bukovina and Bessarabia, two lands invaded by Red Army in early WWII. Nice site and very conturbate region... elaine_nordgaard @ I stumbled across this site trying to find information about my family. My name is Elaine Nordgaard. My father was Fred Massier and his parent's were Ferdinand and Minnie (I think) Massier. I've heard my Aunt Elizabeth Massier speak of Paul Massier and I'm thinking that the Paul Massier that wrote this is the same. I'd be intereted to find out if you know this side of the family and to learn more. Thanks
Sandra.windsberger.gerlach @ Very nice homepage, How knows about more, from the familiy Binder. My grandma Regina Binder, was born 21. 09. 1932 in Pojiana Mikuli (Buchenhain). Thanks for answer me (german or english) werner_schneidmueller @ Hello! "By accident" I got to this website, and I just couldn't believe what I was reading there! It is so amazing! My grandfather was a Johann Massier, married to a Emma Hubich. From my grandma I heard so much about that time. I'm german, but working as a missionary in the PHilippines. When I read about Ferdinand Massier, the missionary who started the baptist church in that area, it encouraged me so much. It makes me proud to follow in his footsteps. If you read this and want to get in touch with me, please send me an e-mail. Thanks and God bless! My name is Werner Schneidmueller tworth @ Ted Worth, Edmonton, Alberta ninny @ What a wonderful site! I am trying to trace and perhaps "find" long lost relatives who came from Chernivsti in Bukovina to USA and Canada in early 1900's... Wasyl Melnychuk; Wasylka (Radochuk) and also Olympia Rita von Wald and Stephan von Wald. I visited Ukraine in 1989 but was not able to go to Bukovina at that time.....I love the paintings of Ukranian artists also. I will be coming back to this site and joining the Bukovina Society in the near future...and hopefully will be able to contribute information which may be useful or interesting to others....Thank you to all who have made this site possible. My name is Linda Derzanski my email : ninny @ shadowdog @ Hello, What a wonderful site.I have been here before and have picked up some information that I never had.I am doing a family web site and am looking for any information on the family names of SCHIENOST,SCHIENOUS,WIRL,WURL,ALSTAT,LOCKREY,WASNICK,WAZNIAK,WARRING,CULBERT I have found nothing in my life as interesting as following my family lines back in time.To see and hear of places my Great Grand parents lived and grew up. I thank all of you that have helped me in my Journey into my past.My web site address for these families is... Shelley Culbert Regina, Saskatchewan Canada, s4x 2m7 hi, my name is theresa siwka, i live in michagan, usa. My name is walter mocanu.My mother was born in Itzkany.Her name was Olga Morzcinski.Would like to know if there are any relatives still there. lmccune @ I'm trying to find information about my great grandmother. I have no idea what her name was but she was married to Frank Schuster. I would like to know who she was before marring my great grandfather, Frank Schuster. Their daughter, Theresa is my grandmother. Theresa married Louis Heinrich and they lived in Grainfield, Kansas until their death. Any help would be appreciated. I've enjoyed your site. Thanks........Geri (Heinrich) McCune dwight.danelesko @ my grandfather indicated he was from nrth bokovina i would like to know more Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich habe mit interesse ihre Internetseite gelesen. hat etwas gedauert da ich des englischen nicht so mächtig bin. Ich möchte nur folgendes mitteilen. Falls noch jemand lebt, der die Familie des Schumachermeiste Philipp Maid und seiner Frau Elisabeth Maid geb. Pakrowski aus Gurahumora kennt, denen möchte ich mitteilen das als letzte Nachkommen ihre Tochter Ludmilla Maid geb. am 20 August 1921 am 21. Mai 2005 gestorben ist. (meine Mutter) Die Brüder meiner Mutter sind ebenfalls verstorben. Ihr Bruder Stefan Maid geb. am 25. August 1924 ist am 13. 08. 1990 in München verstorben. Leider habe ich erst vor kurzem erfahren das Stefan Maid den Krieg überlebt hatte. Sollte noch jemand leben der die Familie kannte, dann bitte melden. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Axel Cyron I am a member of the Brehmer family who emigrated to America in the 1870's. Carolynn Brehmer wrote to me regarding my family tree, but when I sent an e-mail to her, it was undeliverable. Perhaps she changed to another site. I hope she comes to read this and write to me. Thanks and God bless, postmaster @ It is nice to see such an interest in Bukovina in generations of emigrants; it speaks to the emotional connection that families made with a time and a place, which they passed on to their children. If you are interested in seeing some paintings by an artist from Bukovina, you can visit Dumitru Rusu's portfolio at His latest series is entitled "Time and Season in Bukovina" and captures some of the beauty of the land. Renata findus Would love to track down information on my mother's family. My mother, Helena Elsa (Elsie) Lowenberger was born in Zorra, Saskatchewan in 1920. She died in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 2003. Her parents both immigrated from Galicia, Austria but met in Manitoba. My grandfather, Conrad Lowenberger died in 1947 and is buried in Zorra; my grandmother, Mary Eckert died around 1975 and is buried in Regina. Rosemary As a historian of the Turkish Empire, I noticed Bokovina is not often mentioed on it the annals of the Ottomans or anybody else's for that matter. This site offers much inside history, otherwise ignored ny many others. Herbert Ponce mg2187 @ This is a fantastic website. My name is Marilyn Gale and I live in BC, Canada. I'd love to hear from anyone else who is descendent from the Kwasnicki or Pekar families of Bukovina. You can contact me at mg2187 @ antalnagy111 @ Mayname is Antal Nagy living in California I vish to nou mor may gienologi my mam born in Bukovina 1905 Istensegits family name Kaitar I glad to faind this webpage Thanks. Antal Imal antaltalnagy111@ semeniuc @ Hi I'm very happy to see that the people from Bukovina did not forget their homeland. My name is Romeo Semeniuc (or Semeniuk) and I'm from Radauti (Radautz) and now I live in Bucuresti (Bucharest). I visit Bucovina (Bukovina) every time I have the chanse, because my parents still live there. If you want to visit this part of the word i recomand you this list of URLs: Have a nice virtual trip!!! If you want more informations about Bukovina today please e-mail me at: I also want to find people from ather county named Semeniuc or Semeniuk or Siminiuk an Skipor or Schipor Thank you! My name is Michelle Gerlitz. I am a descendant of the GEIMER family from Bukovina. I would very much like to contact Dr. Rudolph GEIMER, who is affiliated with the Bukovina Society of the Americas. If anyone has contact information for Dr. GEIMER, please forward to me at Kindest regards, Michelle jaubie @ This is a very informative site especially for anyone of Bukovinian origin. My maternal grandparents and great grandparents arrived in Saskatchewan in the early 1900's and were originally from the village of Voloca. Some of the surnames (many variations of spelling) in my family are: Ursulak, Savliuk, Onofreichuk, Pentelachuk and Ungurean. I shall continue to explore this site and I thank you for its existence. Bryan ecfischer I am looking for information on the names Exner, Flegel, Lang, Newman, Hoedel or Hodel, Thiele all born in Molodia or Rosch, Austria. Has anyone got information on these families? e-mail ecfischer ecfischer @ Great site keep up the good work. am looking for information on Peter Exner who married Gertrude Lang on Molodia Austria, Peter died and is buried in Austria. His wife married married Joseph Neuman and came to Canada - Grayson- Killaly- Mariahilf Area does anyone have information on this family.E-mail me at ecfischer@ chrissy1607 @ Als Erbensucher bin ich auf die Seite gestoßen. Ich finde die Homepage super und sehr informativ.Als Deutscher, der nach dem Krieg geboren wurde ,kann man sich nicht vorstellen, wie schwer es die Vorfahren hatten und welches Elend der Krieg überall verursacht hat..ich suche eine Familie Karl Anton Leichnitz geb. 12.12.1904aus Radautz, die nach 1941 nach Westdetuschland gekommen ist. U.Wagenr aus Renningen Kreis Böblingen bei Stuttgart Deutschland chrissy1607 @ Als Erbensucher bin ich auf die Seite gestoßen. Ich finde die Homepage super und sehr informativ.Als Deutscher, der nach dem Krieg geboren wurde ,kann man sich nicht vorstellen, wie schwer es die Vorfahren hatten und welches Elend der Krieg überall verursacht hat..ich suche eine Familie Karl Anton Leichnitz geb. 12.12.1904aus Radautz, die nach 1941 nach Westdetuschland gekommen ist. U.Wagenr aus Renningen Kreis Böblingen bei Stuttgart Deutschland lillianginglo @ THANKS FOR THE ONGOING HELP! WOULD LIKE TO MAKE CORRECTION TO MY MESSAGE OF 12 JUNE, 2005. MY MOTHERS' NAME WAS KATALIN EMERENCIA LASZLO, NOT EMERENCIA KATALIN. GREAT MESSAGE BOARD. LILLIAN GINGLO carolynn_brehmer @ Carolynn Brehmer-While researching my ancestors(families of Kerth, Roman, Spornic and Zsurka) Nancy Janda suggested I find your society. Your info has been most helpful. I am preparing my "Tree" for further posting on the internet. Is there one site that most people prefer over another? Any suggestions you have a most helpful. Thank you, Carolynn (Jurca)Brehmer Hallo ! An alle Jakobener ! Ich heiße Christian Gundel . Der Sohn von Fritz Gundel . Enkel von Karl und Maria Gundel gewohnt in Jakobeni . Ich suche die Geschichte meiner Familie bin bisher noch nicht weit gekommen . Wer kann mir weiter helfen ? Bitte meldet euch! Danke !!!!! b.masciorini @ What a wonderful web-side. On the traces of my great grandfather, I found a postcard,dated November 2nd,1909 from Hliboka. It shows the He writes that he preached there and in surrounding villages and that Pastor Ploth and family were in Hliboka since two month. Does anyone know whether the still exists in Hliboka? Key Hliboka lillianginglo @ TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHAT A WONDERFUL WAY TO START RESEARCH ON A FAMILY LONG LOST. I HAVE BEEN TRYING FOR AWHILE TO GET SOME INFO ON THE TOWN THAT MY MOTHER WAS BORN IN & TODAY I FOUND IT BY CHANCE. ALL I WAS EVER TOLD WAS "IT'S A LITTLE TOWN ON THE HUNGARIAN OR ROMANIAN BORDER". NOW I HAVE BEEN ABLE TO IDENTIFY IT ON YOUR MAPS. MY MOTHER WAS BORN IN ISTENSEGITS ON JUNE 27,1911 & NAMED EMERENCIA KATALIN LASZLO. HER PARENTS WERE LAJOS LASZLO & APOLLONIA PAL. IN MARCH OF 1912, MY GRANDMOTHER LEFT HER HUSBAND & TOOK BABY EMERENCIA TO CANADA, WHERE THEY LIVED AT DIFFERENT TIMES IN REGINA, MOOSE JAW & MISTATAM, SASK., BEFORE SETTLING IN HAMILTON, ONT. MY FATHER WAS ANDREW VARADY (ANDRAS VARADI). OTHER THAN ENGLISH. ANY NEWS WOULD BE MOST APPRECIATED. I NOW LIVE IN AUSTRALIA, HAVE FOR 31 YEARS. MY MOTHER DIED ON MARCH 14, 2005, AGED 93. THANK YOU FOR THE GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO GET IN TOUCH THROUGH YOUR GROUP ctomaschefski @ My skin was tingiling as I went through your site. My name is Chad Tomaschefski, My great grandfather was Carl Tomaschefski. Carl and his brother Anton were the original settlers of a town called Edenwold Saskatchewan. Carl later settled in a town called Odessa Saskatchewan. I am looking for any info. on my family including possibly a family crest. I am also planning on comming to visit my families home land very soon. So if you have any info at all on my family and where i might find more info it would be so greatly appreciated. Thank You! Chad Tomaschefski 306-596-9291 306-545-0503 nicki @ cottonwood. ca A most enlightening website. I am searching for connections to Alexander Kautesch (born 30th March 1885 in Kulenotz-Zastawna, Bukowina, Roumania) and Eugenia Chuminiwka (birth place unknown). Immigrated to Canada in or around 1910. charyram @ Great website! Nice to see things of my history. I'm looking for info about the name ROEHR or Röhr. My family is German and Roman Catholic but my father was born in Chernovitz Romanina in 1936. His father Martin (and approx. 16 siblings) were also born there. My Great grandfater Wenzel supposedly was also born in Romania. I'm looking for any info about anyone or leads to find info about them. Thanks Charlene Oliva Omaha, NE USA danphaley @ What a wonderful site. My maiden name is "Goman" and I am wondering if there is any connection with the location "Goman-Goman" referred to in your story. Please contact me @ danphaley @ if you know of any connection. Thank you. Nancy Goman Haley Minnesota USA danphaley @ What a wonderful site. My maiden name is "Goman" and I am wondering if there is any connection with the location "Goman-Goman" referred to in your story. Please contact me @ danphaley @ if you know of any connection. Thank you. Nancy Goman Haley Minnesota USA horst.bogatz @ My name is Horst Bogatz. I was born in Kostau/ Upper Silesia. Now I live in Meppen near the Dutch border. I have been searching my genealogy and can trace it back to 1750. But I haven´t found any connection to Bukovina although there may be one before that date. mackss @ Greetings to the Bukovina Society and all the people who work so hard to make this so wonderfully interesting. Sophie a special thanks to you for writing more about Jakobeni. I haven't been here for a while do to health reasons so I really see the effort you all have made. Thank you so much! Just a reminder, I am still looking for more info about the WEISHAUPT, KRAUS, BRODACZ, DONAT, families. I am wondering how many of us out there are actually searching for family from Jakobeni? If you are I would love to be in touch, so please write when you have the time. God Bless you all! Shelley Weishaupt-Mack yd31720 @ Hi. I'm new to the site and am looking for leads on my wife's family. Birth and death certificates registered in Canada show their names as Metro WERENKA and Helen FOTTY, both from the town of LUKOUTZ, Bukovina. I suspect that the spellings of the names have been Anglicised but I have been unable to decipher what the "correct" spelling should be. Can anyone shed any light? Any help would be very much appreciated. Howard Bell Calgary, Alberta carolynn_brehmer @ Hello-I'm new. My name is Carolynn Brehmer. I'm looking for any info on Demeter (Dimitru) Roman born between 1874-1880. He is from Suceava and got his U.S. citizenship in Pa. 1910. He was my Great-grampa and died here in the States 1925.I have a picture(wedding) and that's about it. On my Grandmothers birth cert. for Chicago, Il. He is listed as John Roman. Beats me. I can't seem to find him at Ellis Island either. Any info would be appreciated. This site could me a mountain of info for me-since there are alot of Romanians and Germans in my background. Thanks to Nancy Janda for sending me here. katherina08 @ Hi, wir suchen die Vorfahren unserer Urgroßeltern Karoline Klein und Wilhelm Weber, wohnhaft zuletzt 1916 Augustdorf Bukowine. Who does anything know abot the parents, grandparents from Karoline Klein and Wilhelm Weber? They are emigratet 1916/1917 from Augustdorf to Polen, later to Germany.Please send a mail, if you know anything. wolftreepublishing @ David; please note the village of Novosilka is located about twelve miles, as the crow flies, northeast of Zaleszczyki...will send you another view of mapquest... Kathryn wolftreepublishing @ To David regarding: the message of Tuesday, May 24, 2005. ZALESZCZYKI is the correct Ukrainian spelling for the town you're looking to find. It is located on a beautiful curve of the Dniester River. It's also been spelled about seven other ways. This town is in the Ternopil Oblast. On the opposite (south) side of the river lies the Czernowitz Oblast. wolftreepublishing @ To David regarding: the message of Tuesday, May 24, 2005. ZALESZCZYKI is the correct Ukrainian spelling for the town you're looking to find. It is located on a beautiful curve of the Dniester River. It's also been spelled about seven other ways. This town is in the Ternopil Oblast. On the opposite (south) side of the river lies the Czernowitz Oblast. rambler @ rambler @ My familly name is Branco, in Portugal, however, older members of the familly now deceesed, were convinced that previous Bancos' familly arrived in the north of Portugal somewhere @ 1700's from the eastern Europe. People from previous Checoslovakia have seen me and thought my cranian characteristics befitting Serbia/Croatia shapes. Researches in the web led me to names like Brankovich! How can I chase this matter further short of visiting the area? Your site is very informative and extense and I am going to spend some time opening all your files...! Thank you for your well developed work. Roger Branco(Brankovich) mont.rose @ I am researching into the Nebesnuik family they came from Nowosioka/Novosilka which is near Zalishchyski. I am not 100% sure where this village is so if anyone has an exact location, I should be grateful to have it. I am visiting the area in July, staying in Chernivtski and touring around the area. Has anyone got any information about trains or buses and indeed anything to look out for? Thanks David JETJR1950@YAHOO.COM ATTENTION,ANYONE KNOWING THE EXISTANCE OF THE NAME TELSCHER CAME INTO EXISTANCE, PLEASE NOTIFY JAMES TELSCHER JR, JETJR1950@YAHOO.COM sdhlasny @ Hi , Steve from Victoria, Previous to my last e-mail I wanted to add.; I have an old picture of one brother in a dress/costume.And wonder what the designated dress represents. He is ina white long shirt below the waist with same dress trousers. he has a broad striped sash that goes around his neck crosses at the front of his neck with a white flower, Then it goes down around his waist to the back, and a wider sash completly around his waist which appears wider with an arrangment of brambles or wooded brush in the front of the waist, His mother seated beside him. He appears to be any where from 16/18 - 22 yrs old. Thanks // Steve sdhlasny @ Hi; Great site and interesting reading,I am of Victoria B.C originally from Alberta. I am researching my wifes side of the family, " Formos " 9 bothers immigrated to Canada from 1907-1930.From Sidney N.S. for a short time They then all settled in Lethbridge, and various towns through out Alberta, with most of all their children having passed away. They came from a village ; Ranrancea, Bukovinia,( Now it is called - Redkovtsy, Ukraine.)It is about 12km NE of Czernowitz, Bukovinia.There were two families of Formos as Great grandfather Formos married a Maria Formos. Is there an address in Rarancea for any info.Thanks for any input. // Steve arno.rumpel @ Hallo, my name is Arno Rumpel. I´m living in Germany and my fathers family came from Bukovina in 1945. My father was born in Terescheny in 1930. His name is Ludwig. His parents were Heinrich and Barbara Rumpel (Wagner). Does anyone know something about the name Rumpel. I´m just trying to find out something about where my family came from and would highly appreciate any help. Thank you very much in advance. paulette @ My name is Paulette Gilchuk, and I live in Regina, Sk, Canada. I am researching my mother's side of the family. They all immigrated from Bukovina to MacNutt, Sk, CANADA between 1897 - 1899. The WERESCHUK (WERESZCZUK, WERSTIUK) and the PURSHAGGA families came from Neu Zuczka. SAUCHUK (SANCZUK, SAWCZUK, SAUCZUK, SHEWCHUK) family came from Draczynetz. And the KRILL family came from Czernawka. These places names today are NovaSilka, Dracinet and Chernowka, Chernivtsi Oblast, Ukraine. I am also doing research for other families that immigrated to the same community in Canada. (EFTODA, WINCHERUK, PURITCH, TKATCHUK, ANTONY, etc) Hallo, wir suchen die Vorfahren unserer Urgroßeltern K a r o l i n e K l e i n und W i l h e l m W e b e r wohnhaft zuletzt 1916/1917 Augustdorf Bukowine. Freue mich über eine Mail: Who does anything know about the parents, grandparents from Karoline Klein and Wilhelm Weber. They are emigrated 1916/1917 from Augustdorf/ Bukowine to Polen, later to Germany. Pleas send a mail, if you know anything. My adress is Hello, I am searching for family from the Radauti area of the name Gross. Osias Gross and Gusta Gross came to American around 1907. Their children were named Moses Gross and Fannie Gross. Any information on the Gross or Marad family would be very appreciated. If anyone can help, please write me at Thank you. Lynn Marad. Thank you for the opportunity to have a contact with this web site. My last name is Tarnawiecki and I would very much like to know where I could find out about our family of which we last new about was living in Czernovitz between the last two world wars. An address we have is Haupstrasse 3. There is a Wolfenhaut name mentioned we don-t know to what if is referred. My family would be so thankful if you could give us some idea to whom we could write in order to try some information of what became of the family after the war. The persons who lived there were the parents and sister of my grandfather, Marian Karol Tarnawiecki Riegler, an engineer who came to Perú at the end of the 18 hundreds and stayed here and married with a Peruvian lady. My e-mail address is adelab@terra, Thank you before hand. Adela Barrio Tarnawiecki TKACHUK :SURNAME SEARCH: TKACHUK I really hope anyone can help me! I am having trouble researching my mom's family name: TKACHUK This is what I know: My great grandfather, GEORGE TKACHUK was born in Bukovina on April 28, 1893. He had these siblings: John, Steven, Samuel, Theodore, Gregory, Katherina, Elena, Maria and Polagiya. His parents were: KOSMA AND ANGENIA TKACHUK. George, my great grandfather told his sons he used to work for Barons in Ukraine. Then, he came to Canada (1910?) first with 2 brothers to find work and his brothers returned. He was the only one to stay and settled in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. This is all I know. I am desperate to find this Tkachuk family my great grandfather left behind. No one else in my family or extended family seems to be confidant to do research via the computer. But, I am really excited about it and hope in my heart to find something. PLEASE help me. Thank you for your time and consideration, Mary Miceli-Krupka Hi, my name is Kathleen Bergmann. I am related to the Knebel family as well as the Hennigs, from Bukovina.The names Muhm as wellas Tritthardt are also on my family tree.Here also is a list of other names that I am related to.SKIBAK,STARK,KELLOR,SCHOLLENBERGER,HEINTZ,CASPARE,SCHILLILG,PFAFF.iF YOU CAN HELP PLEASE e-MAIL ME AT Hi, I just joined as a member...this site is great! I'm tracing my family of Leibel/Baumgartner/Hicke. Jacob Leibel (abt.1850) married Marianna Baumgartner (abt.1850) - my great great grandparents. They had five children (that I know of) Anton, Eva, Georg, Sophie and Casmar. Georg Leibel, my great grandfather married Rosalia Hicke (parents were Wenzel Hicke and Barbara Reiger)...went on to have 10 children. If any one has any information or leads...I would love to hear from you! rvorb @ Does the name Orb mean anything to anyone. I think it was probably shortened from what I don't know. Any thoughts??? emy_cfirst @ My wife and I recently married. Carmen Pewtress came to the US from Bucharest. She found this site and are looking to meet other people to whom we may talk with and become friends. It is So good to know that this place is available to meet others to whom my wife and I can become akin to. Our e-mail is emy_cfirst @ You can correspond with us if you wish. Multumesc! harpy @ I just happened on your site and I am so excited. I will come bake and spend more time to learn. My grandfather, Michael Rudolph Sturza, imigrated to the US in 1905. He always said he came from Bukovina, which we could never find on a map. He loved telling me that he could speak five different languages! Thanks for sharing this knowledge that I thought I could never find. Annette Pritchard Oregon City, OR snancy @ Very nice website. I was just surfing for Petschauer genealogy and came onboard to have a look around. My grandparents emigrated here in the early 1900s. Thanks very much. Nancy Petschauer-Thurber Betreff: Mein Vater wurde in Jakobeny geboren, meine mittlerweile verstorbene Großmutter Anna Koschka,geb. 1910 hieß mit Mädchennamen ZAHARANSKI. Vielleicht gibt es jemanden, der die Familie KOSCHKA aus Jakobeny kennt oder etwas über sie weiß!? Vielen Dank schon mal im Vorraus. jikramer @ Very nice site. My mother, Ana Becher gave her mothers address as Zadowa, Bukovina. Her brother, Leopold Becher, gave his address as Storojinet. Margareta (Weidl) Becher was out of Machliniec, Galicia. The Weidl family originally came from Albrechtsdorf in Bohemia. I note that Canadian Archives have Ship Manifest lists for 1925-1935. Search by name or ship. Excellent resource. If any of these names ring bells I would like to hear from you. Joe Kramer voicesoflight @ It must have been time for me to find this history. My mothers paper work was burned. My grandfather was Ferdinand Massier. Stories of the past that were told to me as a child are all mentioned here. My children need this information passed to them which I will do. Our family was Baptist and moved from Texas to Washington State before I was born. I'm stunned and grateful to find your pages. This forms the base of my spiritual writings and volunteer work delivering peace to the afflicted. Now I am in need. This gives me strength to drink from the well within myself. Thank you for being here. I'm sure you will read this if it is meant to be. levv_2 at yahoo dot com Hi looking for descendants of Kraft family from Hliboka near Czernovitz in Bukowina and Weidenfeld family from Sereth and Hliboka in Bukovina, if you are or you know any please reply to levv_2 at yahoo dot com. thank you hansheuchert @ Subject: HEUCHERT My name is Johann ( Hans) Heuchert. I have prepared a web site just for our family history. Feel free to visit: and send me any comments and any additional information you might have. Regards, hansheuchert @ rgaber @ I am the son of George and Esther Gaber. My father's father was born near Czernowitz and moved to the US about l905.....If you or anyone reading has any information about the GABER family, or WEXLER please contact me...Robert Gaber thank you so much godbless Hallo Finde die Seite klasse.Meine Schwiegermutter,Hedwig Schon geb. Kohlruss, ist in Solca geboren.Suche für Sie Kontakte zu Solcaner.Wir fahren im September nach Solca. I love this website have visited it often and always learn new things. i have recently becoma a member and am looking for relatives. FRANK HARTMAN born Oct.26 1878, Molodia, Bukovina. Frank was fluent in 11 languages, was well educated and a school teacher in Molodia, Bukovina until he moved to Saskatchewan, Canada in (1907-1910, am looking for exact dates) Parents were thought to be JOSEF HARTMAN and LENA DELINGER (DILLINGER, DOLLINGER??) Josef was married twice had 3 sons from his first wife and 3 sons from the second. Other then Frank in Canada there was only one brother or step-brother thought to survive WWII and he may have escaped to Russia. APOLINA (Apolonia) HICKE born May 24 1884, Czernowith, Bokovina to WENZEL HICKE and BARBARA REIGER. Apolina was thought to have 4 brothers and 1 sister. I would appreciate any information about these people and their relatives in Canada or the U.S.A. Thanks Myrna McKenzie at Hello, Looking for info on my grandfather,Mikai Zalot(Zalod) not sure. Born 1 may 1895 in town of Mehoven,Bucovina. Any help with information would be appreciated. Others names are Cojocaru and Violo. Thanks Brenda Hallo! Bin auf der Suche nach meinen Vorfahren: Regina Kapelar - verehel. Brodacz - geb. 1895 in Jakobeni, Petrus Kapelar und dessen Ehefrau Catharina geborene Schuthi, Rosa Deak (oder Deek), Johannes Deak (Deek) und dessen Ehefrau Sophie geborene Spitsche, Rudolf Brodacz geb. 1889, Ludwig Brodacz und dessen Ehefrau Rosa, geborene König. Wer kann mir weiterhelfen oder Hinweise mitteilen. Vielen Dank im voraus. kimmie2463 @ SEARCING FOR A "GEORGE MICKEY" AND A MARY OBORNEY" THAT LIVED IN PERRY TOWNSHIP, CANTON, OHIO FOR A FEW YEARS AROUND 1905-1930 (+/-). CENSUS RECORDS STATE THEY WERE FROM AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. (HE WAS BORN @1885 IN TRANSYLVANIA ROMANIA I AM TOLD) MARY OBORNEY WAS BORN @ 1892 OR 1893. MARY LATER ENDED UP IN A HOSPITAL IN OHIO FOR MENTAL ILLNESS UNTIL THE 1930'S. I JUST RECENTLY LEARNED THAT THEY ARE MY GREAT GRANDPARENTS. THEY HAD A CHILD AUGUST 10th 1913, THAT WAS GIVEN UP FOR ADOPTION IN STARK COUNTY, OHIO.....MARY MICKEY (ADOPTED NAME: ROGERS)....MY GRANDMOTHER. ANY INFO, FEEL FREE TO EMAIL ME AT Thank you so very much! llgraves @ Great website! I just spent a lovely p.m. reading about the lifestyle and culture of Bukovina families who lived at the same time as my maternal grandparents/great grandparents. On first contact, I received speedy and excellent information re. location of NICHOLAUSDORF,BUKOVINA,where they lived for several decades. Around 1905, they moved to Langenberg, Germany, where they stayed until about 1912 before emigrating to MELVILLE, SASKATCHEWAN,CANADA. Names of interest are MATHIAS PRINZ (mat.great grandfather);______? GERLIEB/GERLIB(mat. great grandmother); CAROLINE PRINZ (grandmother) born 23 Sept 1887; PHILLIP BELZER (grandfather) born in Volhynia 19 December 1881 and who aparrently lived across the Siretul River from Nikolausdorf; JACK MARTIN (half brother of Phillip). Paternal great grandparents JACOB BELZER & CATHARINE SHINDELL may not have lived in Bukovina. I was very happy to find this website via the google .com since I was looking for years to find out more information about the Birth-place of my Father. I don´t even know my Grandparents, since he, my Father, Josef Robert Plechinger, born in Putna-Romania, 8th October 1921, never talked about them. But there is so much that I want to know about his familly, my ancestors and my bloodline that has Bukovina Influence. I always wanted to visit Putna to honor my Father, since he left Romania in the second World War as a young man under the service of Erwin Rommel and after being POW in Tobruk, he never managed to go back, since he was working overseas. I would love to know more about him, his parents, how he grew up and how the Area looked like where he was living as a boy. I really would appreciate your help in this matter. Thanking you in advance for your endeavour, I remain with best regards, Friedrich Plechinger From Germany arcdane @ My great grandfather Fred Fries, immigrated with his father Frank Fries from bukovina in the 1890's, and ended up in Ellis, Kansa, USA, we have links to the names Werb, Wendling, and Ast. Not all of my Great Grandpa Fred's siblings immigrated with him and I still have family in Austria. Please Feel Free to E-Mail me, with any news or family connections. Anastasia Fries-Chatterton aaramfan @ My mother, Helene Scherle, was born in 1935/36 in Storojinet. She was one of six children born to Martin and Maria Scherle. She survived the War and settled in Stuttgart-Bad Canstatt, Germany and came to the States in 1958. gwindholz @ Stopped in to look the site over. Very nice. Guy Windholz Hays, Kansas USA c @ Good Day! We are related to Geres dated back to the early 1700, Ancestors being Reinhold, Jacob, Johannes Jacob 1855 , Johann Jacob 1827, Johann Daniel 1788. (last four being born in Landestru Galicia) Fredrick Jacob b. 1794 Ilbesheim. If you can help with a connection The Geres Family lived in house # 21 bet 1890- 1908 showing on the Landestru map. The Philipps family comes originally from Zilling in Lothringen (Lorraine, France) and next in 1784 they came to Galizien and are connected with such places in Galizien like Ugartsthal (Siwka by Kalusz), Kalusz, Knihinin (district of Stanislawow), Stanislawow (Stanislau, Ivano-Frankovsk. A part of the family emigrated from Ugartsthal to Bukowina (Alexanderdorf and Katharinendorf). A branch of the family emigrated in 1840 from Galizien to Canada and lives today in Langenburg, Saskatchewan. Another branch of the family emigrated in 1836 from Zilling (Lorraine, France) also to Canada and was settled in Rainham Town, Ontario. I have created a new Group devoted only to Our Common Family. The website is the following: The Family Tree is still enlarged and you may see it on: You may also receive information on Galizien German Descendants at: b_lang @ A great website. I was wondering if anyone has a recipe for making goat's cheese. A friend of mine is going to China to a rural area, where they have a lot of goats, and he was looking for a recipe to make goat's cheese. lwolftreepublishing @ Hi I hope you're all looking forward to a pleasant springtime...I've just been contacted most recently by a 3rd cousin in the Mayer family after she took a look at this guestbook. Please note that my e-mail address has changed...I'm now with Thanks and do keep on e-mailing me for info or my 2nd cousin, who happens to be a genealogist with this Society. His name is Bill and can be reached at Guten tag!! Brunellealexarj @ Hello! Iam hoping to find some Familymembers of my Mother. She just turned 72 and would like nothing more than to find some distand Cousins or such.Her Maidenname is KOUKAL. FRANZ und MARIA KOUKAL were her parents. She was born in ZNAIM. My Mother`s GREATGRANDFATHER was one ADAM KOUKAL. All we know after this gets a little lost. All we know, is that GREATUNCLE MATTHIAS (MATEY)KOUKAL immigrated into the USA sometime around 1885-1895 I could really need some help, have no idea on where to start. Ispeak German and Englisch, if that`s a good start...haha. THANK YOU for every little hint you could throw my way. BUT ONLY HONEST LETTERS, PLEASE!!!! This site has been of great interest to me. I am the son of Walter & Betty Seidel, the grandson of Frederick & Marie Seidel and the great grandson of Friedrech & Marie Seidel. Friedrech & Marie & their large family took a homestead in the SnipeLake RM of the North West Territories in about 1900. In 1905 the NWT became the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada. Although over the years I have attempted to make a connnection with the new and the old country (Germany). I have had limited success. This site has given me hope that they may have come from Bukovina. Thank You. First of all my compliments for this great website. This summer I will travel from Nijmegen (Holland) to St. Onufre (Manastioara) in Romania where my mother was born on 11-6-1931 Elsa Lipinski. Her fathers name was Ludwig Lipinski, her mothers name was Wilhelmine Lipinski-Weber. My mother now lives in Holland (The Hague), her sister Berta lives in Albig (Germany) and her brother Ludwig lives in Alzey (also Germany). They all in their seventy's now. The Lipinski family left St Onofre in 1940. A train brought them via Budapest to Germany: Breslau (near Munich) and from there they were replaced around Frescaty (Metz) in France. After the war the family settled in Alzey, Kaiserslauter etc. I hope to find some traces of the Lipinski-Weber family in St. Onufre. All information welcome. Greetings Bob van Huet, son of Elsa Lipinski hallo ich suche: die Familiennachkommen von Familie SCHOLZ; PODLOWSKI, PROSEILO; CAROL; WITWITZKI aus Cernowitz und Sereth Bukowina, verstreut in alle Himmelsrichtungen z.B. Deutschland; Canada; Amerika; Südafrika Danke Olga Scholz(Nada) antoine.kuffner @ If you have information's of my name KUFFNER Antoine Anton, we have living in ARBORA before the resettlement in 1940. My interest is to find the origin of our family, me be bohemian blck forest or an odder country . Tank's samefor amodest information HKBLA @ Hallo, ich suche Informationen zu der Familie HIRSCHMÜLLER/Rosch (Czernowitz), deren Spitzenahn Mathias aus Obergailbach/Moselle/Frankreich stammen soll. Ferner zu den Familien LUDWAR/DUCZEK/JACOBI (Neusiedel a.d.H.)/FRECKOT (ebenso), die aus Frankreich (Chateau Salins) kommen/ERASMUS/SEDLACK/BAUMGARTNER-Grabatz/ BEUTEL/GOLLHOFER Falls jemand sich angesprochen fühlt, bitte bitte Kontak aufnehmen. Mein Vetter HIRSCHMÜLLER möchte endlich seine Herkunft klären. Re-mail an HKBLA @ mariopop @ Eine schone Seite fur ein sehr schones Land! Habe die "Bemahlten Klostern" von Bukovina (Buchenland)als Reiseleiter oftmals aufgesucht. Alle meine Touristen waren bezaubert von was sie dort gesehen haben. Marian Popu Reiseleiter zwischen 1968-1976 p.s. Wer die moglichkeit hat, berate ich ihm, Bukovina afzusuchen denbero @ We just found this website re Bukovina Genealogy, we are delighted to find a few names we recognized as family members. This site is wonderful. We are interested in finding descendants of Jakob Schaffer, Ludwig Schaffer married Katherina Lindenbach also Karl Wagner married Rosina Massier. Thank you. schulze_lauenstein @ Meine Großeltern, leider schon verstorben, stammen beide aus Jakobeny. WILHELM KLETSCH und ROSA, geb. ZAHARANSKI. Gibt es jemanden, der mit ihnen in Jakobeni lebte oder entfernte Verwandte? Würde mich über Antwort freuen. hildegard.perk @ Hallo,mein Name Ist Hildegard Perk,geb. Pscheidt.Ich such alles über die Familie Pscheidt.Mein Vater,Karl Pscheidt,ist am 9.Feb.1934 in Augustendorf/Bukovina geboren.Meine Großeltern hießen Ignatz(31.Jan 1907) und Anna Pscheidt(01.Mar.1914),geb. Silzer.Vielleicht leben noch Verwandte in Davideni. My name is Hildegard Perk,born Pscheidt.I seach all about my family Pscheidt.My father is Karl Pscheidt,born 9.Feb.1934 in Augustendorf/Bukovina.My grandparents was Ignatz(31.Jan.1907) and Anna Pscheidt(01.Mar.1914),born Silzer. ipotesti @ Great site!!! Looking for information about the families Hreniuc (Renuk) Lazar (1896-1985) & Dumitru, born in Ipotesti, Suceava, Bukovina, emigrated to US between 1907-1920. They are my grandfather’s brothers. Renuk Lazar (American name) married to Mary (1909-1987) had 4 children and lived in Rittman, Wayne (OH). One of they daughters, Victoria Renuk, is living in Rittman. I’d like to contact her for more information. About Dumitru Hreniuc (maybe Renuk, Renik Denis) I don’t have informations All info are welcomes If anyone search family info in Ipotesti, Suceava Bucovina I’ll tray to help. Maritza Paris France ipotesti @ Great Site Looking for information about the families Hreniuc (Renuk) Lazar (1896-1985) & Dumitru, born in Ipotesti, Suceava, Bukovina, emigrated to US between 1907-1920. They are my grandfather’s brothers. Renuk Lazar (the American name) married to Mary (1909-1987) had 4 children and lived in Rittman, Wayne (OH). One of they daughters, Victoria Renuk, is living in Rittman. I’d like to contact her for more information. About Dumitru Hreniuc (maybe Renuk, Renik Denis) I don’t have informations All info are welcomes If anyone search family info in Ipotesti, Suceava Bucovina I’ll tray to help. Maritza Hreniuc Paris France Hi Very, very high excellent Bukowina Society of the Americas pages, which I am always interested in finding all everything wonderfully, because my late dad Wasyl Halek, all families, sides and friends came from Walawa, Bukowina, Austria, as a perfect whole. I keep in touch with the best Bukowina Society of the Americas pages. Certainly lots of thanks to you all, who work hard wonderfully and good service to me. Thank you, as I still remain. Yours Very Respectfully, shalek7 goraluk goraluk @ trying to find relatives in voloca area ,other relative names guraluik, germain,gorda,my sister just came backfrom that area found some contacts but it was to late she had to move with the group and didnt have enough time.please contact us Rick Goraluk jerruach @ I just found this site last year and this is my second visit. I am searching for info on my great-grandparents family line. My great-grandfather was Gregor Agopsowicz, born 1860 in Belgoni, Austria. He married Minka(Mary) (Von) Karst in Bukavina 09/16/1888. They emmigrated to Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada sometime later. My grandmother, Marika (Mary) Luzia Agopsowicz was born in Glentworth or Regina on December 20,1897. From there, they moved to Yakima, Washington. I would greatly appreciate any further info anyone could provide. Thanks. Terry jerruach @ Hello Oren and the Bukovina Society from Frank Stempski My wife Pat and I are searching for information on: 1. my Grandfather Julius Tischinski who was born Julius Tyszczynski on April 9, 1885 in Solca ) Solka, Bukovina. If anyone knows of any descendants of relatives or friends of Julius Tischinski, please send the info to me. 2. In September of 2005 , my wife and I would like to visit Solka, Bukovina to see if there are any records, church documents ( Catholic ) or descendants of friends or relatives of Julius Tischinski. If anyone can advise on best travel and lodging suggestions , this would be appreciated. thanks and Danke Frank and Pat Stempski 1454 Fields Dr San Jose, California 95129 408 725 0923 Hallo, mir gefällt die Bukowinaseite sehr gut. Meine Vorfahren kommen aus Arbora. Familienname Schmidt und Manz. Wer hat Bilder von Arbore oder Namen von Einwohnern dieser Gemeinde? Macht weiter so! Anton Schmidt Hallo ! Mein Name ist Jürgen Tischler geb.1966 in Wittenberge.Meine Grosseltern stammen aus Schwarzthal und hiessen Regina Tischler geb.Fleissner und Josef Tischler Meine Grosmutter hatte 2 Brüder (Franz vermisst 1943 Finnland und Sepp lebt heute noch in Linz ). Sie hatten 2 Kinder ( Otto u. Magarete). Über meinen Grossvater weiss ich nicht viel, er soll aus Kimpolung stammen von einer Familie mit ca.10-11 Kindern . Wer weiss etwas über die Familie Tischler und woher sie kamen ( die Rede war immer von Bayern ). Bin für jeden Tipp dankbar !! Kacam53 @ Thank you for sharing your website. I'm trying to find out when Valentine Bayer,who was probably born in 1840, emmigrated to America. If you can offer any suggestion how to find this out, please let me know. Sincerely, Kathy Camizzi New York USA I am looking for information on my grandparents that came from Augustdorf in the early to mid 1890's. My grandfather was Heinrich Vilhelm Freier and his wife was Eleanora Deitrich. He had a brother named Conrad Freier that came to Texas at the same time. Henry Freyer Frohe Weihnachten und alles Gute im Neuen Jahr wünsche ich allen Bukowiner Deutschen. Gertrud Dear cousins of the Bukowina Family I wish to all you a very blessed Christmas with Christkindl. Francisco José Saidl Spring Grove, PA US Hi I would like to thank you very much to help me to find the Walawa, Bukowina, Austria Maps, where my late Wasyl Halek was born in 1892 and also my late mother Katie's father was born in Czernowitz, Bukowina, Austria. I was glad to see the real old maps very well. Certainly thanks to you alot. Keep all works going forth ahead in the good future. Sincerely, shalek7 BHaas18365 @ I Wish all people of the Bukowina Society Happy X-mas and a Happy New Year. I have to say thanks for all kindness und help they have give to my by my fisit in Hays/ Ellis at October. It was very nice to meet all my relativs there. It was suprising how near we relatet after nearly 100 Years. I hope to can conect all the people wonce a time. Thanks for all Brigitte Haas Germany Hi, all bucovina friends. My name is Silvia and I am serching for my family living in Czernowitz until the change of the 19th to 20th century. Their name was PIHULAK other spellings could have been PIHULIAK or PIHULEAC Meanwhile we found some probably relatives in CANADA, but we never got the connection between our common name. As we now there r some other people having the same name and living in the States.Directly connected relatives had been in AUSTRIA/VIENNA. Every hint to get out the origin of our name or the link between the already known families would be apreciated. Please contact me under my e-mail, many thanks for all. I am looking for information on my grandmother who came to the U.S. from Jacobeni, Bucovina in 1899 at age 1l. Her name was Anna Georgianna Ohlschlager which went to being spelled Ahlschlager in the United States. Her father was Matthias and her mother was Barbara Cyhla or Cihla in the U.S. hola: estoy buscando informacion sobre my grant fater name is gasparik el nacio en 1900 en bucovina y viajo al uruguay .cualquier dato sera de gran ayuda. desde ya muchas gracias. jtkachuk @ marc(at) peter
sue.scarr @
jcesta @ lsteffen @ gsbu @ gabriele @ recordplant .
com wolftreepublishing @ forster @ wolftreepublishing @ wolftreepublishing @ Azalea0611 @ cornwalljack @ cvolsen @ abish1028 @ wolftreepublishing @ mwcovi @ wolftreepublishing @ janadz @ andriygt @ bethlong3 @ zhovreboff @ moore1984 @ LKStraus @ debravanhulsteyn @ AJS1PRES @ aol.COM dunian @ Appelt-Berlin @ Wer möchte mit mir Kontakt aufnehmen??? Meine Vorfahren mütterlicherseits Stammen alel aus der Bukowina. Ort: Neuhütte Namen: Mühlbauer, Hoffmann, Schönauer, Zahn, Kuschinkski... Meine Mutter ist 1937 in Neuhütte geboren Einige Verwandte waren vor 4 Jahren vor Ort in der alten geliebten Heimat... Die Langschaft alles noch so schön wie früher... Nur die Menschen die dort leben sind Bettelarm...weil heute Ukraina ist. Wer schreibt mir??? Jürgen Appelt geb.1969 in Deutschland Berlin
cminor5767 @ Saturday 03. July 2004 Dear Canadian members of the Bukovina Society; I need help. My grandfather, Edward Hackel (born 1853; lived in Paltinossa, Bukovina) had a sister Rosie (Rose, Rosalie, Rozalia,...) who emigrated to Alberta, Canada where she was employed delivering mail on horseback. I estimate her birth to be in the 1850's and do not know her married name, nor any other particulars. Could her employment be accessed ? as I do not believe there were many female postal carriers on horseback. I estimate the employment period to be 1880-1900. Any and all information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much. C. Minor. I LIVE IN BUKOVINA, IN SUCEAVA,ROMANIA.MY NAME IS OVIDIU GHIUTA AND I AM STYDENT . I WANT TO TALK WITH PEOPLE ABOUT BUKOVINA. I AM INTERESTED TO CHANGE INFORMATIONS, NEWS AND HISTORY ABOUT THIS REGION. I AM STUDENT AND MY GRANDPARENTS LIVE IN ILLISCHESTIE,BUKOVINA. IF YOU WANT TO TALK WITH A MAN FROM BUKOVIA PLEASE SEND ME AN GREETINGS FOM BUKOVINA sykosm @ Sykos, Prodernink, Suhoverhiv. Would like to communicate with any one who is familiar with the above family names and/or town in the Ukraine (Bukovina). mkaitar dear members of Bukovina! my perents was from bukovina& my brother also born in Istensegits. my husbund parents is also from Bukovina. from Fogadjisten & Andrasfalva. I have relatives in Hungary & Germany & Romania .the names is Silzer, Bacs. Laszlo.Kajtar, Varda. Kasler. Thanks My name is Marie-Thérèse Guellier, born Wiszniowski and live in France. My grand-father Wendelin Wisniowski was born in Radautz.second grand father martin Reif in Radautz I am rechearching information for genelogy :Family Wiszniowski, Mirbauer, Russ, Reif, Wittal, Pscheidt, Hasenohrl all born in Radautz. Merci pour toutes les informations passionnantes sur la Bucovine, site remarquable. ph.manz @ Philipp Manz, Dorfstraße 10,D -84367 Reut Sohn von Philipp Manz und Hedwig, geb. Fuchs; (Tochter der Eheleute Johann und Ludowika Fuchs, geb. Raitmaier;) I LIVE IN BUKOVINA, IN SUCEAVA,ROMANIA.MY NAME IS OVIDIU GHIUTA AND I AM STYDENT . I WANT TO TALK WITH PEOPLE ABOUT BUKOVINA. I AM INTERESTED TO CHANGE INFORMATIONS, NEWS AND HISTORY ABOUT THIS REGION. I AM STUDENT AND MY GRANDPARENTS LIVE IN ILLISCHESTIE,BUKOVINA. IF YOU WANT TO TALK WITH A MAN FROM BUKOVIA PLEASA SEND ME AN GREETINGS FOM BUKOVINA Hi Glad to find Walawa, Bukowina, Austria, where my late father Wasyl Halek and his all relatives & sides were born in, but I need more pictures, Maps and etc concerning the town of Walawa in this computer. Thank you very much for your concern, patience, assistance and kindness to find a best satisfactory. Keep work going on and so forth ahead in future. Thanks. Stanley peeduard @ Ich suche meine Verwandten aus Canada. Bruder meine Oma war Wenzel(Wenceslaus) Pekar, geb. am 25.04.1899 in Paltinossa(Paltinoasa) Bukowina. Er ist in 1924 nach Canada wegfahren und geblieben. All information are welcomes. melodieblue-94 @ Looking for information about the families Iatcu (in Romanian) Jatzko Georges (1891-1978), Victoria and Daniel all born in Ipotesti Suceava Bukovina, emigrated to Canada near 1912. Georges married to Mafta 1st jul 1912 in Montreal, lived in Windsor Ont. Canada and had 6 children. Georges is my grandfather’s brother. Victoria Jatzko married to Horbaniuc Leonte in Canada Daniel Jatzko no married. If you know anything about Canadian family please help and contact me. My 2nd great-grandfather Stefan Iatcu (Jatzko) born near 1820, married to Maaria Pinkastrop or Finkastrop. She was Yiddish. They lived in Ipotesti Suceava Bukovina . All information are welcomes Thanks Maritza Hreniuc Paris, France oliver_heine @ Hello, I've got some more persons. Does somebody know something about (Kennt jemand): Leopold Mühlbauer (*~1840) oo 1857 Karoline Jekal Karl Jekal oo 1873 Barbara Kusinski Thank you. Hi my name is Doina [Sandecki] Sparkes and I am looking for some information for my Dad, he was born in Chernovowitz[?] Poland in 1929 his Moms maiden name was Oliva. My Dads name is Ignacey Sandecki. If you have any information please email me at thankyou , Doina pls my father was born in bukovina/czernovitz in 1912 his name was abraham friedmann ball he was born in march 1912 and death in lima peru in february 1983 i am his son my name is fishel david friedmann kilimajer pls i need information about him as certificate of born ,,,, his parents was fischel friedman and tzirel ball pls advise me urgent .or advise me what y can do about this tks david lima peru mandasamm @ Hi, My name is Amanda Meyer (nee Kroiter). I have some relatives who are descendents from Bukovina, but I do not know first names or anything else about them. Can anyone help me? A descendent from Bukovina attended a meeting and it is recorded in one of your newsletters that "'There were many descendants of Bukovinians in attendance. The names of those guests are: Ast, Exner, Kroiter, Manz, Meier, Miller, Mirwald, Pfeifer, Radmacher, Rumpel, Sauer, Wendling, Wolfe who are all of German descent" (see newsletter Vol. 8, No. 3 - September 1998). Does anyone know who this was??? As I am trying to trace my family tree, any help or information would be extremely helpful! Thank you! Mein Urgruoßvater Martin Zitron wurde am 1. Juli 1899 in Komanestie oder Komarestie geboren. Seine Eltern waren Stefan Zitron (geb. unbekannt) und Maria Hartinger (*1879 in Neuhütte). Wer kann mir bei der Erforschung der Familie Zitron weiterhelfen? Wer ist womöglich mit uns verwandt? chemla_anny @ my name is Anny Chemla born Schäfer and I live in France, I am looking for information or members of my family if left for the following names Strominger -Fuhrmann - Schäfer, all born in czernowitz between 1874 and 1918, my grand father Benno Schäfer was an architect in Czernowitz and my other grand father Bernhard Strominger was a lowyer there and he lived after 1945 in Suceava. please sned your information to chemla_anny @ ovidiu_ghiuta @ I LIVE IN BUKOVINA, IN SUCEAVA,ROMANIA.MY NAME IS OVIDIU GHIUTA AND I AM STYDENT . I WANT TO TALK WITH PEOPLE ABOUT BUKOVINA. I AM INTERESTED TO CHANGE INFORMATIONS, NEWS AND HISTORY ABOUT THIS REGION. I AM STUDENT AND MY GRANDPARENTS LIVE IN ILLISCHESTIE,BUKOVINA. IF YOU WANT TO TALK WITH A MAN FROM BUKOVIA PLEASA SEND ME AN GREETINGS FOM BUKOVINA gmkohlruss @ Hallo, bin auf der Suche nach meinen Vorfahren: Kohlruss, Filip, Mayer, Fosticz Zeitraum 1800-1900, Bukowina. Danke! froehlich_e @ Hallo, mein name ist Esther Fröhlich, geb. Pscheidt, die Mutter meines Vaters war eine geb. Hanus, Mathilde Hanus, der Vater hieß Bogdan Pscheidt, woher bekomme ich Informationen und wer weiß näheres von Pscheidts oder Hanus aus der Bukovina? Ich wäre sehr dankbar von Ihnen zu hören! koz510 @ Hello, I am researching the Kozokar family and found a Johann who I believe is a relative. He was born in Suczawa, Bukowina, around 1870. I found him in school list (written in German?) stating that his desired profession is "jus" and his final exam is "reif". Can anyone translate those words for me? Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
gabriele @ I'd love to hear from anybody who is somehow related or knows anything about Isabela Neuburger (*1910) (- married Alois Kasper(he's from Dorna Candreni) in Dorna Vatra 1936) She had three beautiful children of whom one was my Dad. PARENTS of Isabela Neuburger - Rudolf Neuburger (* 1876) and Rosalia Bobrowski married in Poiana Micului 1901. PARENTS of Rudolf Neuburger - Paul Neuburger and Paulina Neuburger(born Paulina Hackel)(*1845) married in Poiana Micului in 1866. Parents of Rosalia Neuburger born as Rosalia Bobrowski: Mother is supposedly Franziscae Bobrowski - Father: ???- the milk man? If you have any INFO send it to me please. Parents of Paulina Hackel - Wenzel Hackel (*1817) and Anna Maria Baumgartner. Parents of Paul Neuburger - George Neuburger and Katharina Graf. I hope this is not too confusing. If you have any questions email me. Falls Du nur DEUTSCH sprichst schick' mir bitte eine email - Ich kann das alles auch noch mal auf Deutsch wiedergeben. b_lang @ This is a great page! I have tracked Traugott Lang, of Arbore back to about 1801 to Siebenburgen, and would like to know where to get information of the routes that the Schwabian Germans took to get to Bucovina, also sites in Schwabia, Germany where they may have come from. My thanks to Roman Polansky for helping me track the Lang Family of Southey, Saskatchewan back to 1801. mrosenthal @ Researching relatives from Sadagura. My Grandmother is Deborah Linker, Great Grandmother is Anna Linker, Great Grandfather is Wolfgang Linker. Anna and children came to NY in 1913 nbiamont @ Hello I have a question regarding a SWASTIKA like symbol that occassionaly appeares in the Taufen books of the KATHOLISCHE KIRCHE JAKOBENY. The symbol is always rather crudely hand drawn compared to the handwritting it accompanies and is usually found under the given name of the child. Does anyone know what it means? Bradley Biamonte nbiamont @ aphan @ Andrea Kozan Phan aphan @ I just want to thank you for having such a site. My paternal side is from Istensegits, Bukovina (one of the 5 Szekely Hungarian villages). I have learned so much from your Dec. 2003 newsletter, been put in touch with great researchers, and found distant cousins all through aspects of this site. I have become a lifetime member of the Bukovina Society and look forward to learning more. Thank you. familieczerny @ hello, we are looking for the history of the family c z e r n y lived in czudyn. i was searching for it but could not find any further information in the internet. bnbiamonte @ Hello. I am researching the emmigration of my ancestors from Jakobeny in 1904. Can anyone suggest which port they might have used to cross to America? So far I have not been able to find record of their departure or arrival. Family lore has it that they were on a ship that also was transporting livestock. Thanks. ritaandbob @ My name is Rita Lemon (nee Manz) and I'm searching for the following names: MANZ, TIEFENBACH, MASSIER, ARNDT and STETTNER. They lived in the following Bukowina towns: ARBORA, KANOPKOWKA, TEREBLESTIE, ZADOWA, NEU ZADOWA. My E-mail address is: steinhagen @ Wir suchen die Familiennachkommen von Familie Scholz; Podlowski, Proseilo; Carol; Witwitzki aus Cernowitz Bukowina, verstreut in alle Himmelsrichtungen z.B. Deutschland; Canada; Amerika; Südafrika ich bin die Tochter von Nada Olga Scholz (Aussiedlung nach Pommern, Aktion Heim ins Reich mit Ihrer leider 1976 verstorbenen Mutter Eleonore Scholz), Martina. dkathy.musfelt @ Hi, I am Kathy Musfelt from Calgary, Alberta Canada. I am searching for my grandfather's family information. He was born in Sadagora, Bukowina in the late 1890's as Semeon Haideciuc, which was 'anglosized' to 'Hydechuk'when he emigrated to Canada in the early 1900's. His parents were Georghe and Irina Haideciuc. Any help anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! douguhrich @ Hello everyone. My grandfather, Stefan Rudan, came to Saskatchewan, Canada in the early 1900's. At a later date, 1921-22, he brought over his 4 children, Nicholas, Mike, Mary and Ethel. Their birthplace is shown as Pohoryliwka, Bukovina. I cannot locate it on any map, nor can I find any information using the family name.After living in Saskatchewan for about 2 years, he went back to Bukovina, leaving the children to fend for themselves. My mother was Ethel, and all of the above uncles and my aunt are now deceased. Does anyone have any information on the above? Please E-mail me at douguhrich @ A sincere thanks to anyone who might respond. Th.Glass @ Hallo Ihr Bukowina-Freunde! In meiner Forschung bin ich auf den Ort Andrasfalva - Maneuti gestoßen. Hier hat mein Großvater, Jakob Glass und meine Großmutter, Johanna Sauer bis zu Ihrer Umsiedlung 1940 gelebt. Hier sind auch die beiden älteren Brüder meines Vaters geboren Artur und Ernst Glass. Ich suche das Buch von Norbert Gaschler - Das Schicksal der Bukowina Magyaren im Orginal. Für mich ist der Inhalt, bezogen auf meine Großeltern interessant. Auch Bilder, Lageskizzen und Namenslisten aus diesem Ort suche ich. Ich würde mich sehr über Ihre Hilfe freuen. Für entstehende Unkoste würde ich nach Absprache gern aufkommen. adolf.hellinger @ Hallo. Eure Seite ist bemerkenswert! Ich wohne in München und suche (eventuell) nach den Nachfahren von PAULA (Scheftschiuk?) geborene Hellinger aus Bori (Bukowina), die Schwester meines Vaters (Emil Hellinger). Sie ist (1930?) nach Kanada ausgewandert, hat dort geheiratet, und hatte einige Kinder. Sie war auch einmal zu Besuch in Rumänien. Für etwaige Informationen würde ich mich sehr freuen. Bitte e-mailt mir an adolf.hellinger @ in Deutschland. Vielen Herzlichen Dank! adolf.hellinger @ Hello Everyone, I am searching in Canada for PAULA (Schefchiuk?), who was born as Hellinger in Bori Bukowina, the syster of my father (Emil Hellinger). She married in Canada (Montreol?) and have a lot of children. Please e-mail me to adolf.hellinger @ in Germany. Your site is great! Th.Glass @ Hallo! Ich bin auf der Suche nach den Geschwistern meiner Großmutter Johanna Glass, geborene Sauer. Sie wurde am 24.12.1906 in Tereblestie geboren. Sie war die jüngste von mehreren Kindern. Ihre Mutter Magdalena Mang geb. 3.1.1964 in Tereblestie heiratete am 12.10.1884 in Andrasfalva Wilhelm Sauer, geb. 12.7.1860 in Illischestie. Johanna´s älteste Schwest war Barbara Sauer, geb. 17.7.1884 in Tereblestie und heiratete später Christian Wagner, geb. 25.11.1887 in Tereblestie. Johanna hatte auch zwei Brüder Philipp und Georg. Beide wanderten in den 30iger Jahren nach Amerika bzw. Canada aus. Wer kann mir bei der Suche helfen? LWeiniger @ I grew up hearing my father's stories of his childhood in Bukovina. Apparently his family had orchards and his brother died while working in the orchard one day. My grandfather was David Weininger, grandmother was Anna Weininger. My father was born in the United States, moved to Bukovina in 1904 and then returned to the United States in 1912. My father was Selig Weininger. Any information would be very helpful. Thanks, LWeiniger @ @ Finally closer to my family roots 1830-1940 in Bukowina/ Alt Mamajesti/Czernowitz! Hamburg (Germany) Jan Emil Kukielka 12. April 2004 loeki @ I am trying to get in contact with people living in Bucovina, Suceava, Mitocul-Dragomirnci. My grandmother, Varvara Cojocariu was born there in 1894, March 19. Her father was Leon Cojocariu, winefarmer. On the certificat de botez a street is not mentioned, only no. 230. She left Bucovina in 1921. All information is welcome. Thank you very much. petersbergen @ mein gott...habe gerade noch einmal in der Geschichte hier gestöbert und bin auf Rudolf Brucker gestoßen - sollte das der Bürgermeister von Jakobeni gewesen sein, so war das mein Urgroßvater... Liebe Grüße Petra Brucker petersbergen @ Hallo ihr Lieben!! Habe gerade den Eintrag über Arnold Hennel gelesen und muss sagen - mit dem bin ich auch verwandt. Er ist der Bruder des Cousins meines Vaters. Mein Vater heißt Rüdiger Brucker und wurde 1928 in Eisenau geboren. Sohn des Emil Brucker und Adelheid Brucker geb. Hennel. Sollte jemand meine Familie kennen, oder gekannt haben würde ich mich sehr über Nachricht freuen! Schön, dass man Tradition und Vaterlandliebe auch weit weg der Heimat lebt! Best wishes Petra Brucker - Graz (Österreich) (ersetze
_AT_ durch @ ) Liebe Bukovinasociety-Leute Seit etwa einem Jahr durchsuche ich Ihre fantastische Webseite und stoße immer wieder auf neue Überraschungen. Einige Dokumente und Photos sind mittlerweile sogar in gedruckter Form an verwandte Nicht-Internet-Nutzer gegangen, auch nach Radautz. Dank Ihrer Daten konnte ich etliche Vorfahren aus der Bukowina finden: KONECZNY, BODNARIUK, MAJERHOFFER, MICHALSKI, STÖBERL etc. Sie sind publiziert unter > Vorfahren. Neuerdings gibt es auch einige Portraits, aus alten Photoalben eingescannt. Macht weiter so, demnächst kann ich vielleicht auch einige Dokumente liefern. PS: Wenn jemand weiterführende Informationen zu den o.g. Familien hat oder braucht möge er Kontakt aufnehmen: NIK KONECZNY, (ersetze _AT_ durch @ ) (replace
_AT_ with @ ) Dear Bukovinasociety-people I´m researching your fabulous website since about one year - still findig new surprises. I´ve even printed some pictures and documents for those Ancestors in my family that are not able to use the internet. Some papers even went to Radauti. Thanks to your databases I was able to find some dozends of familymembers from Radautz and Czernowitz from the families: KONECZNY, BODNARIUK, MAJERHOFFER, MICHALSKI, STÖBERL etc. and publish our genealogical data at > ANCESTORS. Meanwhile some of them even show pictures, scanned from old Photos. I hope soon I can provide some Bukowina-Infos to you. Keep on with that great work. PS: If anyone has or needs further information about the people in my databes, don´t hesitate to contact me NIK KONECZNY, (replace _AT_ with @ ) a-hennel @ I was interested to find this web site. My father Richard emigrated to Australia in the early 1950s. His parents were Arthur and Angela Hennel (nee Getz) who moved with their village back to Germany durning WW2. I have become interested in the family's history, maybe because my father is approaching his 73rd birthday and I realise time is now of the essence. His father (Arthur) was a twin of Adolf. Dad's cousin Arnold and wife Stefanie also live in Australia (they have three adult children) and his brother Helmut still lives in Munich. He has a cousin Bruno who used to sing in Bayern opera. I will investigate further and find out the details of the family's upheaval and let you all know of any connection with the US Hennels. Looks like this family's branches may be wider than I ever thought. kathyRN48 @ I just came upon your site. Though my name is very Irish (father's side), my mother was Bohemian-German. Her maiden name was Janda. I know very little about her family. Her father had one brother, Otto, I believe was his name. I believe Otto and Arthur (my grandfather) lived their lives mostly in Chicago. Except for my brother and sister I know of no other relatives on my grandfather's side. My mom's mother was German - I have kept in touch (distantly) with her family (she was an only child - kinda dead-ended for relatives there) but I do correspond infrequently with one of her cousins. I'm not sure why I decided to write all this............guess I'm somewhat wondering if there is anyone out there who may be a relative................. Thanks for the opportunity to write. I currently live in a suburb of Maple Grove in Minnesota. Well,,,,,,,,I don't know what else to say. frankski @ 24 March 04 My name is Frank Stempski my mother Martha Tischinski was daughter of Julius Tischinski of Solka( I think) , Bukovina. My wife Pat an I would like to visit Solka the area of Bukovina and Transylvania within the next year. I would like to find out anyone who might have know Julius Tischinski who Married Barbara Maier ( I think from Koln ( Cologne, Germany) before moving to Kansas City, MO. We are in San Jose California, if anyone knows about or have relatives of Julius Tischinski please call ( 408 725 0923) or email me at frankski @ thanks, Frank My name is Heidi Kvanli and my maiden name is Radmacher. I'm a novice at genealogy, but would like to find out more about my ancestry. My father's name is Roy, and his father (Rudolph Radmacher) came with his family to the United States when he was about 13. My grandfather's parents were Frederick (Friedrich) Radmacher and Filamina Hamann. As far as I know, they were from Radautz. Frederick and Filamina (and their 8 children) immigrated in about 1912. They settled in Minneapolis, MN, but I think they were in Canada before that. I would be thrilled to find out any information that could be shared with me--and maybe find some "long lost relatives." I was born and raised in Minneapolis, but am now living in Sioux Falls, SD. My husband (Lon) and I are both ELCA pastors and we have four children. My email address is: heidi.kvanli @ Muy buena la página. Le falta la bandera de Venezuela. Pais que recibió a bukovinos en marzo ,06 de 1951, para ubicarlos en labores agrícolas en la Unidad Agrícola de Turen, estado Portuguesa, Venezuela. Estoy trabajando con la historia de esta gente en Turén. Gracias Hallo, mein Name ist Siewert Horst, Sohn des Siewert Benjamin II, Sohn des Siewert Benjamin 1, Sohn des Siewert Christian, etc. alle Bessarbien I LIVE IN BUKOVINA, IN SUCEAVA,ROMANIA.MY NAME IS OVIDIU GHIUTA AND I AM STYDENT . I WANT TO TALK WITH PEOPLE ABOUT BUKOVINA. I AM INTERESTED TO CHANGE INFORMATIONS, NEWS AND HISTORY ABOUT THIS REGION. I AM STUDENT AND MY GRANDPARENTS LIVE IN ILLISCHESTIE,BUKOVINA. IF YOU WANT TO TALK WITH A MAN FROM BUKOVIA PLEASA SEND ME AN EMAIL: OVI @ TENNIS.COM GREETINGS FOM BUKOVINA I am looking for information about the Palko family, originally from Andrassfulva (sp?). My Grandmother's name was Zena Palko. She married Jacob Kozan in or around 1920 and had eight children. She and her husband farmed in the Cupar area of Saskatchewan. I believe her mothers maiden name was Barbara Keleman. sgkozan @ Wir suchen die Familen Scholz; Podlowski, Proseilo; Carol; Witwitzki aus Cernowitz Bukowina verstrut in alle Himmelsrichtungen z.B. Deutschland; Canada; Amerika; Südafrika Martina.steinhagen @ Hello, my name is Wolfgang ROTH from Munich, Germany. My fathers familiy is from Alt-Frautz, Bukovina and I'm looking for some more details. My grandfather is Konrad ROTH, born 1877 at Alt-Fratautz (he married Karoline PAUKNER), his father is Jakob Roth, born 1852 at Alt-Fratautz (he married Karoline KISSINGER) and his father is Adam Roth, born about 1826 at an unknown place. If you can help me, please write to wrt4711 @ MEIN NAME IST BRECHLER PETER,VON MILISAUTI ,SUCEAVA,BUCHENLAND,RUMAENIEN.ICH WILL FINDEN EINIGE INFORMATIONNEN UBER MEINE FAMILLIE,UBER MEIN UHRGROSSVATER BRECHLER GEORG(ODER BRECHLER ANTON )VON UNSERE DORF MILLISCHOTZ.BIN'S VOLKSDEUTCHER UND ZUR ZEIT HAB'ICH NICHT GEFUNDET IN RUMAENISCHEARCHIVEN NUR EIN PAAR DETAILS UBER UNSERE FAMILIE UND SEINES WURTZELN. BIITTE ,WENN IST MOGLICH,WO FINDE ICH MEHRERE INFORMATIONNEN ? MEINE E-MAIL ADRESSE IST :vbrechler @ HI My name is Andreas Knoblauch from Turnau in Austria. My father Fritz Knoblauch and also my grandfather Andreas Knoblauch are from Jakobeni in Rumänia. It would be very helpfull if I can get any information according my family tree or nearer informations according the Family History. If you have any informations please Email me: Knoblauch20 @ A wonderful site with much useful information for those looking for help about people and places in Bukovina. My mother Mary PRODODNICK (spelling close but maybe not completely accurate) married Michael (Mikhaile) SYKOS (transliterated from the Cyrillic) and came to the US about 1905 to 1910 from Bukovina. The name of the town is not clear, but sounded like "SOHOVISKO" or "SOHOVEHO". I have not been able to find any town close to those spellings other than "Sinevidsko". Can anyone offer any help on present family members of either Sykos or Prodondnick and what the name and location may be of the towns in Bukovina? No record is available on when or where they entered the US, but thhe first major place they lived in was Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. If you can provide any information, please contact me at sykosm @ okay, that was quick. I've learned that indeed my grandmother was born in Bukovina: Lena Radu (nee Elena Stettner), born February 28, 1903 to Philip Stettner, born in Konopkowka, Galicia, and Rose Schneider, born Mar 22, 1868 (Bukovina?) Emigrated to Canada in roughly 1911 (Saskatchewan via probably New York) Thus, looking for information on the STETTNER's, SCHNEIDER's and places: DARABANI, BUKOVINA and KONOPKOWKA, GALICIA Thanks Lissa in Vancouver Canada littlestviking @ My name is Lissa. My grandmother was Lena Radu (nee STETNER) from REGINA, SK. I don't know for certain if she was from Bukovina, but I believe reading this site there is a good chance she was. Her family was "German-Romanian", they spoke a Schwabisch dialect of German and moved to Canada in early 1900's and settled in SK when she was a little girl. Married Peter Radu. She was raised a Lutheran only because she was a girl! The story goes that her father was Catholic and took all the boys to his church, while her mother was Lutheran and took all the daughters to the Lutheran church! Hope this twigs someone! Looking for STETNER (STETTNER?) Thanks littlestviking @ I am Ken Uslabar, my maternal grandmother Eva Zachmann immigrated from Illischestie in 1912 to Chicago. Her second husband was John (Johann) Ast from Illisdaste. Eva's first husband was Michael Koch from Apatin, he died in 1917, John Ast died in 1927. Any information regarding John or Eva would be appreciated. I do have the Ellingson book, Illischestie, A Rural Parish in Bukovina and have found it to quite helpful. In fact the only info I have concerning Eva's family came from the book. Good job Mr. Dressler and Irmgard. kuslabar @ HI MY NAME IS MIKE AND I AM FROM PA.I AM A NEW MEMBER AND LOOKING FOR INFORMATION ON THE WOLF FAMILY FROM CHINITZ-TETTAU BOHEMIA.MY GRANDFATHER NAME WAS FRANZ WOLF BORN IN 1874.ANY INFORMATIONON THE WOLF FAMILY AND CHINITZ-TETTAU WILL BE APPRECIATED. MY E-MAIL ADDRESS IS MS1337 @ AOL.COM Mein Name ist Siegfried Mirwald, Essen, Germany. I am working on the Mirwald-Genealogy worldwide. Pleas send me information from every Mirwald in Bukovina, Bavaria, Bohemia, Canada, USA, Argentinia etc. Thanks! -mirwald @ . Hi, My name is Gina(teary-eyed)Morrison. I Just happened upon your website. I am looking for any relatives of my great-grandfather Miron Donisan or Donison. He was born in Radauti, Bucovina on August 27,1867. He migrated to Canada in 1902, and first settled near Rouleau, Saskatchewan. He married Maria Avram in 1904. PLease e-mail me with any info. Looking for brothers and sisters etc. Thank you all and God Bless. morrisonrg @ Hello What an awesome site....I am looking to follow my roots and I am not getting to far.I am looking for the family Scheinost in Canada we spell it Scheinous My grandfathers name was Jacob Scheinost from Solka and his fathers name was Wenzel.Jacob was married to Karolina Hubich. I am also looking for any info on my other garandfather born in Felizienthal Galicia Josef Wurll or Wurl married to a Katherina Guntner. If any body has any info please contact me at shadowdog @ Shelley Culbert 15 Church dr Regina Saskatchewan (306)545-5261 Lots of interesting information. My Grandfather was born in Sereth in 1888 and came to Canada in 1911. I have some indication he may have had a sister who either went to Austailia or South America. His name was Emil Woycik[Wojcik] Ny information would be appreciated. Any suggestions as to how to reserch birth and family records from Sereth? e-mail to wwoycik @ Thanks KOZSAN/ MOLNAR from Istensegits, Bucovina LUNGU/IVANUCK (EVENIAK)(EVANIAK) from Laschrisea or Laschusea, Cernauti, Bucovina George Kozsan and Mary Molnar Kozsan left Istensegits around 1909 or 1910 for Cupar, Saskatchewan. We believe a brother of his and sister Vivienne came over also. Mary's mother Barbara, sister Ethyl, and brothers Andrew, Michael, and Lukoch also came over. Ilie (Louie) Lungu and Mary Ivanuck came through Canada before 1914 with her sister Sonda (who later married a Mr. Shander) and her brother Stephano who is said to have farmed in Canada. If you have any information, it would be greatly appreciated. Andrea Kozan-Phan aphan @ Thank you for this helpful and attractive site. Useful to preparing my first Bukovina visit in May or June this year. Searching for informations about the HARAND family from Solca. You can reach me at ingo @ Ingo Harand, Rotta, Germany hello Do you have any info. on the name RESCHKA. I'm really interested in knowing the history of my family name. E-mail me at k.reschka @ katharina reschka (Germany, Schöppingen) I would like to know more about Heiden, a village in Germany. If anyone can tell me more. Please send it to me directly. My email is chrislsh @ hello,i am from jakobeny bukovina,and i search some one, who have relatives there,or some backgrounds name is iacoban adrian and i leave in bistritz romania. email adress:dutug @ please contact me Hello Everyone, I am searching for my Grandmother from LUDI HORECEI Bukovina. Her name was Efrosina Zvanetsky. Spelling of Surname not quite sure. Have seen it spelt Zwantetsky and also with ski and Chi on the end. Also searching for my Grandfather Johan OWEN from Romania. Looking for anything sounding like Owen in Romanian...Ohnne, Ouen, etc. Any info I can be contacted at LonePineFineArt @ Great Site, Keep up the Fantasitic Work. Marlene Do you have any info. on the name Palichuk. I'm really interested in knowing the history of my family name. E-mail me at dalepalichuk @ Hi,I am looking for my relatives in Bukovina, Cacica place, name Leibuck, Leibiuc or any other alternative spelling of this name, write me in english, romanian, hungarian at:baal1979 @ my name is madeline patrick , maple valley washington. e-mail madpat @ wrote satlumare on google and I found this information. found my grandfather rudolph zurowski who came to regina in 1892. traced to czernowitz and satlumare. cant find satlumare on map. would like to visit bukovina in the future and go to both places. my mothers cousin has written a short history of the zurowskis who came to canada. lots of the other names are the same as those given in the history. many zurowskis married people from bukovina. love this site!!!! Hallo! Es geschehen doch noch Wunder. Viele Jahre hatte meine Mutter nur ungefähr gewußt, woher sie kommt. Seit kurzem sind nun Papiere aufgetaucht, die etwas genauere Informationen versprechen. Aus der Verbindung von Jacob Petri und Susanne Petri, geb. Gotsch ist meine Großmutter Augustine (geb. 1903 in Eisenau ) hervorgegangen. Als Trauzeuge hat auf der Heiratsurkunde ein Emil Petri unterschrieben. Falls jemand die Namen in Verbindung bringen kann oder gerade bemerkt, dass er/sie mit mir verwandt ist, meldet euch bitte über: koehrsten @ Hello, I am looking for Mr.C.SPITZNAGEL, approx. 65 - 75 years old now. He lived in OTTAWA,ONTARIO in the 1950's. Also, his sister might have been working there as a Hairdresser at that time. Can anybody help? If so, please reply to SAM at this E-mail address: smellycats3 @ Hello, Can anyone tell me which PORTS OF ENTRY INTO USA, were used by Jakobeny immigrants of the peiod around 1904. They were moving to Chicago. Bradley Biamonte e-mail: bnbiamonte @ Well to all the staff on this site, Three Cheers of HIP-Hip-Hurray!!! Everyt time I come back I find more and more. The time and effort you all have been putting into the Bukovina site is incredable!! What would the rest of us do had it not been for all of your efforts? Once again...THANK YOU so much! May 2004 bring families together through searching their roots and may we always have wonderful people who take the time to educate the rest of us! God Bless You All!!! Shel Weishaupt-Mack P.S. my e-mail address will be changing from Shelmack @ to Shelmack @ and if someone can tell me how to change it on here I would really appreciate it. Name: Louise Varvara Damoiseaux-van der Blij Location: 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands Comments: My grandmother, Varvara Cojucariu, was born in 1894 in the Roumanian village Mitocul Dragomir.... She left her family at the age of 27 and travelled with a (jewish?) family to Budapest and later to Holland where she met my grandfather and they got married. Her father was a wine-farmer, name Leon. The story goes that she had seven or nine brothers. My mother has the original "certificat de botez"and "certificat de indigenat" from her church and town. Is there someone who has more information about family, the village, the family she worked for and travelled with. Thank you. Hello, I am searching for further information about the KNEBELS of JAKOBENY, BUKOVINIA. They were ZIPSER GERMANS. At the moment I have these names: ANDREAS KNEBEL b.24 Oct 1868, Jakobeni. His parents are JULIANA MUHM and (John?) Knebel. (John?) Knebels parents were DORTHY STOIRK and Andreas Knebel of Jakobeni? I am hoping to be able to confirm this information. Also an obscure reference to BIZU as part of a birth address at Jacobeni. Can anyone help? Bradley Biamonte Alberta, Canada bnbiamonte @ Hello, I am hungaraian in usa my family from Andrasfalva my grandparants family names Kerekes, Kelemen, Palko, Galambos my relatives living in Kakasd, Aparhant, Lengyel I looking for information for my family tree. Sok szeretettel udvozlom az idelatogato embereket. kelemenjk @ Hallo mein Name ist Lothar Spitznagel. Meine Mutter Elsa Spitznagel, geborene GEIßLER wurde am 10.12.1927 in Augustendorf geboren. Sie hat 1947 geheiratet und wohnt jetzt in Leipzig. Sie sucht kontakt zu Franz Hasenkopf oder andere Personen die bis 1940 in Augustendorf gelebt haben. Liebe Grüße Lothar Meine E- Mail lspitznagel @ What do I need to do to get authorization to access documents? Am researching Tauschek, but unable to open files. E mail address is rblume @ Thank you Hi there, My name is Alex Czarowicz, I'm German living in the US (Hanover/MA) now for 3 years . My grandparents were from the Bukowina. My grandfather, Friedrich Czarowicz, born in Czernowitz, married my grandmother Hildegard Puriczinksi, born in Radautz. They moved to the German home land in 1941 and settled in Donauwoerth/Bavaria. As I understood from what my uncle told me my grandmother's anchestors originally came from the swabian area and their last name was Schmidt. Great and interesting page. My e-mail address is aczarowicz @ Alex Czarowicz December 13,2003 12:55AM EST "Google" led me to your web site and while I was surfing I found your content to be totally awesome. I must spend several more hours reading your history as I suspect some links to my past. I am the Grandson of Jan and Helen Kuczak of Chicago, Ill. Ronald T. Kuczak Bellbrook, Ohio br549 @ Happy Holidays, La multi ani, Hi, I'm Liviu from Toronto l_antonescu2002 @ My last 7 grandfather were born and live in Bukovina. Greetings to all bukovinian. Enjoy on this site Best regards, Liviu Hello Friends! You are welcome at Bukovina Youth Ministry web site! <a href=></a> Tuesday November 2, 2003 Hi, I am impressed with this web site. I am a descendent of Johann Christian Sauer who immigrated to Bukovina in the 1780,s. I have found a lot of information on the site to help me get a picture of what life was like for our ancestors who lived there. keep up the good work. Wayne Lowenberg wd.lowenberg @ Dear All I am looking for information about the Popadiuk family. I only know they stemmed from Stry and some of them lived in Gura Humorului. I would be grateful for feedback to ruth_baldwin @ Many thanks in advance!! Oliver Schroeder, Linz Austria: I just started with genealogy exploration and bukovinasociety is an excelent ressource. My grandfather Karl Schroeder was born in Karlsberg in 1899 and married with Magdalena. The father of Karl, Andreas Schroeder also lived in Karlsberg. If anyone can help me with more detailed information I would appreciate any input. email: oliver @ Oliver Schröder, Linz Österreich: Ich hab gerade damit begonnen die eigene Famileienhistorie aufzuarbeiten und mit bukovinasociety einen tolle Quelle entdeckt. Mein Grossvater Karl Schröder wurde 1899 in Karlsberg geboren. Sein Vater Andreas Schröder lebte ebenfalls in Karlsberg. Ich würde mich über jeden hinweis für meine weiteren Recherchen sehr freuen. email: oliver @ Hallo People of the Bukovina! I'm searching for my ancestors, but I've some problems, because the so called "Ahnenpässe" are lost. Perhaps someone can help me here. Does someone know something about: 1.) Josef Mühlbauer *1859 in Neuhütte 2.) Anastasia Hoffmann *1868 in Neuhütte 3.) Alois Hoffmann 4.) Paulina Hartinger 5.) Johann Hoffmann *1879 in Moldauisch Banilla 6.) Philomina Jekal *1883 in Augustendorf I'd be very happy about answers... O. Heine oliver_heine @ Wonderful site. Nov 11 2003 I am looking for information on a few people who settled in the Edenwold area of Sask. In particular Fannie (Francis?) Wolff b1873 in Bukowina d1951 Regina father's name Martin Wolff She married Gottlieb Kalk in 1905 I am interested in anything about the Kalks (Kauk?) or Wolff family. I can be contacted at annemccarth @ A friend from Bad Reichenhall, Germany, who has a lot of data collected from the "Ahnenpaesse" of German families from Illischestie told me about your website and I must say I am thrilled to find out that there is so much interest in the Bukowina area. I am also delighted to see that the Book on Illischestie was translated into English. Some letters of my grandfather were published in this book. I visited Illischestie a few years ago and found the houses where my parents and grand parents had lived prior to being disclocated in 1940. An overwhelming experience! If anyone has heard about my grandfathers Dickvetter and Kuehjakob, chances are that we are related. Wenn Sie von meinen Grossvaetern "Dickvetter" und "Kuehjakob" aus Illischestie gehoert haben, sind wir vielleicht verwandt!? Hier ist meine e-mail Anschrift: You can reach me at: LShul306 @ Für Bukowina-Interessierte, ist das die beste Seite. Habe durch die großartige Unterstützung von Doug alle meine "Rankl" mit Anhang finden können. Eine überragende Leistung. Ich danke allen, die dabei mitgearbeitet haben. Besonderer Dank an Doug Reckmann. Gruß Gertrud e-mail: GertrudSiewi @ Wer kann mir über die Eltern von Herzer Mathilda geb. am 25. Mai 1857 in Pojana Mukuli und Hoffmann Georg geb. Gura Humora am 31. März 1851, sie haben geheiratet am 29. Januar 1877 in Pojana Mukului, etwas sagen? Oder von Gwaluk Maria geb. 1841 in Böhmen und Tischler Anton geb. 1835 in Böhmen, sie haben am 11. Februar 1866 in Pojana Mukului geheiratet? Genauso verhält es sich mit folgenden Personen: Weber Maria geb. 1837 in Böhmen und Heiden Wenzel geb. 1827 Böhmen, sie waren auch verheiratet. Oder Lang Anna geb. 1833 Böhmen und Binder Johann geb. 1828 in Böhmen. Ich wäre über genaue Daten zu oben genannten Personen schon hoch erfreut und weiß jemand genau von welchem Ort sie damals ausgewandert sind? Ich würde mich über eine Antwort freuen. s.windsberger @ I am looking for any information on my grandmother Lena Halunga who was born November 1892. She lived in Czernowitz, Bukowina and married John Ganjiolosky according to her naturalization papers. Would anyone have any ideas of how I could research her marriage date. Her father's name was apparently Alexa Halunga. I keep searching to find any brothers or sister's family members who might be still alive. Contact Joan at koorn @ Sandra Windsberger Zusatz: E-Mail: S.Windsberger @ Sandra Windsberger Austria E-Mail: Sandra Windsberger Ich bin die Enkelin, von Regina Binder(geboren am 20. September in Buchhain, Pojana Mikului. Meine Oma hat einmal angefangen ihre Lebensgeschichte aufzuschreiben, zu ihrem 70 Geburtstag hab ich mich hingesetzt und diese ausgearbeitet und ein kleines Büchlein verfaßt. Seit dem bin ich faziniert und gleichmals entsetzt über diese Geschichte. Zugleich hab ich einen Stammbaum aufgesetzt, stoße jedoch jetzt an meine Grenzen. Daher wer kann mir weiterhelfen, wäre nett wenn sich jemand meldet und vielleicht lerne ich auf diesem Wege, nahe Verwandte kennen. Liebe Grüße Sandra this is a really interesting site, unfortunately it does not have much information about ukrainian peoples living in Bukovina. I am trying to find out what impelled ukrainians to leave the austro-hungarian empire in such large numbers. Does anyone have a good website they can recommend? I also wish to find out about my grandparents, who I believe came from here, their last name was Mazur. Thanks a bunch! => My name is Cindy Halpern. Although my mother was born in Vienna, her parents and siblings were all born in Bukovina. My grandmother, Schewa Geisinger, was born in Neu Zuczka in 1884. My grandfather, Salomon Korner, was born in 1880 in Sadagora. My grandparents married in 1904. In 1917, with the destruction of World War I, the family left for Vienna. My mother, Tina Korner, was born in Vienna, in 1921. So my mother can tell me nothing of Bukovina and the towns her parents were born in. Can you help me with information? My e-mail address is chalpern13 @ Hello My parents were born in Istensegits. They were relocated to Bascka and again to Csatalja, Hungary at the end of WWII. I visited Istensegits in 2000 and I must say, Bukovina is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. My father's name was Nagy Janos. He had one broher, Marton and three sisters - Rozsi, Marta & Enci. I would love to hear from Enci's children. My mother's name was Szots Marta. A brother, Istvan went to Australia. He had three kids. I would love to hear from them too. I live in California. 10/25/03 maria_nemeth @ I have a baptisamal certicate for Peter Palko,from St. Peter and At. Paul in Andrasfalva Parish in Radautz.Bucovina Parents Martin Palko and Anna Kelemen. Peter was born 1894. Anyone know these families? They emmigrated to Lestock Sask. In the Humbodt District. Irene McNeil gumps @ interesting site. Working on fam. tree ,can not get past 1800,looking for sauers from semlin, terreplestie my great,great grandfathers name was christian sauer, moved to bess. died there. help greatly accepted. Thanks H Sauer my email adress is hsauer @ Very interesting, but I need some help. I am looking for a recipe for mohnstrudel (made with Solo poppyseed paste). I was last able to enjoy this delicacy at The Towne (kosher)Restaurant in Miami, FL in the sixties, and have not been able to find any since then. Not even in Bavaria, or Germany or Innsbruck, Austria, but I believe this dessert or breakfast cake-roll might have been more available in Vienna. If anyone has the time, please advise or send recipe to: vesrgs @ It will be greatly appreciated. According to U.S. immigration and passenger records my great-grandmother was born about 1870 in Czernowitz. Her maiden-name was Jozefa Grajewska. She married Stanislaus Bukowski in Poland, then came to the U.S. in 1908. Hopefully someone will have information about her family in Czernowitz. Thank you for providing an interesting website about Bukovina; I came upon it while doing genealogy research. My e-mail is: wkrul @ I am from the State of Michigan, USA. Surnames : MENGA , MUNTEAN , STADLER , GAJEWSKI Locations : Solca (Solka), Cernauti (Czernowitz) hmenga @ I’m looking for Ferenc and Pál Bíró (sons of Ferenc Bíró and Apollónia Bíró), and Lőrinc (Lawrence) Orbán (son of Pál Orbán and Erzsébet Bíró), who left Hungary in abt. 1956, and now they live in Canada. I’m also searching the descendants of András Kovács (son of Ferenc Kovács and Mária Pál) and the descendants of Imre Kovács (son of István Kovács and Veronika Márton), who settled in Canada in abt. 1900. If you have any informations about the persons mentioned above, write me: lunarmoon @ Keresem Bíró Ferencet és Bíró Pált (Bíró Ferenc és Bíró Apollónia fiai), valamint Orbán Lőrincet (Orbán Pál és Bíró Erzsébet fia), akik 1956 körül vándoroltak ki Magyarországról, és jelenleg Kanadában élnek. Keresem továbbá Kovács András (Kovács Ferenc és Pál Mária fia) leszármazottait, valamint Kovács Imre (Kovács István és Márton Veronika fia) leszármazottait, akik szintén Kanadába vándoroltak ki a századforduló környékén. Akinek információja van a fenti személyekkel kapcsolatban, írjon a lunarmoon @ címre. i'm Attila from Hungary, Szekszárd. Engedje meg, hogy magyarul írjam le rövid hozzászólásomat, színesebbé téve e fórum nyelvezetét. Nagypapám (László Antal) származik Bukovinából, Istensegítsről, kinek édesapja hamar odaveszett az első világháborúban, emiatt a féltestvérei Papp nevet viselnek. Szeretettel emlékezek rá (2001. szeptemberében hunyt el). A honlapot nagyon jónak tartom, visszatérek ide máskor is. baloghpereszke @ Hi, I'm a Hungarian living in Singapore. My grandparents were from Andrásfalva, Bukovina. Most of my relatives live in Hungary, in the villages of Aparhant and Kakasd. I heard from my grandparents that some of our relatives emmigrated to America long time ago. Reading this website I know understand why my grandfather spoke 3 foreign languages (Russian,German and Romanian) with only primary 4 education. Great, informative website! Kerekes Antal akerekes @ Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu dieser interessanten Seite aus Oberhausen Deutschland! Mein Name ist Wilhelm Derczek Ich bin in 1946 Linz/Ebelsberg geboren.Meine Mutter ( 81 J ) ist in Davideny geboren. Ihr Mädchenname ist Tywoniak. Mein Vater ( 79 J ) ist in Neuhütte geboren. Die Namen Mühlbauer und Staats zählen zu unserer Verwandschaft. Ich habe 5 Jahre Hilfslieferungen in die Dörfer Davideny,Ceresch,Augustendorf ( Baniliv-Pidhirni ),Althütte,Neuhütte,Starakrasnaschora etc. gebracht. Viele Verwandte leben noch dort unter sehr ärmlichen verhältnissen. Eine Rentnerin ( Rentner ) erhält ca. 10 € monatliche Unterstützung. Denkt mal nach ! Meine e-mail wilhelm.derczek @ Hello my name is Zsolt Bukovina.I'm from Hungary.I find "more" Bukovina. when you are Bukovina please write here: bukika @ Thanks! Hello, I'm from Hungary with ancestors of Bukovina. I've a site Visit there for additional informations about the lives of the székely people of Bukovina. I'd like to take contact with anyone who has székely ancestors of Bukovina. (Hadikfalva, Istensegíts, Fogadjisten, Józseffalva, Andrásfalva). Contact me at lunarmoon @ A big Hello from Australia.My Father,Helmuth Zachmann was born in Illeschestie,Rumania in 1929.He was the only son of Reinhold Zachmann and Elfriede Zachmann( born Eiselt). I marvel at this wonderful website.My father came to Australia in 1953 and he and my grandparents would often talk about their family connections in Rumania.If anyone has any information regarding either branch of the family,it would be greatly appreciated.Perhaps one day I will travel to the states to do some more research.My e-mail address is carolinaj @ This is a great site! I'm looking for the village of LANDESTREU. My grandmother Elisabeth Goeres (Elise Geres) was born there in 1862, her parent's names: Daniel and Katharina Goeres (Geres), nee Schoen. My grandmother married Jakob Bartschte (Bartsch), who died in 1917, and my grandmother came to Paris, Illinois, via Canada, where she died in 1942. Thanks for any help. Email: germandwarf @ hallo, Im from Germany ! München,2003.08.19 my name is Waltraud Brandhof ,born "Lang". My fathers name is wenzel lang (Leopold - wenzel )and my mothers is Albertine Lang (Burschal - Bertha ). Im searching the family-clan please contacting me. e-mail from my daughter is: Daniela_Brandhof @ Tuesday, 19 Agust 2003 I'm Krisztina from Hungary. I'm looking for my Laszlo; Korodi; Lovasz relatives. My families are from Istensegits (Tibeni) Bukovina. You can write me kriszta1111 @ Thanks. Hello, my name is Michael Tomaschek from Germany. I look for Tomascheks of the ancestor date from Sereth. Maybe someone can help me. My mail adress is MTLesse @ Hello, you are my last hope. Please help me. My name is Elena-Tereza Daschevici and i am from Buzau, Romania. My family comes from Banila Moldoveneasca and Boianciuc - Bukowina. I am doing some researches but now i am lost. If anyone knows anything about my family Daschievici (Daszkiewicz, Dashkevych ) or knows anyone who has this name please tell me. Also i would have another urgent request. I am trying to get in touch with some monasteries from Bukovina to access their data base. If you can, please help me! my adress is e_t_daschievici @ das ist ja wirklich interessant, daß sich so viele menschen noch mit ihrer vergangenheit befassen. meine vorfahren stammen aus lichtenberg, glit, Luisental (bukowina). mein onkel, franz Rankel geb. 19.09.1899 wanderte etwa 1927 nach amerika aus. wir hatten nie mehr von ihm gehört. meine eltern siedelten im november 1940 in das deutsche reich. habe eine familiengeschichte geschrieben.Sie mußten viel ertragen. GertrudSiewi @ Greetings from Brazil! My name is Hilton Iran Ruthes, I´m descendent from the families Rach and Schödlbauer who came to Brazil from Bukovina. I would like to contact with people who knows the history about these families in Europe. My e-mail is ruthes1998 @ Things were kept fairly quiet, but I did hear that many families in Sask Canada came from Bukovina and no doubt mine with names like Schiissler, Kuffner, Csada, Schwartz.Can anyone help???? Settled in and around Gravelbourg, Hodgeville, Glen Bain, Meyronne, Hazenmore Sask. My wife's side came out of Galicia which I understand is now west Ukraine?? Names like Wendel(Wendell Wandel), Liek, Unterschutz... And the Wendel's settled in Neudorf Sask and the Liek's in Killaly Sask. Iam Don (Schiissler) Csada. My wife is Caron (Liek Wendel )Csada.. Any assistance appreciated . dccsada @ or fax 13067814762 Meine Mutter, Hilda Haupt,geb, 28.10.1933 und ihre Familie stammen auch aus dem Buchenland aus Althütte / Neuhütte. Meine Großeltern Josef und Theresia Haupt geb. Gruschinski (1900 und 1905 geboren) hatten dort ein Lebensmittelgeschäft. Meine Mutter hatte noch 2 Brüder, Otto und Franz Haupt. Mein Onkel Otto und meine Mutter leben noch und wohnen in Ostdeutschland seit der Umsiedlung. Kennt jemand meine Großeltern oder ist jemand verwandt mit uns? Antworten bitte an golem68 @ A great place to reminisce. My mother, Amalie Kuebeck and father, Wenzel Hoffmann, were both Bucoviner from Schwartzthal and Stulpicany. They emigrated to Germany in 1939. Unfortunately, they are no longer with us, but they would have been thrilled with this site. I remember hearing several of the names mentioned above in their conversations. Some of those names also appear in the Bucovina genealogy site in Brazil. I just came back from Rio Negro and Lapa, Parana, Brazil, tracing my family genealogy from my father's side. It was a wonderful experience. I hope to attend the Fest in Kansas next year, if at all possible. Keep up the good work. Edith Hoffmann, Los Angeles, CA edel122 @ Thank you for your website.We are also searching for our Family. The names would be:Prozakiewicz(kewicz),Braun, Schnitzler, von Sponheim,Szabo. The town is Kimpolung and others in that district:Paltinosa,JACOBENI,CACIA,ILISESTI,POJARITA. IF YOU COULD HELP WE WOULD BE GREATFUL.BEST WISHES. H.M.PROZA(KEWICZ) E-MAIL:mariaglocker @ Mein Name ist Renardo Wetzel leider behersche ich kein englisch deshalb schreibe ich auf deutsch. Meine Großeltern stammen aus Lichtenberg in der Bukowina Ihre Namen sind Olga und Eduard Rach auf der Suche im Internet nach Rezepten ist meine Freundin auf diese Seite aufmerksam geworden. Da ich die Küche meiner Großmutter(85) liebe und selber die Rezepte ausprobiere freut es mich, daß ich endlich ein Rezeptbuch mit den Rezepten meiner Großmutter gefunden habe.Die Bezeichnung Galuschde (Krautwickel), ist mir fremd ich kenne Sie nur unter Galuschki. Ich weis aber das es auch eine Teigware des selben Namens in der Ukraine gibt. Ansonsten ist diese Seite für mich sehr intressant gewessen und ich werde sie noch öfter besuchen. Wenn es jemanden gibt der Informationen oder Bilder aus Lichtenberg besitzt würde ich mich freuen über eine Info unter Renardow @ VERY NICE !!! JOELLEN (MASSIER) BARBER jody @ My grandfather, George Coval (born April 1886), emmigrated from Solka to the US in approximately 1910 and sent several years later for my grandmother, Lena Zitaruck (born 1891). I am interested in getting any information on Covals or Zitarucks still in the area of Solka specifically, but anywhere within Bukovina generally. Thanks. Great site! My e-mail address is hooverdome @ Dave Hoover Kentwood, MI USA This is the 2nd part: My grandfather as well is looking for some relatives in America, because his father Franz Josef Paul Brandauer went in may 1914 to America, married there as far as he knows a woman named Furtmüller and never came back. Maybe there is someone of his children in America who is searching like me for our family??? As well there are names in my further family tree like: Petri, Linsenmajer, Richter, Christofori, Gotski, Müller, Schmegner, Löffler, Lang, Haas, Knoblauch, Schmuck, Oberländer, Materna, Klein Lerch, Kandra, Hennel, Hönig, Münster, Polzer, Jeschke. If someone knows something about these families, please can you contact me in german or english. My emailadress is: dbrandauer @ Yesterday i saw this side for the first time, i am very excited and hope that someone can help me or my grandfather. Congratulation for this side! I am going to write in english because i hope that more people can read it, sorry if its not that perfect... I am Dorit Brandauer, 26 years old and i am living in the east part of germany. My grandfather Bruno Franz Brandauer, in the age of 89, has been living in the years from 1913 until December 1940 in Eisenau (Prisaca Dornei). Right now he is sitting beside me and reading the texts of this web page about Eisenau. And all the time he is saying this is unbelieveble, i know this person or that person. I am trying to complete my family tree. The dates from my family tree are going back until the beginning of 18 hundred were one Johann Brandauer lived in Eisenau. Does have someone informations or documents about Brandauer´s who lived in Eisenau. My email Adress is dbrandauer @ Greetings to all bukovinian descendants. F.Saidl - Spring Grove, PA fsaidl @ Viele Grüße von den "Original Moldau-Musikanten" aus Deutschland. Wir machen böhmische Blasmusik vom Feinsten und wünschen Euch viel Spaß bei Eurem Oktoberfest !!!! hornisserl2 @ I am looking for a Sporniak family . Please mail me: asporniak @ An excellent site which has been of great help in my philatelic research. Keith Brandon |
Remote Name:
Date: Sunday, 29 June 2003
Time: 05:13:09 PM
agnes1995 @
Agnes Wellem, Berlin, Germany
a great site. My grand-great mother Josefa Mühlbauer, the daughter of Adalbert Mühlbauer, and Angela Burger was born about 1885 in Bukowina. Later her father worked in the glass mine in Bogdanesti, Bacau/Romania. There she met my grand-great father Albin, and they went together to Stryj, Ukrainia, where she died. I´m searching members of the Mühlbauer, and Burger family from Bukowina.
Friday, 20 June 2003
02:01:04 PM
Hallo meine Mutter ist in Neu-Itzkany geboren. Sie ist das Kind von Berta und Wilhelm Hodel. Meine Mutter wird am 26.06.2003 80 Jahre alt. Sie schwärmt immer noc von ihrer schönen Bukowina. Sie glaubt auch noch daran,dass ihr Bruder irgendwo lebt. Er ist vermisst und heißt Otto. Ich grüße alle, die sich mit Buchenland verbunden fühlen, ich fühl mich auch schon fast so, denn wie Mutter kocht ist einfach klasse. Gruß Ingrid e-mai.christofori @
Thursday, 12 June 2003
12:39:10 AM
I'm from Hungary. My grandmother is 81 years old, her name is Ágota Bíró. Her husband, Jeromos Kovács died in 1972. They had lived in Hadikfalva, Bukovina until 1944 and they moved to Palotabozsok, Hungary, and later to Szigetvár, Hungary. I've a family-tree on their ancestors and their descendants. If you're interested in it, contact me by e-mail: lunarbloom @ I've records of the families Bíró, Csoboth, Márton, Fazakas, Ferencz, Pál, Orbán, Miklós, Domokos, and so on, but I'm looking for any informations about the family Kozsán. Please contact me by e-mail at lunarbloom @
Tuesday, 03 June 2003
10:14:31 AM
Hallo. ich suche nach angehörigen der familie ZELESNER. mein opa franz zelesner mit frau olga kamen aus radautz und wanderten später aus. wenn jemand etwas weiss bitte email an mich mathiaszelesner @ super website
Saturday, 24 May 2003
10:59:28 PM
Hello, this is a wonderful website. I am looking for any information on my father's family; father Steve WOROBETZ from Bukovina and wife Annie REZUN. Married in Alberta Canada. Would love any information, you may email me at rickjoycelucas @
Tuesday, 13 May 2003
10:54:48 PM
Just starting my search. My great grandparents and grandfather emigrated from Satulmare, Bukovina in the early 1890 to Edenwald, Saskatchewan. Their names were Karl and Barbara Schmidt and Richard and his wife (my grandmother) Susan Schmidt. I have found in my search I am distantly related to the Brodts as well as Silzer from this area. If anyone can help would be greatly appreciated. e-mail me at ejames @ idea to have this place to locate other people and possibly add to my family tree. Looking forward to hearing from you. Eileen - Regina, Sask.
Tuesday, 22 April 2003
01:01:36 PM
I am searching for relatives and descendants of Axenti Slusarczyk, b. 1845 and his wife Titiana Popiuk, b.1851. The family lived near the villages of Hlynytsia and Drachinetz, Storojinet oblast. Children include Alexander, b.1874, Miron, b.1885, Justyna, Iwan, b.1892 and others. If you have any information please contact me at goldenvalleygirl @ Thanks, Karen
Monday, 21 April 2003
05:44:41 PM
I would appreciate hearing from anyone with knowledge of the town of Tereblishte, in Romania, especially familiar with that place early in the 20th century. I am looking for the family of Schlanek, but will be happy with something of the town and where I may be able to locate records. Thank you for your aid...... I can be reached at valdev @
Sunday, 20 April 2003
01:54:43 PM
Margaret Mae Heart
Saturday, 19 April 2003
08:56:53 AM
Hello, my congratulations to this great website of family-research in the bukowina. I´m looking for ancestors of ma family, REIN and ENGEL, they lived in andrasfalva, nowadays called maneuti. I would like to get more informations about this family and especially looking for the missed brother of my mother, called Herbert Rein. Thank you, if you have informations, please contact: info @
Thursday, 10 April 2003
08:13:59 PM
Friday, 10 April 2003 My e mail address is marlbo1900 @ I am searching for information on our family. My grandfather was born in Radautz, Bucovina by the name of Abraham Murko Mehler in 1884. He married his first cousin Feige Neumann and they lived in Wama until he emigrated to the U.S in 1914 and she followed in 1921. Other cousins have the surnames of Kreigsman, Jabloner,Feldheimer.
Friday, 04 April 2003
09:44:13 AM
My email address is DeedlesMcGee @ My great-grandfather was Valentine
Augustus Oberlander, nickname Peg. He came over to the US on April 6,1907
when he was 17. He was from Eisenau. If anyone has any information could you
please email me?
Sunday, 30 March 2003
04:08:59 PM
Hi my name is Wayne Lowenberg. I am writing from Eston, Saskatchewan Canada. My mother's grandparents were Jacob and Anna (Klassen) Sauer.They wree born in Bukovina and migrated to the Edenwold area of Saskatchewan in 1891. Jacob's cousin Frederick F. Sauer and his wife Ludwiga, also from Bukovina migrated to Ellis, Kansas prior to migrating to Canada. I would be interested to know if there are still relatives of these people living in the Kansas or Iowa areas of the USA. Also am interested if anyone knows where in Bukovina they originated. And if they were of German or Jewish background. Please Email me at darwayne442 @
Sunday, 16 March 2003
03:02:02 AM
This is a wonderful site. I am looking for the TIEFENBACH Family, not sure if I am in the rigth area. Names: father/Johann TIEFENBACH, sohn/Hermann Robert TIEFENBACH,born 1881 in Marjanowka, Paulina, maiden RICHTER born 1896 in Rowno, children/Wilhelm TIEFENBACH, born 1925 in Rowno(he was my father-in-law), as also for Anna,Robert,Peter and Monika. I know that they migrated in 1939 to Posen, from there I lost my track. ANY HELP?? email: PHuEV @ Eveline Tiefenbach
Saturday, 15 March 2003
06:16:37 PM
hello from germany, my father was born 1938 in Fürstenthal / Romania. His Surname was "Geschwentner". In our town are many people from Fürstenthal ( Kohlruss, Gnad, Dombrowski ) If you are interested e-mail me. Sorry for my poor english. e-mail: afri2win @
Saturday, 15 March 2003
12:03:58 AM
My husband's family,while Hungarian,is from Hadikfalva,now Dornesti, Bukovina. If anyone knows of the families Kiss or Forai or Forrai, please contact me at rkiss5720 @ you!
Friday, 14 March 2003
08:42:20 PM
Wonderful site!!! My grandfather grew up in Dawidistie, Bukovina. It's nice to see all the info that he was unable to tell me as a child. He later moved to Kiev. He left by himself and has left alot of family there. His name was George Bewcyk. Please e-mail me if anybody knows of the last name. E-mail esberglund @ Thanx
Thursday, 06 March 2003
10:23:48 PM
Haristerno 1 @ My great grandparents came from Czernowitz Bukovina, which was then Austria. The family name was Folkinflick. My Great Grandfather Velvel Folkinflick owned a flour mill. My Grandmother Hulda (Hinda) Folkinflick came to US with her husband (Jos. Kupchick) and her siblings in the year 1901 or 1902. My mother always remnisced about Bukovina. I would like to know more.
Thursday, 06 March 2003
10:20:31 PM great grandparents (Velvel and Sara Folkinflick) and Grandmother Hinda (Hulda)Folkinflick came from Czernowitz, Bukovina. They emigrated to the United States in 1901 or 1902. My mother who was brought here as an infant always spoke her mother's place of birth,"Bukovina." In looking over a recipe on the website, I came upon food my mother spoke about. My greatgrand father owned a flour mill in Bukovina. Any more info about Bukovina would be welcome.
Wednesday, 05 March 2003
03:11:53 PM
I enjoyed your site and visited some of the other sited you offered. I was born and raised in Yuma Colorado and my grandfather was born in Bukovina as was is parents. They came to America throught Canada in 1889. They settled in Yuma Colorado where they farmed. I am researhing the names: Matheis, Mathies, Kissling, Kisslinger, Wirth, Becker, sharon @
Sunday, 02 March 2003
04:41:18 PM
Hello there, some of the information gleaned from this sight have nicely filled in holes in our family history as well as created some new questions. My family emigrated from Arbore in the early 1900's to places like Cupar Saskatchewan. Thanks for your help and keep up the good work. Your's trully Gregory Lloyd Manz, Calgary, AB. Canada. email at: gregor @
Sunday, 02 March 2003
11:11:20 AM
An impressive site!
Saturday, 01 March 2003
08:44:31 PM
Would anyone be able to tell me the name of the Catholic Church in Czernowitz served by Father Gobel in the 1930's? The address is something like 7 Biirger Strosse, Cernauti. Would appreciate any help. Also looking for any relatives of Michael and Theresia Thiele, Michael and Karolina Thiele, Aunt Minna Thiele. gbrown121 @
Thursday, 27 February 2003
09:47:35 PM
Hi there, Great website! I was just wondering whether anyone knows by accident anything about my great grandfather Anton KESCHMANN. He is supposed to have been member of the national assembly (Reichsrat). He was a graduate of Czernowitz university and later worked as civil servant (Bezirkshauptmann). Thanks for your help. You find me at L_roeper @ Best regards Lukas
Thursday, 27 February 2003
02:53:00 PM
Hello, my name is James Telscher Jr from Cincinnati, Ohio. I enjoyed seeing your site today. I took an address from it today. I am looking for any ancestors with the last name of TELSCHER. e-mail---jetjr49 @
Wednesday, 26 February 2003
08:20:04 PM
A. Lang, BC Canada This site has been invaluable in researching ancestry on my father's side. Incredible! I'm looking to share more information about settlers of Bori, including Lang, Klostermann, Zimmermann, Schaffhauser, Joachimsthaler, Hollaczek, Hartinger, Brandl, Hausler, Weigl, Haas, Hellinger, Denk, as well as Kwasnicki. My grandfather, Matthew Lang moved to the Assinaboia, SK area and I'd love to find any further info about relatives here and overseas. If anyone has any info or questions, please email me at robandamanda @
Wednesday, 26 February 2003
07:25:45 AM
great site ! i'm an architecture student in paris(france) this year, and i miss home(i'm born in Falcau , in the midlle of bukovina's hills), so i've been searching on internet for some references on Bukovina, and Falcau. i found it!!! it's amazing to see how manny diferent people , comes from there!! my name is Sorin Vladimir Popescu, and my email addres is: popescuvladimir @ (feel free to write in any language )sorry, for my poor english!!
Monday, 24 February 2003
01:18:52 AM
This website is very imformative I was looking for information on My family I havent found it but I am not sure I have the correct spelling of the towns which where given only by word of mouth . I am looking for Jakob Nessel who was supposedly born in Hruschov . And for Otillie Hirsekorn Who was born in Wolinian Russia. I am not sure if these are even spelled correctly for the areas But it was very interesting and have added you to my favorites for future reference. Conron @ Thank you Linda Conron
Saturday, 15 February 2003
05:51:47 AM
nice website
Thursday, 13 February 2003
06:44:50 PM
great site--my father and fred loy were first cousin. my grandfather(john kostick and maria sturza were married in Bukovina...or they met there.they settled in chehalis,wa.I meant Anita Busek at Fred Loy's funeral about nine days ago. She passed on this info about the kostick(american version) name--kostiuk(german)--cystiuc(ukraine/russian).my father was rudolf (ralph Kostick) and mother hazel springer). my e-mail is ---chefjohn @
Wednesday, 12 February 2003
11:24:19 AM
joybany222 @
Tuesday, 04 February 2003
08:57:54 PM
A Bukavina web site..Great! My maternal Grandparents emigrated from Solka in 1913. She was born Katherine Kissinger, daughter of Joseph Kissinger and Marie Kholrus. Marie was born in 1862. He was Andrew Sniesak(original spelling perhaps Sniezek).His parents were Matthew and Leontine. Any comments e-mail Jim at jimyjam2001 @
Remote Name:
Date: Tuesday, 28 January 2003
Time: 01:16:12 PM
eure Seite ist echt interessant. Leider ist das magere Englisch ein kleines Hindernis. Solche Seite müsste es auch auf deutsch geben!Wäre schön, wenn sich Lars Schmidt und alle anderen, denen Englisch auch so schwer wie mir fällt, mal unter r.schorsch @ melden. Habe durch Dougs großartige Arbeit einen umfangreichen Stammbaum der Tauschers, Klostermanns, Hoffmanns, Seemanns ...
Und viele Grüße an dich, Doug.
Hoffen wir gemeinsam, dass die Vernunft siegt und es keinen Krieg gibt.
Viele Grüße an alle
René Schorsch (r.schorsch @
Remote Name:
Date: Monday, 27 January 2003
Time: 10:32:26 AM
Dear members of Bukovinian family,
If someone has some information about Veit Seidl and Franziska Hawlik ancestors, please contact me. The information about their descendants I have, thanking to the autors of THE BORI STORY.On 2004 we celebrate the 200th birthday of our great (several times great) grandmother Franziska Hawlik. It is a good opportunity to get togheter her great grandsons.
fsaidl @
Remote Name:
Date: Friday, 24 January 2003
Time: 04:23:53 PM
By accident I found this great website by mistake. My name is Dennis Rosch of Bend, Oregon and was looking for something concerning my last name and came up with the city of Chernivtsi which has a suburb called Rosch. I almost fell out of my chair. Does anyone have more information about our name? I only kinew my gradparents were from Germany. My email is dennisrosch @ Thanks in advance
Friday, 17 January 2003
06:58:11 PM
I'm trying to find information on my great grandparents. My great grandfather was Artomin GERMAIN B. Oct 1867 and married Katrina Cosmoleac GORDA. They had three children born in Czernowitz:Louis GERMAIN oct. 1906, Margert GERMAIN April 1908, Nick Germain Nov.1910. They then moved to Lennard Manitoba Canada. They were farmers and had two more children in Canada. Polly GERMAIN, Mike GERMAIN. Margert married a Sam GARALUK. If anyone has any information to pass on to me PLEASE email:doug.hinds @ Thank you for you help. Karen.
Thursday, 16 January 2003
06:15:07 AM
the rest i have is their parents.... Jakob Hoffmnn: father, Georg Hoffmann mother, Elisabeth, geb. Seidl/Seidel Maria Neuburger: mother, Barbara geb. Stohr father, Raimund Neuburger Johann Rankel/Rankl: mother, Rosalia geb. Hellinger father, Jakob Rankel/Rankl Ludwika Kindermann: mother, M... geb. Reitmayer father, Wenzel Kindermann If sombody knows anything about the History, or some parts of my Familie, please contact us... Thank you Mario Hoffmann, and my parents Johann Hoffmann and Ursula Hoffmann geb. e-mail add: MHoffma22 @
Thursday, 16 January 2003
06:14:34 AM
i have also the names of their parents..... Paulina Rankel: mother, Ludwika Kindermann (*18.01.1864) father, Johann Rankl (*24.05.1864) Johann Hoffmann: mother, Maria Neuburger (*16.03.1860) father, Jakob Hoffmann (*30.06.1854)
Thursday, 16 January 2003
06:13:53 AM name is Mario Hoffmann my english is not the best, but i hope somebody understands me.... i come from Germany/Stuttgart and i try to find some parts of our familie....the parents of my father are coming from poiana micului...his mother was Gisella Hoffmann (*20.04.1926), their parents named: mother,Paulina Rankel (*28.05.1898) her Husband Johann Hoffmann (*30.06.1854)
Wednesday, 15 January 2003
02:14:32 PM
Dear Bukovinasociety, my name is Lars Schmidt, I am searching for my Family-Roots hopefully you can help me, my Mother is from Bohemia she is born in Unterreichenstein or in Rehberg her Birthname is Helene Klostermann, her Mother`s name was Rosa Klostermann. I am looking foreward for some help. best regards Lars
Friday, 10 January 2003
11:27:35 AM
Hallo, ich hab ne kurze frage, kann es aber schlecht in englisch formulieren: wie nennt man die in bukowina beheimateten deutschen? wär nett wenn mir jemand antworten würde! danke im voraus! Ciao
Sunday, 05 January 2003
12:58:07 PM
Jan 5, 2003 I would like to say that this site is very well displayed, easy to use and those involved with putting it together and translating stories have done a superior job!! Congrats to you all! I have been here over and over again re-reading info and learning more and more. Thank you so much for making this advailable to the pubic. A special thanks goes to those who are willing to help personally, they know who they are. Both my parents families were from Bukowina. Seaching for Weishaupt,Strban, Dzeruk and Kraus (with variate spellings) Shel Mack, British Columbia , Canada
Wednesday, 01 January 2003
03:45:38 PM
I'm writing from Keowna, B.C., Canada. My name is Rita Lemon (nee Manz born in Neu Zadowa, Bukowina) and I'm interested in contacts who have Manz, Tiefenbach, Massier, Arnd, Stettner names among their ancestors to see if I can get more info on my earliest ancestors. Some of the towns of ancestry are as follows: Arbora, Kanopkowka, Tereblestie, and Zadowa. I can be contacted at lemons @ Thanks very much.
Wednesday, 01 January 2003
03:43:38 PM
I'm writing from Keowna, B.C., Canada. My name is Rita Lemon (nee Manz born in Neu Zadowa, Bukowina) and I'm interested in contacts who have Manz, Tiefenbach, Massier, Arnd, Stettner names among their ancestors to see if I can get more info on my earliest ancestors. Some of the towns of ancestry are as follows: Arbora, Kanopkowka, Tereblestie, and Zadowa. I can be contacted at lemons @ Thanks very much.
Friday, 13 December 2002
11:11:20 AM
Hi! My name is R.[Tauscher] and I am from Germany. Your site is great! My grandmother and my grandfather came from the Bukovina. My grandmother Ella (Münnich, born in Watramoldawitza, Kimpolung) and my Grandfather Josef(Tauscher, born in Stulpikany, Kimpolung). Thats not too much, but I will add some information in the near future. If you want to contact me, just do it! robtea2000 @
Thursday, 05 December 2002
08:08:18 PM
Peg Maron Brooklyn, NY I am doing research for a book and need the first name of Father Kreutzer, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York in the 1920's who may have been a Bukoviner. If you are able to provide this information, please forward it to me at pegmaron @ Please enter Father Kreutzer's name in the subject line so I know it is from you, as I am wary of viruses. Thank you. Peg Maron
Thursday, 05 December 2002
08:08:08 PM
Peg Maron Brooklyn, NY I am doing research for a book and need the first name of Father Kreutzer, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York in the 1920's who may have been a Bukoviner. If you are able to provide this information, please forward it to me at pegmaron @ Please enter Father Kreutzer's name in the subject line so I know it is from you, as I am wary of viruses. Thank you. Peg Maron
Wednesday, 30 October 2002
05:13:29 PM
Hi I had contacted Oren Windholtz a few years ago and was very interested in finding out more about Bukovena, because my Mother was born there. Her maiden name was Minnie Schoenthaler. She and her family came to Canada around 1906 and settled in Frankslake, Saskatchewan, 6 miles from Edenwold. I was born and raised at Frankslake, so I know a lot of the names from Edenwold. I would be interested in corresponding with members of your society who could help me find some of my Schoenthaler relatives in the US as well as Brodts. Lynn Kreke Box 266 Nampa, AB T0H 2R0 lkreke @
Tuesday, 22 October 2002
10:59:13 PM
Hi, I'm from Canada and my mothers parents were all from Edenwold, Saskatchewan, a purely Bukovinian town. It's great to find a site about Bukovina because it seems noone has heard of it! I would love any information anybody has about the Zurowski, Silzer, Kwasnicki, Karst, Englehart and Bajerle or Bayer families. Email me at yub_yub2000 @
Monday, 07 October 2002
11:17:00 PM
I am helping my wife in her search for her Family tree. Her Great-Grandfather's name is Jacob Hein. We had always understood that he emigrated from Hamburg Germany but the 1890 census from Wabunsee Co. in Kansas says that he was born in Russia and that both his parents were also born in Russia. We are having a dificult time finding any information concerning him. Please email me if you have any information concerning this man. His wifes name is Ellen. My email is antkneeh @ my name is Tony Hernandez
Monday, 23 September 2002
11:16:54 PM
Until I met Oren and Guy at the Oktoberfest in Hays, I had never heard of Bukovina. Very interesting. We have a number of Windholz relatives in our genealogy. Most of them are via the Braun family, but the Windholz family also married Brungardts, Linenbergers, and Kinderknechts too. It is always a pleasure getting to know more about our relatives.
Monday, 23 September 2002
11:16:43 PM
Until I met Oren and Guy at the Oktoberfest in Hays, I had never heard of Bukovina. Very interesting. We have a number of Windholz relatives in our genealogy. Most of them are via the Braun family, but the Windholz family also married Brungardts, Linenbergers, and Kinderknechts too. It is always a pleasure getting to know more about our relatives.
Wednesday, 18 September 2002
03:28:13 PM
Antonina Karczynski - born 1894
Thursday, 12 September 2002
05:21:22 PM
I've just recommended your wonderful site to my fellow classmates in my German genealogy class. I believe it will be bookmarked by many! Best wishes, Peggy Belcher, Russellville, AR, USA
Monday, 26 August 2002
05:41:43 PM
HI, Just found your website and hoping it will help me locate the towns of Terebliste and Sereth as it was in the early 1900's. My father born there died when I was only 13 and I have searched ever since for information. I welcome contacts thru' my email address. I am looking for Schlanek or Iskowitz family. Please continue your efforts on this website. Valjdev
Thursday, 08 August 2002
01:50:39 AM
Your site is "LOOKING GOOD" Congratulation!! I espically like the "SEARCH" This has always been an informative site. I think I have read everything that was posted and had many questions answered, THANKS to Larry Jensen, Sophie Wellish, Irmgard Ellingson, Marylee Rose and Anita Busik, Jean Csrr, Kathy Rieberger,Joyce Gebhardt Davis, Joan Galey and Marlene Hagan. Gratefully ! Helen White a decendent of; PEKAR-LOY-Feigel-SCHRAMEK-Burkowski-Grabowski and WACLAWIK.
Tuesday, 23 July 2002
10:20:14 AM
Congratulations from Brazil! It's good to know that the web site for Bukovina is running again. Also i would like to invite everyone interested in genealogy to check for additional information on descendants of Bukovina emigrants in the city of Lapa/Brazil. J. N. Hoffmann
Monday, 01 July 2002
09:05:45 AM
Hi! It's good to see our society's website is being upgraded! My gratitude goes out to Larry Jensen for creating and administering our previous site, and to Werner Zoglauer and Becky Hageman for creating this new one. I look forward to visiting here often, to further my genealogical research. If anyone else is working on the Ast/Aust, Wendling, Schoenthaler, Zerfas, Armbruester, Glass, Geil, Koenig/King, and other allied families from the Illischestie area, who migrated to both Ellis, KS and Chehalis, WA, I'd love to hear from you. You can write me at Jalosee @ - Cheers! John Aust Losee - Schenectady, NY
Saturday, 11 May 2002
12:44:54 AM
I was born in Cernowitz at 1941. Living in Israel from 1950 and till now did not manege to visit Cernowitz but intend to do so. Your site is very exciting and gave a renewed courage to plan my trip. I am still looking for data sources about my family there. Asher Turtel. Searching for families Turtel; Kratenstein; Buller; Waldhorn; Gotessman; Fishler; Fisher; Sory for my English
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Date: Sunday, 05 May 2002
Time: 12:12:28 AM
A great start for a new site concerning interest in Bukowina. I'm hoping that those with connections to families in Schwarzthal will contact me, that I can complete documentation about ALL of the people from this town. Doug Reckmann Portland OR
Visitors since May 1, 2002
Last Revised:
12/22/08 07:07:41 PM